Looking at the crystal-like tree of life in front of him, Thor picked up Mjolnir and was about to hammer it down, but was blocked by Loki.

The energy converges at the tip of the Eternal Spear and moves towards Thor as Loki moves.



Thor flew out upside down and smashed on the Rainbow Bridge.


A rainbow-colored pillar of light fell from the sky, with great power and amazing destructive power.

At that moment, the mountains and mountains were shaken, the rivers changed, and the heavens and the earth changed color. Jotunheim, who had originally given the frost giant shelter, suffered an unbearable attack at that moment.

The spectacular ruins lay in the dust, and everything that was once sheltered under them was destroyed in its collapse.

Under this sudden and devastating attack,. The unprepared Frost Giants suffered heavy casualties.

The remaining frost giants roared away from where the pillar of light was.

But where is their speed comparable to the pillar of light, and after a while, they were caught up by the pillar of light and turned into flying ash, and only a few people escaped.

This is just a matter of survival, and if they can’t stop the pillar of light, then sooner or later they will die.

The Frost Giants also know about this 04, but they can’t do anything about it when they are threatened with death.

I can only pray in my heart that the pillar of light will disappear quickly, and there is no other way.


Thor looked at his brother bitterly: “Why did you do that?” ”

“To prove to my father that I am a more capable son.” Loki looked at Thor, “When he wakes up, I’ll save his life.” ”

“I will kill those monsters so that I am the heir to the throne.”

“You can’t exterminate them.” Thor said with some sadness.

During this time on Earth, he understood how his previous actions would hurt and understood his mistakes.

He didn’t want Loki to make the same mistakes as his previous self.

But Loki didn’t understand and didn’t understand, and he was already paranoid when he found out he was a frost giant.

“Why not?” Loki asked, casting a complicated smile.

Loki walked towards Thor step by step: “You can’t kill so much with your bare hands. ”

“I’ve changed.”

“I’ve changed too.”

From the moment I knew I was a frost giant, I knew why I could never compare to you.

Loki looked at Thor in front of him, and a wave of anger surged in his heart.

Loki, who did not want to suppress his emotions, directly pumped Thor in the face with the Eternal Spear.


On the spaceship, several people widened their eyes, and Coulson took a pocket camera to capture this scene.

Coulson said that he did not mean it, he was just gathering intelligence, not deliberately filmed it.

“Let’s fight.”

After that, Loki pumped hard again, knocked Thor down on the Rainbow Bridge, and slid out more than ten meters.

“I never wanted to get the throne.” Thor didn’t know how Loki became like this.

He thought it was because of the throne, so he explained to Loki.

“I just want to be your equal.” Loki said to Thor.

Thor got up from the Rainbow Bridge and shouted at Loki, “I’m not going to fight you, brother.” ”

“I’m not your brother.” Hearing that word, Loki looked at Thor and said word by word: “From, come, neither, no, yes.” ”

“You’re crazy, Loki!”

Hearing Thor’s words, Loki laughed, with an indescribable sadness in his voice: “Hahaha… Am I crazy, I’m crazy. ”

“I didn’t mean that, brother!” Looking at Loki, who was laughing, Thor hurriedly explained.

Loki finally stopped laughing and reached out to wipe the crystal liquid from the corner of his eye.

“When did you get so abrasive? Don’t tell me it’s because of the woman. ”

“That woman, do you mean me?” Jane Foster pointed to herself and asked her friend Darcy Louis.

Darcy Louis nodded deeply: “It’s you, you didn’t run!” ”

On the Rainbow Bridge, Loki continued: “… Then it seems that I have to visit her in person. ”

Hearing these words, Jane Foster felt that he had suffered a calamity of innocence: “What does it matter between their two brothers to me? ”

Speaking of which, it has to be mentioned that when there are several people, these people specifically refer to the Jane Foster trio + Coulson.

But the look on their faces when they knew Loki was Thor’s brother would make Jill laugh for a whole year.

On Earth, there are records that belong to Norse mythology, but in that account, Loki is Thor’s uncle and Odin’s brother.

Where would it have occurred that Loki became Odin’s son, Thor’s brother.

Below, Thor, who was angered by Loki, forgot what he had just said “I won’t fight you” and rushed forward to fight Loki.

Of course, he still subconsciously released the water, otherwise Loki might not even be able to take his blow.

Looking at the two brothers fighting together, Coulson suddenly asked: “Isn’t Loki a mage, why don’t you use spells, but engage in close combat with Seoul?” ”

“This is their two brothers… Taste. Jill thought about it and said.


Is something wrong with this?

Children, your language vocabulary should be as rich as possible.

After understanding the meaning of several people’s words, Jill waved his hand, and you will understand later. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


“Jingle bells!”

The Eternal Spear collided with Mjolnir and burst into bursts of sparks.

After another fight, Thor grabbed Loki by the back of his neck and threw him out.

Thor jumped and attacked Loki.

Loki quickly turned back to defense, and the Eternal Spear was aimed at Thor.




Loki’s attack missed, but he himself was flown out by Mjolnir, rolling several times on the Rainbow Bridge, and almost falling off the Rainbow Bridge.

If it weren’t for his quick eyes and grabbed the Rainbow Bridge, he would definitely have fallen now.


Seeing this dangerous scene, Darcy 380 Louis and Jane Foster screamed.

“Don’t worry, it’s just magic.” Jill said.

The two calmed their little hearts, and Jane Foster asked, “Illusion?” ”

“Just keep reading.” Jill pointed below.

Sure enough, just as Thor was about to pull Loki up, Loki suddenly disappeared and appeared behind Thor.

Loki gave a smile, and Thor was as good as ever.

“Phew!” Loki stabbed at the location of Thor’s kidney.

Thor slowly fell on the Rainbow Bridge, and he was deceived again.

Loki conjured up countless doppelgangers and laughed around Thor.

“Is Thor all right?” Seeing Thor fall, Jane Foster was worried.

“He’s fine, he’s used to it.” Jill propped her chin and looked at the two on the Rainbow Bridge.

“Xi… Habit? “Except for Hill and his group, everyone else looked at each other, what is this habit?

Hill and his group watched this scene without any fluctuations, from childhood to adulthood, Loki did not know how many times he stabbed Thor.

At the beginning, there will be a rush to get on the fire, and the more times there are, the more people will not care.

Thor himself didn’t care, in his opinion, it was his brother playing with himself.

What’s more, it was always Loki who suffered later, just like now…

Sol, who was lying on the ground, suddenly roared: “Enough play!” ”

Mjolnir smashed on the Rainbow Bridge, thunder flashed, Loki’s doppelganger disappeared, and he was shocked out.

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