The robber boss thought that Li Shuai could have some earth-shattering operation.

That’s the result?!

“Hahahahaha!” Robber Boss walked up to Natasha and slapped her face with a gun: “Just her? ”

Alan Croft also muttered: “This is an ordinary woman, what use can it be?” ”

Ordinary woman? Hearing Alan Croft’s muttering, is that an ordinary woman, and the people who died at her hands don’t know how many.

“Big brother, I think this person… There is a problem here. A little brother pointed to his head.

“Seeing him like this, it’s hard to just come out of a mental hospital.”

“Gaga, big brother, look at his outfit.” A rattling little brother said, “Like a Joker.” ”

“Don’t mention that name!” Suddenly, a little brother shouted.

The partner next to him pulled him: “What are you crazy about, Blake, not just a J…”

Black immediately pointed his pistol at his partner: “I said, don’t mention that name!” ”

Oh yes? This is infighting, and Li Shuai looked at this scene coldly.

“Good, good, I won’t say it!” Looking at Black, who was obviously abnormal, his partner did not dare to stimulate him.

What did the robber boss say at this time, regret, very regret, very regretful.

What kind of person did he recruit, how did he look nervous.

But now is not the time to deal with all of this: “Enough. ”

“Buck, you go and bring Alan Croft here.” The robber boss commands the hapless man who is pointed at gunpoint by his own people.

“Yes, Boss!” Buck carefully removed Black’s gun and ran towards Alan Croft.

Li Shuai and Natasha looked at each other and reached a consensus, which is now.

Natasha knocked the enemy to the ground with one blow and was about to pick up the pistol on the ground.

“Bang bang!”

Several bullets hit Natasha, which forced Natasha to get out of the way.

Looking at the guy who suddenly fired, Natasha raised her guard.

At this time, Black’s heart was also highly tense, and he was born in Gotham, and he knew that he could not underestimate anyone.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to escape from the clown, although this is also because the clown does not care about him.

“Mozart, aren’t you going to make a move yet?” Natasha said she thought she had reached an agreement with Mozart, but now what does that mean?

“Oh? I’m just a weak auxiliary. Mozart said, “Don’t expect anything from me in terms of fighting! ”

Natasha’s heart sank, her judgment was wrong? No, no, no, knowing your identity, you can still be calm and calm in the face of this scene, how can an ordinary person be?

But what he seems to say is also true, auxiliary, an auxiliary without any combat effectiveness, is it a technical talent?

“What kind of help?” Natasha asked.

The other party knows everything about their own intelligence, but they know very little about the other party’s intelligence, which is really unpleasant.

In any case, you have to dig up intelligence from the other side.

Mozart smiled slightly:

“Enjoy, it’s time for the show!”

“Listen, this demon voice!”

“Requiem for Death!”

The robbers were suddenly stunned, and the guns in their hands were involuntarily lowered.

A tremor from the depths of the soul echoed in the enemy’s heart.

Listening to the music, the robbers felt that everything returned to silence and received long-lost comfort from the depths of their souls.

“Requiem for Death


Grade: B

Species: Pair military treasures

Range: 1~60

Maximum capture: 500 people

Before his death, he was commissioned by the Shinigami to compose the legendary magic song Requiem.

Those who listen to the song will be judged by magic and lucky resistance.

In the event of failure, the physical status will be forcibly reduced by two levels, and it will continue to take damage that ignores magic, abilities, and armor defenses.

In the event of successful resistance, Status will only be reduced by one level, and the sustained damage will be halved

。 Its essence is not “the song that summons the merciless Grim Reaper” but “the thing that comforts the merciful Grim Reaper”, but an open secret.”

“This music, this feeling!!” As a friend, Alan Croft felt that he had a constant burst of inspiration in his head.

Natasha took the opportunity to tie up all the robbers and take a deep look at Mozart, who was still playing.

It’s the Spirit of Heroes!

After many years, has the spirit appeared again?

Mozart? Could it be him? That famous genius in history.

Thinking of Yingling’s characteristics, Natasha was 99% sure that it was him.

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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