In fact, Wang Mang is really not afraid of Dormammu coming.

If the opponent hides in the dark dimension, Wang Mang may still have some headaches with the advantage of local combat.

But if he really wanted to come to Earth, he would have died properly.

That's why Kaecilius, an idiot who has never seen the world, thinks that when Dormammu arrives, everything will be fine...

The news of the renovation of the Hong Kong holy place was spread by him, and then he also closed the protective magic circle of the holy place. He believed that Kaecilius would not let it go - such a good opportunity.

Now, he only needs to destroy the two holy places, and when the renovation is completed, he will face the magic circle of defense upgrade. Kaecilius doesn't know if he can succeed.

"Senior brother, I don't understand..."

Inside the holy place in New York, Kerry frowned and murmured: "I have seen Dormammu devour countless worlds and countless creatures. In order to fight against Dormammu, countless heroes sacrificed everything, and finally, under the crushing strength gap, the Desperately swallowed by Dormammu, he became a slave of the dark dimension. But now, despite the protection of the Sorcerer Supreme, there are still people who actively fall into the darkness..."

As Dormammu's niece, Kerry sees a lot more, but Kaecilius who is willing to be a slave is rare.

The energy that absorbs the dark dimension like Ancient One is actually a mutual utilization relationship with Dormammu, which cannot be generalized.

Wang Mang sneered: "There are no shortage of leading parties everywhere. It's just that Dormammu can swallow the weak planet directly, without the need for dog legs, and the earth is different.

Kerry nodded and asked, "Then when will he probably do it?"

"For the time being, not yet, at least we have to wait for everyone to relax their vigilance."

Kaecilius is not stupid, he definitely knows that when the Hong Kong holy place is rebuilt, the defense of the other two places will be strengthened.

On the one hand, it reduces the vigilance of the other party.

On the other hand, find ways to remove some obstacles.

For example - Ancient One.

Wang Mang was silent for a moment, then suddenly turned his head and asked, "Kerry, do you desire power?"

Kamar-Taj, Wang Mang drove up to the main hall and looked indifferently at the bald Ancient One.

After a long time, Wang Mang suddenly asked: "Teacher, have you really decided?"

Ancient One smiled slightly: "It seems that you already know something. Yes, I have spent many years peeking into the future. And this point in time is the end of my sight. 35

Wang Mang shook his head: "Fate is not set in stone. 35

"Like the goddess Frigga? Or your valkyrie troops?"

Ancient One smiled and said: "You are a special existence, I can't see your future, nor can I see your past. You have changed the fate of many people, I know, this is your ability. But I, choose to accept own destiny.


"Death gives meaning to life, letting you know that time is short and days are short. And I, too, are ready for death."

Ancient One's freedom in the face of death made Wang Mang a little uncomfortable.

In any case, she is her own teacher, even though she is stocked, this teacher does not seem to be very responsible. But it is undeniable that it was the existence of Ancient One that allowed him to pass through the period of weakness he had just passed through in Kamar-Taj.

Wang Mang was silent.

Ancient One suddenly said: "Before you appeared, in the future I saw, this crisis was supposed to be the stage for your junior and junior brothers. But now, you seem to have other ideas, am I right?"

Wang Mang nodded: "Yes, if..."

Halfway through speaking, he was interrupted: "Everyone's ideas are different. I don't want to get energy from the dark space, but you know, sometimes people always break the routine and pursue those higher ideals that they think. And Now, it seems that this is no longer necessary. So, it is time to let it go.

Coming out of Kamar-Taj, Wang Mang's heart was filled with emotion.

Everyone has a different understanding of life.

Wang Mang asked himself, if it were him, he would never be willing to accept the fate of death. Especially if you have the ability alive.

It is better to die than to live, this is what most people think.

...... Ask for Flowers

There are only a handful of people who can truly see through life and death.

Even Stark and Natasha Romanoff in the original book are not counted. Their sacrifice is because they faced a mission worth paying for their lives, which does not mean that they are not afraid of death.

Those who can truly face it calmly are only possible with existences like Ancient One and Odin.

Including the goddess Frigga in Avengers alliance four, as well.

It is no wonder that in the movie, Ancient One has a hundred ways to survive, but she still chooses to accept death.

Wang Mang felt that he would never reach this state, and he cared too much.

Just when Wang Mang was thinking about this issue, a message suddenly came.

Odin is dying!

When Wang Mang got this news, he was greatly surprised. It's not that he didn't know that Odin would fall in these few years, but now it's a year earlier than in the original!

Is there some kind of butterfly effect?

On a coast in northern Norway, Odin, dressed in casual clothing, silently watches the waves in the distance.

The back waves of the Yangtze River pushed the front waves, and the front waves died on the beach.

And now, Thor and Loki are the last wave...

Beside Odin, the brothers Thor and Loki rarely quarreled, but looked at Odin silently, silent.

Once Odin, even standing there, was like an insurmountable mountain, a symbol of strength and wisdom.

And now, this powerhouse whose name was resounding throughout the universe has finally reached the end of his life, looking like the most ordinary old man, without the slightest demeanor of a powerhouse.

At this time, Odin moved suddenly, then turned his head and said loudly: "Since you're here, why don't you come out and meet?

The figure of Wang Mang slowly appeared beside Thor with a complicated expression.

He guessed right, Odin will fall early, and it is indeed related to him.

When sending Wang Mang back two thousand years ago, even with the assistance of the Ancient One, Odin still spent a lot of divine power.

If it is the peak period, naturally there is no problem. And in the case of old age and frailty, it undoubtedly accelerated Odin's fall.


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