On this day, Tony was still awakened by the fire source energy in his sleep, and the space frenzy urgently called,

"What's going on?" Tony was sleepy-eyed, and yesterday he talked to Wang Fatzi about the Excalibur Bureau of the Dragon Kingdom, and he slept very late.

"Juggernaut, there is an anomaly in Gotham City, and a large number of unknown robots have taken over Gotham City. There was no popular revolt. "Space Frenzy linked to Jarvis and sent a large number of videos filmed.

I saw a protective cover-like thing gradually disappear, and Gotham City, which used to look ordinary, became sci-fi after the cover disappeared, and

all the people on the street disappeared and were replaced by robots.

More robots are pouring out from everywhere and converging on the edge of the city.

"Sir, Director Fury's phone." Jarvis reminded as the projection in front of him split in two.

"Tony, we're in trouble." The anxious figure of the black braised egg was revealed, and he was sweating.

"Our network was hacked and we got a video like this, you see." With a swipe of the black braised egg, the screen was divided into three, and the video he sent was displayed on the right.

On the video on the right, a middle-aged man with lean green hair has a smiling face painted on his ugly face.

Tony's heart moved when he saw this face, Gotham City, he knew who it was, the famous clown, like thunder.

"Hello everyone, I'm a clown, I'll take a moment of everyone's time and tell you something."

"From today onwards, Earth is fortunate to be collected by the all-powerful Demon Brain." The clown's voice sounded flattering

, "Cheer, earthlings, this will be a lucky day for Earth."

"If there is resistance, it doesn't matter if you shoot." Suddenly the clown's eyes flashed red, and his voice became extremely gloomy, like two pieces of broken glass rubbing against each other, behind the clown were countless vicious-looking robots, like a torrent of steel, running endlessly on the street

, "By the way, Lord Demon Brain likes a guy called the Machine Master, Tony Stark, yes, it's him, now order Tony Stark to report to Gotham City within two hours, if you are late."

"That's kind of interesting. I'll pick a random city to destroy until Tony Stark arrives, and remember, you're all killed by Tony Stark. Jie Jiejie. After

the video is played, it is frozen on the arrogant face of the clown, and the red eyes are full of evil and coldness, like a poisonous snake that chooses people to devour, which makes people shudder.

Demon brain, Tony pondered, he had a little impression of the name, but he couldn't remember who it was

, "Tony, after receiving the video, I immediately reported to the National Defense Agency that troops have been sent to investigate."

"At present, all the phones in Gotham City are unavailable, including government departments and people's phones, and all of them are missing."

"We need your help." There are actually many options for black braised eggs, like Professor X and Magneto, in the face of this global threat from the dustpan, they have always taken the initiative to help

, but the other party wants to see Tony by name, then the best way is for Tony to go in person, and Tony has such a big force in his hands, maybe Tony can solve this crisis by himself without S.H.I.E.L.D. coming out.

"Uh-huh. Ok no problem. Tony has been thinking about who the magic brain is, the left ear goes in and out of the right ear for the words

of the black boiled egg, and hung up the phone of the black boiled egg, Tony stood by the window, thinking quietly

, the magic brain, the collection, the magic brain, the civilization collector?


It's him?

Tony remembered that Brainiac, the villain known as the collector of civilization, has a level 12 intelligence.

The top intelligence, just play such a simple invasion routine?

Strange, there must be a backhand.

The clown on the video must have been controlled by him.

Who else? Controlled by him?

How long has he been on Earth?

Tony got excited, and his boring life finally had a hint of fluctuation, and

the level 12 intelligence was just a fart for the system.

By the way, Brainiac is still the culprit of the destruction of Krypton, and

this kind of thing must be told to Clark. And Zod and Fiora.

Tony came to the hall, his heart moved, two spark portals appeared in front of him

, on the left is Clark, he is watching TV at home, next to his mother, who is also familiar with Tony, he is not panicked when he sees the portal, and nods slightly to Tony.

"Hello Auntie, I have something to do with my cousin." Clark hugged his mother's shoulders and walked over.

Behind him, the fireworks portal shrank and disappeared, and Clarke's adoptive mother's gaze was no longer visible.

On the right is the warehouse where the sun is heading madly. Zod and Fiora live there now, and the collar around their necks has long been removed, but Zod doesn't dare to make a mistake at all.

The two walked over respectfully, Zod's eyes were full of fear, Fiora's eyes were full of amorous, and the two

saw Clark with a complicated face.

While Tony was following several Kryptonian enemies, the

global media exploded.

The global network is paralyzed, and the world is at a standstill.

Whoever hacks their computer or mobile phone has the same expression.

Frightened, angry.

"Who is this idiot, why don't you brag about it now, and the black system will be invincible in the world?"

"It's still so special to rule the world, even the chickens can't control it, and expose themselves, ah~~~tui..."

"Isn't that the dominant toy developer who was very popular before? His robot toy children love to play. "

People all over the world are talking about it.

The Ministry of Defense of the moldy country has already begun to move, and the first batch of one hundred drone armors flew to

Gotham City for reconnaissance, however, the drone armor flying at high altitude and sonic speed has just approached Gotham City

, "piu, piu, piu," countless lasers shot out from the surface, and the drone armor had no power to resist, and was smashed into pieces by the red laser.

Drone A didn't even capture the edge of Gotham City.

The Ministry of Defense was shocked, and sent another thousand drone armors, in their opinion, even if they capture the cherry blossom country, these thousand drone armors are enough

, to deal with what clowns suddenly appeared, it is not easy to capture.

However, the drone A flew to Gotham City and lost control halfway through, as if it had never been there.

Halfway through the advance of the ground forces, they all disappeared and communications were cut off.

Gotham City, like a giant mouth of the abyss, devours all the power that enters.

Next, all the satellites are out of control, not only the network, but also the military satellites.

The whole country fell into infinite panic,

and everyone was like a deaf and blind man.

Dialogue can only be done by roaring.

The Ministry of Defense could not contact the troops, and the troops could not contact their superiors.

Up and down the mess.

Contacts can only be delivered by human beings.

On all the monitors on the planet, on TVs, on mobile phones, there is a countdown, which is exactly the two-hour countdown that the clown said, and watching the time decrease little by little, everyone feels creepy.

ps: Guys, yesterday's data was not very good, it fell too much, and the author's barren brain doesn't know how long it can last. It's so hard to top. Ask for help and recommendations, ask for small gifts.

Brainiac's ship

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