The more she looked, the more she looked.

Seeing the numbers on the screen, people around her exclaimed.

Vanessa showed a look of disbelief on her face.


A day ago, her strength was barely over 900 kilograms.

She never dreamed that in just one night, her strength increased by nearly double.

"It's incredible!"

Her mouth opened into an O shape.

When she went to take a shower just now, she had some guesses that this time the increase in strength would be relatively large. After all, the limbs were somewhat deformed due to the sharp increase in strength, but she didn't expect it to be exaggerated to this extent.

You know, the later the strength is, the more difficult it is to increase.

By eating the meat of fierce beasts, the nine of them only needed more than a month to increase their strength to more than 800 kilograms.

But in the following month, their strength only increased by more than 100 kilograms.

In their opinion, even this was enough to defy the heavens.

It only took more than two months to increase their strength from less than 200 kilograms to nearly one ton.

This is beyond the limit of human beings.

Even in their previous mercenary careers, they had never seen a human with such a physique.

Unexpectedly, today gave them another huge surprise.

The strength was directly increased to one and a half tons.

It was almost possible to lift a car with bare hands.

And from what Xu Mo just said, this is just the beginning. By practicing this technique, their strength can grow almost unlimitedly in the future.

Xu Mo, standing aside, just nodded silently.

"Test the speed!"

He pointed to the speed test instrument on the side and said.

Vanessa nodded when she heard it.

After a run-up, her body flashed across the speedometer track.


"Not bad!"

Xu Mo nodded. As a woman, Vanessa was small in size, so speed was her strong point.

She was close to the level of an intermediate warrior.

As the captain, Soren wrote it down on the paper in his hand.

"Next, Harry!"

Harry came up excitedly after being called.




In the following time, everyone was tested.

Most people's strength was about 1,600 kilograms.

Only Soren reached 1,960 kilograms, almost one step away from becoming an intermediate warrior.

I'm afraid it won't take a few days to be promoted to an intermediate warrior.


The other end of the island.

"What, appoint new instructors to train the soldiers?"

"I disagree!"

"I trained these soldiers strictly according to the training methods of the special forces. I don't think any instructor can do better than this!"

Colonel Harry looked at Stark opposite him stubbornly.

"Colonel, all you need to do is follow orders!"

Stark warned him sternly.

"Don't cause me trouble, or I won't let you go!"

After saying that, he turned and left the temporary stationing position of the soldiers.

Although he had the same idea as the other party, what he said now didn't count.

Looking at Stark who was leaving, Colonel Harry's face was livid.

In the past few days, Baron Stark first ordered the relocation of the base to this island, and then confiscated all the weapons of these soldiers.

Now it seems that new instructors have to be appointed.

All of this made him feel a sense of crisis.

It seems that he, the commander in charge of the soldiers at the base, will soon be sidelined.

But he didn't have the courage to disobey the order.

He just made up his mind in his heart that when he saw the so-called instructors of the other side, he must teach them a lesson.

Let them know who is the most suitable person to lead this team.

He used to be an instructor of the US Special Marine Corps, and he thought that his training and fighting skills were not inferior to anyone else.


In the Star Tower.

Xu Mo stood outside the door of the simulated battle room.

He opened the door and walked in. There were equipment like space capsules in the room.

He lay in a space capsule without any hesitation.

As the hatch closed, a flash of light appeared, and he was already standing in a void.

A mechanical voice that seemed to contain no emotion sounded in his ears.

"Please choose your combat opponent and combat environment


As soon as the voice fell, a selection panel appeared in front of him.

You can choose between a spiritualist and a warrior among your opponents.

Xu Mo first chose a planetary-level first-level warrior and the location was the grassland.

As he pressed the selected button.

"Please choose your weapon!"

After choosing a somewhat heavy sword.

A flash of light and shadow.

The scene of the surrounding starry sky began to change rapidly.

Almost in the blink of an eye, it turned into an endless grassland.

Looking at the blue sky, feeling the real touch of the grass under your feet, and the breeze blowing on your face.

Reaching out and pulling off a handful of grass leaves from the ground, a fresh scent of grass and trees rushed into your nose.

"Too real! "

Xu Mo sighed.

Although I know this is just a virtual world, it is too real.

What is the difference between this and a real world.

At this moment, the figure of a middle-aged man slowly gathered not far in front of him.

At first, the man's eyes were still dull.

Until the sound of the battle started in Xu Mo's ears, the man's eyes became smart, and then his figure flashed, and he rushed towards Xu Mo with the sword in his hand.

Xu Mo also tightened the sword in his hand and rushed forward.

Instantly, the two figures touched each other.

After a loud bang .

Xu Mo's figure turned into a residual image and flew backwards at a faster speed.

His figure scraped the ground and plowed a long gully on the grass.

Xu Mo stopped moving and stood up again. Looking at the figure in the air, he rubbed his numb right arm.

Except for special requirements, the opponents simulated in the system are at the peak level of the current level.

Just like the first-level planetary warrior in front of him.

He is at the peak level of the first-level planetary warrior, with a strength of 2,000 tons.

In terms of strength alone, he is nearly twice as strong as himself.

Originally, Xu With the blessing of mental power, Xu Mo was not inferior to the opponent.

But the average amplitude of the force exerted by the warriors of this level reached about five times.

And Xu Mo's amplitude of force was only three times, even after the mental power was added to the knife, it was only about half of the opponent's strength.

It should be noted that the amplitude of mental power refers to how many weapons can be controlled at the same time, and they can all reach the maximum value.

It cannot be increased by a certain number of times on a single weapon.

Just like a person's strength is 1 ton, then he can use both hands to exert 1 ton of force, but he can never exert 2 tons of force on a punch.

The same is true for mental power.

Mind power 100 0 tons, Xu Mo, whose amplitude reaches 12, can control 12 weapons at the same time, making the power of all 12 weapons reach 1000 tons, but controlling one weapon alone can only exert 1000 tons of power at most.

Of course, those telekinetic weapons with special ciphers are different.

This is also the meaning of the existence of telekinetic weapons.

If I hadn't reacted quickly and used the ability to freeze space, I would have been killed by the opponent in an instant.

After all, twice as strong does not mean twice as strong.

For someone like the opponent, even if he faces hundreds of warriors like himself at the same time, it won't take much effort.

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