After hearing what Hula reported, the Supreme Evolution, who originally wanted to continue to be angry, immediately calmed down.

He walked to the glass at the front of the room and looked through the glass at Li Qingyun and others who were slowly walking towards them in the distance.

"Everyone, attack me!"

The Supreme Evolution had a gloomy face and gave direct orders to everyone.

As a result, those strangely modified animals that had been standing still immediately rushed towards where Li Qingyun and others were.

It looks like a pig's head, but its lower body is a guard made of steel.

A guard with a beak but a body full of muscles.

There are also various other soldiers transformed from animals.

They possess great strength and powerful weapons.

To be honest, they are a little more powerful than the ordinary soldiers of the Chitauri Legion.

But it's just a little bit more powerful.

And in terms of numbers, they are obviously not as large as the Chitauri Legion.

"You guys, I'll leave it to you!"

Li Qingyun walked forward minding his own business.

Behind him, Valkyrie and the Guardians of the Galaxy all rushed out.

They stopped all the monsters that wanted to attack Li Qingyun one by one.

They asked to follow them on their own initiative, and now they naturally have to play their due role.

Without the interference of the shrimp soldiers and crab generals, Li Qingyun walked directly into the spacecraft, and then started from the first floor and walked up one floor at a time.

He can obviously directly locate the location of the supreme evolution.

But he didn't do that. He just wanted to see what powerful people or weapons the Supreme Evolution had under his command.

However, this result disappointed him.

Although there were many people who blocked me along the way.

But they are just ordinary people, and even if there are occasionally some that have been specially modified, their combat prowess is not worth mentioning.

Li Qingyun just controlled a flying knife and went directly from the first floor to the tenth floor without stopping for a second.

"Are you getting bored of this universe?"

The big clock asked, it had discovered Li Qingyun's state of mind at this time.


Li Qingyun sighed.

"Although the universe outside is extremely vast, no matter how you look at it, it is not as wonderful as the earth."

In the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, more than 80% of the events in all the movies seen before Li Qingyun traveled through time took place directly on Earth.

Those super powerful villains seem to be on Earth as well.

Thanos, the only known super villain in the universe, is now cowering away and not daring to show his face.

Egg didn't bother him for the time being.

Nowadays, there is a supreme evolution that does not know whether to live or die, but judging from the situation, it seems that it is just like that.

"We have almost found the living planet."

"Then it's a long process of absorption."

"When the things here are dealt with, I will go back to Earth and study the super-god-like universe technologies in your database with peace of mind."

Li Qingyun has been wandering around for more than half a year and has done a lot of things.

Now that I have begun to feel bored, I should naturally go back to cultivate my character, further study and improve my understanding of super-magical technology.

Although he looks very strong now, in fact his strength is not really that powerful.

But so far, all he has encountered are weaklings.

Although the Chitauri Army and Ronan's Dark Army were destroyed, the number of people was just a matter of numbers for Li Qingyun, and numbers were not worth mentioning in front of the big clock.

In terms of true strength, the strongest person killed by Li Qingyun was the accuser Ronan.

Therefore, it is necessary for Li Qingyun to continue to become stronger.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be embarrassing if he couldn't defeat those really powerful guys in the future?


The big clock reminds.

At this moment, Li Qingyun, who was stepping into the command hall of this huge spaceship, immediately felt a powerful energy bombarding him.

The supreme evolution, although it was very unsightly when it died.

But the ability shown when he appeared was not weak.

After all, it was a casual slap that knocked Warlock Adam to the wall.

Later on, a single move of AOE damage killed all the lives in the entire command center.

And now, the energy hitting Li Qingyun was produced by the Supreme Evolution.

"Sword of Heaven!"

Li Qingyun made a casual move, and the Tiansha Sword appeared in his hand.

On the Sword of Heaven, the void engine continued to rotate, and the power of the void was released, forming a void shield around his body.

Li Qingyun knew that the ability possessed by the Supreme Evolution was gravity.

The Supreme Evolution can control gravity through the equipment on its body.

The reason why Li Qingyun summoned the Sword of Heaven is very simple, because the Sword of Heaven is a void weapon, and void-level abilities have the effect of rewriting the rules of the universe.

Through the Tiancha Sword, Li Qingyun directly turned the gravitational force of the bombardment into nothingness.

This move of supreme evolution immediately lost its effect on Li Qingyun.

"Attack, attack!"

The Supreme Evolution shouted anxiously.

His attack failed, and it failed due to the deliberate blow he delivered.

At this moment, the Supreme Evolution began to panic visibly.

Since he had figured out how to control gravity, he could easily control everything with a wave of his hand.

But just now, the power he was so proud of had no effect on Li Qingyun.

The other soldiers in the command room were obviously shocked by the Supreme Evolution's state, but they continued to execute his orders.

He raised the weapon with powerful energy in his hand, and sent out energy rays, shooting at Li Qingyun.

Li Qingyun pushed forward with his left hand, and the space wormhole appeared invisibly around him.

After entering the space wormhole, the energy rays that shot over immediately appeared behind the soldiers who launched the attack.

These energy rays were extremely powerful, and how could those ordinary soldiers resist them.

So, all the soldiers were taken away by the energy rays they shot.

In the entire command room, only the Supreme Evolution and his two right-hand men, Hula and Tel, were left.

This man and woman, with a special metal device on their heads, have been assisting the Supreme Evolution in conducting various cruel experiments for a long time.

"Go to hell!"

The Supreme Evolution roared, and a strong purple energy burst out of his body instantly.

Under this energy burst, everything in the command room was destroyed.

Including the only two assistants left by his side, and the monster with octopus tentacles that was transformed to control the entire spacecraft.

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