The silver light in the White Queen's eyes slowly faded.

"Of course!"

Nodding, she pointed at a group of mutants who were walking slowly with dull eyes.

"These are the mutants you asked me to select, and the crimes they committed are enough to spend their whole lives in prison!"

"Well done!"

Xu Mo praised, and then his eyes fell on these mutants.

While he was dealing with Red Tank and Magneto, Emma began to use her psychic ability to read the memories of these mutants.

The purpose is to select those mutants who have done all the evil things.

For Xu Mo, the only function of these mutants who are not even level three is to turn them into points.

Xu Mo killed these people without any burden.

Several flying knives shuttled through the group of mutants controlled by Emma like lightning.

In less than ten seconds.

Xu Mo gained more than 20,000 points again.

The White Queen also began to perform the soul seal.

After looking at Magneto who fainted on the ground, the silver light in her eyes shone again.

And in two breaths, it became stronger than ever before.

After the light reached its strongest, a light blue mark shot out from her forehead, and after a flash, it sank into the forehead of Magneto on the ground.

After a moment, a pattern flashed on his forehead, and then disappeared again.

At this time, the White Queen also slowly opened her eyes.


"Of course!"

The White Queen nodded excitedly.

"This feeling is simply too wonderful. I can easily feel any thoughts of the other party, and even control any of his decisions!"

"This is completely different from the previous superficial control..."

Xu Mo nodded.

He naturally knew that the control that the White Queen and Professor X had done before was, in simple terms, like temporary possession, and they were like forcibly requisitioning the other person's body.

And the control like soul imprinting was at a deeper level, directly controlling the other person's soul.

Magneto would still retain his consciousness and would only obey her orders unconditionally, even if he was asked to die, he would execute it unconditionally.

"Then, wake him up, and we should leave!"

As he said that, Xu Mo grabbed one of Magneto's legs and threw it directly into the sea water beside him.

Looking at Magneto falling into the water with a "plop".

"Actually... I can wake him up directly!"

The White Queen explained in a low voice.

"Really? It seems that there is no need now!"

In a moment, Magneto's figure floated up from the sea water and slowly landed not far from the two of them, looking at the White Queen and Xu Mo with complicated eyes.

At this time, his hatred for the two had disappeared completely.

The White Queen glanced at each other.

"Eric, wait for us on the boat!"

"Okay, Master!"

Eric bowed his head and responded, picked up the helmet on the ground, and walked towards the yacht.

After performing the soul seal, his helmet was completely useless.

In a way, the soul seal is not only a means of control, but also a form of protection.

The soul seal of the White Queen will also protect Magneto's brain from being invaded by other telepaths.

After all, this is a secret technique that has been gradually studied and perfected by countless powerful people over countless epochs.

Xu Mo doesn't think that anyone in this world can crack it.

At least not on Earth.

After Magneto entered the cabin, seven or eight figures walked out of the woods in front of the two.

These are mutants selected by the White Queen, who are still useful to them.

Among them are naturally the Fire Man and Raven who was previously imprisoned in the cell.

After sensing Raven in the building, Emma controlled the Fire Man again and asked him to bring Raven out.

"I hope you can keep your promise!"

After Raven said this to Emma, ​​he took the lead and walked towards the yacht.

Xu Mo looked at this scene in surprise.

Emma quickly explained.

"Mystique, I think you should have heard of her name!"

"Believe me, she is very useful to us!"

Xu Mo nodded, of course he had heard of her name.

In the previous life, this Mystique was known as the woman that men wanted most, no one else.

After all, her ability is to change into anyone's appearance at will.

Those who understand will understand the benefits of getting her.

Of course, the great role that the White Queen said is definitely not this role.

Xu Mo usually talks to the White Queen.

Later, he mentioned that he planned to establish an organization dedicated to hunting down evildoers.

Although she didn't know the purpose of his doing so, the White Queen didn't care about it at all. In her opinion, since Xu Mo planned to do so, she just needed to execute it.

And Raven's ability is very suitable for assassination and spying.

Thinking of this, Xu Mo asked doubtfully.

"So, what did you promise her?"

The White Queen smiled.

"It's not a big deal. The person she hates most now is Eric. I just promised her that she can torture Eric for an hour every once in a while until she calms down!"

Hearing this, Xu Mo was stunned.

Sure enough, Emma is not a kind-hearted person who can control Hellfire for such a long time.

Magneto has the control of the soul seal. Even if he tortures once a day, he doesn't have to worry about his rebellion. Letting Raven vent is not a loss.

"Let's go, Professor X should be here soon!"

Xu Mo looked at the time and walked up to the yacht first.

The White Queen glanced at the island behind her, her eyes flashed, and after deleting the memories of the remaining mutants on the island, she followed Xu Mo's footsteps and boarded the yacht.


The yacht had just left for less than ten minutes.

A fighter plane slowly landed on the island.

Soon, Professor X and several others walked down from the fighter plane.

"Oh my God!"

Looking at the bodies of dozens of mutants on the open ground, Iceman Bobby exclaimed.

"We are late!"

Professor X closed his eyes and sensed it, then spoke.

Originally, according to his ability, even in the X Academy, this island was within the sensing range of his psychic ability.

But from beginning to end, he had no way to sense the consciousness of anyone on this island.

In short, in his perception before, there was no human existence on this island.

But the situation was obviously not the case.

Obviously, there was a psychic like him who interfered with him.

Now as the other party left, he quickly invaded the consciousness of those surviving mutants.

However, as he expected, these people had no memory of what had just happened.

Storm looked at the destruction of almost one-third of the island.

"It seems that Eric has encountered a strong enemy!"

"I want to know where he is now. I can't wait to teach him a lesson!"

Logan walked to Professor X with the plastic gun he had taken from the beast.

"He is not on the island now!"

"Eric should have been captured!"

From the current situation on the island, Professor X easily came to this conclusion.

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