American Comics: Silver Super, Picked Up Gwen At The Beginning

Chapter 413: It's All Over, Thanos' Thoughts

"Check, whether this guy is really dead or fake, we all know Ronan's character.

"Yes, we must check again, in case this guy is suspended animation..."

At this point, several new star fighters rushed forward.

And after some inspection, Ronan was really dead.

For a while, several people breathed a sigh of relief. it all over?"

With the joint efforts of several fighters, they directly took off Ronan's brain.

The lost life is right in front of your eyes.

"So 06 said, what should we do with this guy's body?"

At the moment, the conversation went the other way.

Cremation of Ronan... Is it okay to talk about this kind of thing?

"Okay everyone, the execution is over!"

"We will arrange for Ronan's corpse properly, people should not occupy the fields of the mountains and the sky!"

The higher-ups spoke directly on the stage, and they would not be able to participate in the subsequent handling of Ronan's body.

And Ronan's execution scene is also broadcast to the whole universe in the form of live broadcast.

Nowadays, the cheers are not only on Xandar!

On Yongdu's side, when they saw that Ronan was hanged alive, as an outlaw, everyone in the tavern didn't react too much. They should eat and drink, but they just casually raised their mouths.

"Has Ronan been arrested? Hahaha, another one died, I want to compare with you who can live longer!"

It is not an exaggeration to say that they and Ronan are number one.

And Yondu was in this environment, drinking with his head down, even if he had some thoughts in his heart, he didn't dare to reveal them.

And in one corner of the universe, huge amounts of motherships roam aimlessly in the universe.

Everything around seems to be just a scene.

In the mothership, the soldiers watched Ronan's execution scene.

In a trance, so as not to be linked to his own life and death.

"Is this guy Lynn?"

The purple pupils shone in the darkness, with a bit of anger.

This person is none other than Mie!

And Ronan, as Thanos' subordinate, is now hanged in public, saying that it is impossible for Thanos not to be angry.

What's more... Lynn didn't just kill Ronan indirectly!

Along with Thanos' favorite subordinate, Proxima Midnight, Proxima Centauri also died at the hands of Lynn!

It is not a gentleman not to avenge this revenge.

The other party has already stepped on his face, how could Thanos bear this tone?

Angry pupils faltered in the darkness.

Thanos' aura also spread to the surroundings, with a slight chill.

"Master, when do you plan to do it?"

At the moment, in front of Thanos, Ebony Maw asked.

Unexpectedly, all he got was a contemptuous look from Thanos.

"This kind of thing can't be rushed, our general is dead, but her death is worth it.

"At least she made us realize how strong the opponent is, he can't be ignored! 1900

"Definitely, we can't ruin the original plan because of this guy!"

It has to be said that Thanos was very careful and did not attack Rage or launch an attack because of the death of Proxima Midnight.

Everything is so plain, so plain that it is unbelievable!

And that's what Thanos is doing now, planting a seed of hatred in the team.

As a subordinate of Thanos and a partner of Proxima Midnight, Corvus Glaive At the moment seemed extremely angry.

After all, if I hadn't used the characteristic of rebirth to escape from Kling Prison, I would have gotten in!

"Since you haven't done anything, I'll end this guy!".

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