American comics: Start by binding the Super Seminary clock

Chapter 53 The weapons delivery has arrived

"Even though you said that, the Infinity Stones are very mysterious!"

Li Qingyun was still quite cautious.

After all, the Infinity Stones are six cosmic singularities that appeared at the beginning of the universe, and then transformed by the hand of eternity.

It is too special in itself.

"The Mind Stone has very powerful power."

"But it is ignorant and uncivilized in ideology."

"What kind of programming you give it will determine what kind of existence it will become, and since you have never tried to change it from the beginning, it will naturally have no problems!"

The big clock explained.

This is the conclusion it came to after analyzing the Mind Stone.

"Unenlightened and uncivilized consciousness..."

Li Qingyun fell into a brief thought.

Does it mean that it is like a newborn baby?

It itself is blank and the purest appearance.

When you start to instill thoughts into it and start to guide it to become a certain kind of person, it will slowly grow and take shape.

But when you force a child to instill a certain concept into him, sometimes it will lead him to a completely different path.

In the movie, the Mind Stone first fell into the hands of Hydra. Their thoughts were strong, and they tried to control the world with absolutely brutal and simple means.

Later, Iron Man got the Mind Stone.

Because of the influence of the illusion, Stark was eager to put a steel shield on the earth, and wanted to have a powerful force to protect the world and make the world free of disputes.

Banner, who participated in the development of the Mind Stone, wanted to stop all chaos and stop all wars!

The joint influence of various thoughts led to the emergence of Ultron.

And this Ultron only had the simplest ideas and an extremely crazy idea.

Kill all the humans on the earth, and there will be no more disputes on the earth.

Recast new life forms with steel, they will be stronger, have the power to protect the world, and absolutely obey Ultron's rule.

Because they are part of Ultron.

Later, the Mind Stone was embedded in Vision's head.

This time, more things were integrated into the Mind Stone, and the most important point was Jarvis.

The biggest difference between Jarvis and Ultron is that Jarvis was born in love.

Stark was raised by his butler Jarvis. He loved Jarvis, so he named the artificial intelligence he developed Jarvis.

Jarvis assisted Stark step by step from an arms dealer to a superhero willing to sacrifice himself to protect the earth.

In Jarvis's knowledge base, there is more knowledge of the world, and more ideological value can be provided to the Mind Stone.

In addition, there is Thor, the god of thunder.

In terms of simple mind and pure thoughts, Thor is definitely the simplest one among the superheroes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

A large number of thoughts came together and recast the Vision, which changed from a pure robot like Ultron to a mechanical life form.

Although it is a machine, it has thoughts that are almost the same as those of humans.

It can be said that it has a soul that only life forms have!

"I seem to understand!"

When Li Qingyun thought of this, he had sorted out the idea about the Mind Stone.

The Mind Stone is a kind of cosmic consciousness, but this consciousness itself will not have subjective thoughts.

If you want it to have subjective thoughts, you have to actively guide it.

Obviously, the big clock will not do this, and neither will Li Qingyun.

Just simply treat the Mind Stone as an energy source.

"What's wrong with you?"

Banner looked at Li Qingyun in confusion.

From the beginning, Li Qingyun suddenly began to be in a daze.

At this moment, he nodded inexplicably, which made Banner even more confused.

"Ah... Oh, nothing!"

Li Qingyun came back to his senses.

He just thought about the problem between artificial intelligence and the Mind Stone, and then began to think about why the Mind Stone gave birth to Ultron. He thought too deeply, so he was distracted and forgot that Banner was still by his side.

"You rarely get distracted like this!"

Banner did not go into it further, but just felt that this was a rare thing.


Li Qingyun asked casually, and this matter seemed to have passed at this point.


There was a thunderous sound, followed by a colorful beam of light falling from the sky.

Li Qingyun recognized this sound and this beam of light.

Isn't this the sound and special effect when Thor appeared?

However, this time Thor didn't dare to land on the lawn.

Last time he came here, because he damaged the lawn, Li Qingyun took away his Meow Hammer.

He didn't want to be punished by Li Qingyun for this again.

"Well, very good!"

Li Qingyun nodded with satisfaction.

Not only because Thor didn't damage the lawn.

More importantly, Thor brought the Sword of Heavenly Destruction this time.

The Sword of Heavenly Destruction was wrapped in a layer of linen, with only a black hilt exposed.

"After the Rainbow Bridge was repaired, I went to find Atri immediately and asked him to help you make this sword!"

Thor walked to Li Qingyun and handed the Sword of Heavenly Destruction over.

"Why don't you get a scabbard for the sword?"

Li Qingyun complained, but he still happily took the Sword of Heavenly Sha directly from Thor.

Holding the hilt of the sword with his right hand, he used his left hand to pull away the linen cloth.

At this moment, what was displayed in front of everyone was a silver sword.

It is exactly the same long sword as the Sword of Heaven used by Hua Ye in the Super Seminary anime.

Except for the material.

The one in Li Qingyun's hand is made of Asgard's unique metal, Uru metal!

"This sword contains the same power of thunder and lightning as the Thor hammer in Thor's hand!"

The sound of the big clock sounded in Li Qingyun's mind.

Li Qingyun held the hand of Tiancha Sword and slightly mobilized the power of thunder and lightning in his body.

The power of thunder and lightning in the body was poured into the body a little, and an even stronger power of thunder and lightning burst out from the Tiansha Sword.

"Is this divine power?"

Li Qingyun could feel that this power of thunder and lightning was from the same source as the power of thunder and lightning he possessed.

This is the same divine power possessed by Thor.

It's also the same divine power as the Thor's Hammer.

"After my father knew that he was going to build a weapon for you, he also gave it the same blessing as Mjolnir."

Sol said, and then he didn't forget to add:

"Except for its appearance, this sword is actually the same as Mjolnir!"

The section about the Mind Stone in this chapter is purely personal. If you have any different opinions, please point them out in the comment area.

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