After confirming his identity, Xu Mo returned to his home.

He was not in a hurry to understand the situation in this world.

He first returned to his own world and checked a watch next to him.

With the experience of the last time, he first had to determine the time difference between the two worlds.

In case the time in this world is much slower than that in his original world, he can only give up this world.

Otherwise, before he collects enough points in this world, Thanos’s snap in his original world will be played, which would be a bit of a loss.


After comparison, the time flow rate of the two worlds is one to one.

Only then did Xu Mo breathe a sigh of relief.

At the moment, he immediately searched on the Internet.

Looking forward to finding information about this world on the Internet.

But the result obviously disappointed him.

Just like the last world, there was no special information on the Internet. It seemed that this place was just like the ordinary world in his last life.

Just as he was lost in thought, the phone in his pocket rang.

He took out his phone.

The name displayed on it was: Jason!

After answering the call, a young man’s voice came from the other side.

“Xu, Carl said that he found an abandoned town on the Internet. It is said that various strange events have happened in the town. Everyone unanimously decided to explore this town during the graduation trip. Do you want to join us?”

“Strange town?”

Xu Mo’s eyes moved.

“Yes, he heard that the name of the town is…something Ling!”

At this point, Jason’s voice on the other side became looming, and it sounded as if he was asking others the name of the town.

After a moment, his voice returned to normal.

“Yes, that place is called Silent Hill!”

“How about it, doesn’t it sound cool?”

“Silent Hill?”

Xu Mo instantly grasped the key words in this sentence!

Hearing this familiar name, he also understood the nature of this world.

“Hey, Xu, are you listening?”

“Are you going or not?”

Jason’s shouting on the other side woke him up.

“Go, of course!”

“Okay, let’s meet at the school gate tomorrow, that’s it!”

After that, the other party hung up the phone.

“Is there a world with strange evil spirits?”

Xu Mo showed an interested look on his face.

Isn’t this suitable for his major as a mage!

That night, Xu Mo ordered a takeaway, and after dealing with dinner, he planned to rest directly.

This body is just an ordinary person after all.

He consumed a lot of physical energy at his neighbor’s house during the day, and his body was a little bit unable to bear it at this time.

Just when he was drowsy, a scream from outside woke him up.

Before he could go out to check.

A crying voice came from outside the door.

“Xu, open the door!”

From the voice, it was the young woman who lived opposite.

When he opened the door, the other party was also wearing only pajamas. It seemed that she had been running vigorously, and her chest was panting violently.

After seeing Xu Mo, she threw herself into his arms.

Tears flowed down her face like a broken dam.

Seeing this scene, Xu Mo had a headache.

Could it be that the couple had a conflict because of what happened during the day?

If this was the case, he really didn’t know how to deal with it.

It was all the mess left by the original owner.

However, things had to be solved, and they couldn’t keep wasting time like this.

“What happened?”

He asked the woman.

At this time, he remembered that he was busy asking about his own news during the day, and he didn’t know the woman’s name at this time.

Under his questioning, the woman gradually calmed down.

But the woman’s next words made his brain crash.

“Paul is dead!”


Hearing this, Xu Mo was stunned.

“You killed him?”

This was the first thought that came to Xu Mo’s mind.

“Of course not!”

The woman denied it hastily.

Then a trace of horror appeared on her face.

Half an hour later.

Several police cars were parked outside the villa opposite.

A group of neighbors who were awakened gathered outside the cordon.

After a while, several police officers came out of the house carrying a bulging body bag.

Xu Mo and Jin

The woman and the man sat in a police car nearby, and a police officer was taking their statements.

Finally, the woman was taken back by the police to assist in the investigation.

After all, the man died in a home with only the two of them, and the woman was a major suspect.

Through chatting before, Xu Mo also got the woman’s name.


Looking at the police car that gradually disappeared from sight, Xu Mo fell into deep thought.

Before the police arrived, Xu Mo had already checked outside the villa.

Combined with Bellica’s description, Xu Mo also figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

The man died of excessive blood loss caused by three huge scratches on his chest.

According to Bellica, she was awakened by a sound at night, and when she went out, she saw the other party lying on the floor of the living room. And his clothes on his chest were soaked with blood.

She suspected that the murderer was still hiding in the room, so she ran away from the house directly.


She was not blocked in the process of escaping from the room.

But Xu Mo had some guesses.

Outside the house, when he used his mental power to investigate, Xu Mo found a trace of gray energy on the man.

It looked like the legendary resentment.

Combined with the existence of Silent Hill.

He easily deduced that the man was likely to have died from a supernatural event.

“Greedy spirit?”

Xu Mo’s mouth curled up slightly.

After learning that there was a place called Silent Hill in this world, Xu Mo searched for relevant information on the Internet.

Although he did not find any news about supernatural events.

But he had seen a piece of data.

In the whole of America, the number of people who died from accidents throughout the year was as high as 3 million.

This was obviously a bit abnormal.

Even in the Marvel world where he was, there were all kinds of powerful villains, and the number of people who died from accidents each year was only more than 500,000.

The number of deaths in this world was six times that number.

Add the number of people who died from illness and normal causes.

The total number of deaths each year exceeded 5 million.

Judging from the data of the continuous increase in the number of deaths year by year.

The number of these strange evil spirits is also growing explosively.

Now the number of deaths in the United States has exceeded the number of births each year. If this continues, I am afraid that in about a hundred years, this country will become a world of evil spirits.

However, in Xu Mo’s opinion, the more evil spirits there are in this world, the better.

The more evil spirits there are, the more points he can gain.

Of course, it is best to keep the number of evil spirits and humans in a balanced state.

In this way, there will be a steady stream of points.

After thinking everything through, Xu Mo went straight back home and slept peacefully.

Judging from the fact that Belica was able to escape the room safely and the resentment that had disappeared in the house, this resentful spirit should have a purpose for revenge.

It will not affect others.

Of course, even if the other party is an evil spirit that kills randomly without distinction, Xu Mo will not worry at all.

You know, Xi Suo En is in charge of the underworld.

Although there is naturally a huge gap between him and Xi Suo En.

But with the Dark Book in his hand, if he could still be hurt by these evil spirits, he might as well just run into a wall and die!

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