Lynn, Qin and the Red Queen all focused on Spider-man.

None of them noticed the situation on Gwen's side. He was already being carried away while Gwen was calling for help.

Linn heard Gwen's voice, but when he looked up, he didn't see Gwen.

He didn't know where Gwen had gone.

Linn knew that it was Spider-man who threw Gwen out just now.

Linn quickly stepped forward and wrapped Spider-man's cobweb around his arms and legs.

He doesn't let Spider-man move, doesn't let him hurt anyone anymore.

Spider-man was particularly crazy at the moment, but after he was entangled in his cobweb, he couldn't move.

Little Spider-Man rushed forward, and Linn and the others felt something crawling under their feet.

When Lin lowered his head, these little Spider-Man rushed to their feet and carried them away.

Linn stomped her feet hard on these little Spider-Mans.

When Lin En stepped on them, he couldn't crush their shells.

Qin and Red Queen were also a little scared, and they said to Lin En.

"Lynn, wherever these spiders arrange for us to go, it won't be to carry us to an alien planet.

"Lynn, you've already cloned a human, why didn't you bring out your clone?"

Only then did Qin and the Queen feel that Lin En's clones seemed to be of great use. If there were clones here now, could they have more helpers?

Linn did not bring his clone with him this time.

He thought that the team of clones was too big. If so many of them appeared here at the same time, it would attract attention, and nothing might happen by then.

So Lynn didn't bring out his clone this time.

He didn't expect to encounter such a problem. If he had known that there would be so many terrible things, he would have brought out the clones.

After all, more people are more powerful. If we all deal with these spiders together, we can have a little more power.

But now it was impossible for him to summon clones.

He left these clones in the manor, and he didn't leave any satellite signal for the clones to contact them.

Spider-man and the others were carried by these little Spider-Man to a remote corner.

Linn and the others don't know why these spiders brought them here.

When Linn saw everything in front of him, he was stunned for a moment. A man almost identical to Spider-man appeared here.

But he could tell that this was probably a woman.

Lin En is wondering, who is this woman?

Isn't he working with Spider-man?

He looked quite similar to Spider-man. When Spider-man saw this woman, he fell to his knees with a plop.

Lin 840en was shocked at that time [Lynn glanced at Qin and Honghou and said.

"What's going on? Do you know who that woman is? Why does Spider-man kneel down to her?"

"Lynn, didn't you notice that he looks very similar to Spider-man? Do you think he could be Spider-man's mother?

When Lin heard this, he was stunned for a moment. Spider-man's mother, could this red Spider-man be Spider-man's mother?

He has never heard that Spider-man has a mother.

Lin En couldn't care less, he could only look at the situation here.

I just heard the woman making a strange sound there. .

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