American Comics: Silver Super, Picked Up Gwen At The Beginning

Chapter 185: Different Shapes, Landscapes Of The Universe

Interstellar wandering, what you pay attention to is to do whatever you want, let the spacecraft wander aimlessly in the universe, choose a galaxy at will, and start the wandering road.

Although Lynn has done more freely in this regard, it is undeniable that this approach is indeed comfortable.

"Lin, come quickly and take a look, this planet looks really strange."

At the moment, Gwen, who was looking at the scenery with an astronomical telescope, called out.

Hearing this tone, he should have discovered something good.

Lynn suddenly became interested and leaned over to the two of them.

"This planet looks really unique, it is different from other planets.

Seeing Lynn approaching, the two immediately moved aside, enough for Lynn to wait and see.

Just from the first glance, this astronomical telescope knows that the cost must not be cheap.

And the fact is the same, the astronomical telescope is configured by Tony 810, thinking of a few people on interstellar travel "you can also see the scenery with the astronomical binoculars.

Using a telescope in outer space to take a random picture of a landscape can blow up the earth's scientific research community.

But in fact, is it true that the earth has not developed outer space technology?

Obviously, the earth has this technology.

Even if it's not technology....Super Ability alone can satisfy this.

Just like being a hero, the most shining star among the stars, Captain Marvel!

There is a night vision lens inside the telescope, so even if the light outside is very dark, it can even be said that there is no light.

You can also use the astronomical telescope to see the scenery outside the spacecraft.

According to the guidance of the two, Lynn saw a planet with a strange shape through the telescope.

Other planets are round, but this planet has a different path.

"Is this planet trying to attract the attention of travelers? How did it look like this?"

Long disabled? It seems that there is no such thing.

It's just this weird shape, like a random stone.

No rule and irregular.

At the moment, Hela explains.

"There is a characteristic of the Pigdam galaxy, there are many planets with irregular shapes, which is also a beautiful landscape in the universe.

After hearing this, several people nodded thoughtfully.

"So that's it. It seems that we are on a scenic route to the universe."

Using the astronomical telescope, (cjbd) Lynn can see that the surface of this irregular planet is all rocks, presumably the planet has not experienced development at all.

Or in other words, is this thing a planet? Will it turn into a meteorite and hit where?

In this regard, Lynn is not very concerned.

"Go ahead and play here, this kind of scenery is rare.

After speaking, Lynn came to Wanda's side.

This guy followed onto the spaceship by himself.

Thinking of so many people, the relationship between Tian Da and himself is not so clear.

At the moment's Wanda, has not yet become Scarlet Witch, and her strength is not so terrifying.

Hela is here to explain various items about magic to Wanda, refreshing Wanda's knowledge of magic time and time again.

Until Hela had finished what he had to say, Lynn Tuan spoke.

"Is the food okay?"

Obviously, this is simply looking for topics without topics.

Lynn also didn't want to neglect anyone on the spaceship.

Hela talked a lot before, but how much can Wanda really remember?

After some questioning, Wanda just nodded her head in a daze.

This taste is universally recognized as delicious.

Only Hela cast a faint look of complaint.

"I didn't eat this meal."

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