Nikola Tesla looked at Mjolnir and thought of Thor in the original plot, calculating the time, he should almost arrive.

“The owner of the hammer is coming.” Nikola Tesla said to Coulson.

What the? Coulson was shocked and immediately arranged for someone to be on guard.

The other party was most likely a god, and Coulson raised a high level of vigilance.

None of the gods were easy to get along with, and remembering the gods he had touched, Coulson’s teeth felt a phantom pain.


Saul and Jane Foster stood in a corner looking at the brightly lit base.

Unexpectedly, this place has been surrounded by official people, and looking at the heavily armed soldiers in the base, Jane Foster was dumbfounded.

How do you get in? Jane Foster frowned, thinking about countermeasures.

Looking at the thinking Jane Foster, Thor smiled and took off his coat and draped it over Jane Foster.

“Stay where I am and when I get Mjolnir back, I’ll give you back the things they stolen?”

Jane Foster looked at Sol, who was about to go straight down, and grabbed him: “Do you think you can break in and take things back and come out swaggering?” ”

Thor smiled wickedly at Jane Foster: “No, I’ll fly back!” ”

After that, Thor got up and left, sneaking towards the base.

“Sir, he’s in!” The soldier’s report came from the communicator.

Coulson immediately replied: “Everyone don’t act rashly. ”

The other party is a god, and before he knows his strength, he should be careful.


The soldiers’ replies sounded in the communicator, even if the other party passed in front of their eyes, they only thought they did not see it.

Thor made his way unimpeded to the landing place of Mjolnir.

“It seems that my hidden skills are good, and no one has discovered them so far.” Thor boasted proudly, not forgetting to belittle the others: “It seems that none of them can do it.” ”

Hearing this, six black dots flew over the heads of both the people in the monitoring room and the soldiers around Thor.

Hidden technology? Is that hidden technology? Haven’t you been hiding along the way, okay?

If this is also a hidden technology, then what are they learning, stealth?

Fortunately, Thor didn’t say anything more to break everyone’s defenses, otherwise the next moment a fist would hit him in the face.

Many soldiers’ fists felt itchy, and they wanted to have an intimate encounter with Thor’s face to see how thick his skin really was.

If it weren’t for the order, Thor might have been beaten by the group now.

“Are you sure this is Thor?” Coulson twitched the corners of his mouth, he hadn’t really encountered anything like this since he entered S.H.I.E.L.D…. of gods.

“Ah…” Even Nikola Tesla had nothing to say at this time.

Although he knew that Thor was stupid, it was not so, and he did not have the slightest doubt.

Or is it because you look down on the atrium people, so you take it for granted that such a situation is normal?

Lightning and thunder roared in the night sky, and after a while, it began to pour rain.

Although the clothes on his body were wet, Thor didn’t care, and at the moment he only had Mjolnir in his eyes.

He looked at Mjolnir as if he were looking at a friend who had been reunited for a long time, or his most beloved lover.

So much so that even the people in the monitoring room thought that the hammer was actually a beautiful girl, and it was only because she was cursed that she became a hammer.

Otherwise, what does the look in the eyes that want to say and rest, but say that the sky is cool for a good autumn means.

Thor walked up to Mjolnir and grabbed the handle of Thor’s hammer.

I was about to turn around and leave with Mjolnir, but suddenly noticed that something was wrong.

What’s going on?

Why didn’t Mjolnir get up?

A sense of foreboding began to pervade from the bottom of his heart, and Thor decided to try again.

Mjolnir’s hammer was still firmly fixed on the ground, not moving.

How can it be?

That’s impossible!

This is not true!


Thor was ready to try again, this time with both hands on the handle of Mjolnir.

His arms were bruised, his face was hideous, and he tried his best to do his best.

But Mjolnir still did not move, as if it was firmly grasped by the land, without the slightest shaking.

Thor released his hands holding Mjolnir in frustration, he was no longer qualified to pick up Mjolnir.

Lightning and thunder roared in the night sky, and the rain slapped mercilessly on Thor.


Thor roared in despair, with crystal liquid in the corners of his eyes, I don’t know if it was tears or rain.

Weakly, he knelt down in front of Mjolnir and let the S.H.I.E.L.D. men take him away.

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