On the flight device, Batman took this opportunity to ask for some information.

"I heard you spent some time in the Ravenska Asylum?"

"Are you serious? Do you want to spy on my privacy at this time?"

Constantine looked displeased, this matter involved a past he didn't want to mention.

"Why not?" Batman didn't give up.

Moreover, when he investigated Constantine, he also discovered that the other party was involved in a tragedy that year - the "Newcastle Incident".

Constantine also recalled the incident that year under the reminder of Batman, and his expression became a little sluggish.

"I don't want to talk about this right now, Batman, can you stop pushing me?"

Batman was silent for a moment before continuing:

"OK, I won't force you."

"But you have to understand that if you want to get help from the Justice League next, this matter is something you can't get around."

"The Justice League must ensure that its power is not used for evil."

Constantine's expression was a little unnatural, he turned his head:

"I didn't say I needed your help."

"Then why did you involve me in this matter?"

Batman wasn't fooled by him, and if he didn't need the JLA's help, Constantine could have dropped him and gone it alone.

But he didn't.

He took the initiative to show up in front of Batman, which shows that Constantine himself is not sure about solving this matter, so he hopes to use the power of JLA.

But as Batman said, the JLA is willing to help the innocent, but only if it is not used by evil people.

Batman hasn't been with Constantine long enough to be sure of the man's good and evil nature.

But he realized from the "Newcastle incident" that year that this matter must be related to him.

Maybe this incident was caused by Constantine.

Sometimes it doesn't matter whether a person's nature is good or bad, what matters is how he does things.

Constantine clearly has a knack for turning good into bad.

Constantine definitely could hear the mistrust in Batman's voice, he was a little embarrassed, but he did have the intention of dragging the Justice League down.

He talked to Batman once and knew about Shazam.

Shazam's deeds are well-known in the magic world, even he, a casual magician, has heard of Asgardian's reputation.

The council of necromancers ruled the wizarding world before the old necromancers died, and that's when Asgardian's reputation began.

He is most greedy for Shazam's Rock of Eternity, which is a holy land of magic, and the ground is full of valuable precious materials...

In order to gain the trust of the Justice League, Constantine had no choice but to tell what happened back then.

Batman's guess is not wrong. In the "Newcastle incident", Constantine is indeed the main "culprit".

At that time, he had just learned a little magic, so he tried to use this ability to help a little girl imprisoned by an evil magic assembly to escape.

The congregation intends to sacrifice the girl to summon the demon.

As for Constantine, he used his black magic to summon a demon in advance.

Do you think it is outrageous?

This is because Constantine believes that only the devil can defeat the devil, so he used this method of fighting fire with fire.

Then, unexpectedly, a catastrophe occurred.

Since he didn't cast a binding spell on the demon at the time, the summoned demon went on a rampage at the Playboy nightclub.

Except for Constantine and his baby Chase, there was no one alive at the scene.

Even the little girl they decided to save at the beginning was brought into hell by the devil in the end.

That was the first time Constantine understood his powerlessness, and he paid the price for his arrogance.

For the first time, he understood that magic was a miracle to be performed at a terrible price.

The messy body parts scattered in the nightclub, and the screams of the little girl before falling into hell, are constantine's nightmares that will never go away.

Constantine, who bloodily broke open the secret in her heart and showed it to Batman, finally became quiet.

He lit himself a cigarette and took a deep breath.

"I also figured it out after that day, that a scum like me might be born with black magic or demons or something like that."

"So I am more willing to use their power when solving some difficult problems. I understand your scruples, because I am the same."

"If you don't plan to help me, it's hard to say that I won't make another big mess in my own way."

Batman thought for a moment after hearing the story, then pressed a button on the flight controller.

Constantine's unfinished cigarette was sucked away by a fan-like device in the blink of an eye, and he didn't know where it went.

"Smoking is not allowed here," Batman said.

Meanwhile, Dane receives a plea from Batman from Cortana at the JLA building.

"It seems that our magic consultant has encountered some trouble."

He clicked on the file sent by Batman, read it for a while, and probably got some understanding.

This is the beginning of the plot of "Constantine: City of Demons". With Batman's Ability, it really can't be done.

In the plot, Los Angeles is targeted by demons in an attempt to turn it into a part of hell.

This is also an attempt by the hell dimension to get involved in the real world.

But there are six demons who want to be the agents of hell at the same time, so there is a dispute among them.

The demon that haunts Constantine attempts to use him to drive out the other five contenders and take Los Angeles to himself.

Dane remembers that in the end Constantine used the strategy of driving tigers and wolfs away.

He summoned a primitive aboriginal god and exterminated five demons before expelling the god.

In the end, he used Chas and Renee's love for children to kill the last demon.

This game of killing people with a borrowed knife and playing empty-handed white wolf is really 6, but the ending is not very happy.

The final battle drained Renee and the child's love for Chas, leaving the mother and daughter ignorant of their father.

Because this love wasn't enough, Constantine also sacrificed his friendship with Fa Xiao.

As a result, Chas also lost the memory of living with Constantine.

Well, the latter one might be a good thing.

Dane rubbed his chin. He remembered that the Los Angeles Spirit appeared in this movie, which was a rare thing.

So far, he has never witnessed the spirit of the city in any city.

If there is the cooperation of the spirit of the city, there will be more room for manipulation in the layout of magic.

The Spirit of Los Angeles in the movie finally had no choice but to take the devil, and even considered agreeing to let it arrange hell rituals in Los Angeles.

Dane is thinking about Kandak's idea recently, if he can get in touch with the Kandak Spirit and reach an agreement with it.

This country completely belongs to him in a magical sense.

He can even dominate the lives and souls of the Kandak people, becoming a truly authoritative god!

Therefore, both public and private, Dane immediately agreed to Batman's request for help, and he planned to meet the city spirit for a while in person.

This time he didn't plan to use the portal, nor did he plan to fly there.

Unlike previous opponents, most of the big devils who dare to get involved in the world know a little bit of black magic, and his use of magic is easily detected by the opponent.

And the L.A. Spirit would be at a disadvantage if he didn't show up in the belief that Dane could fix the problem straight away.

"Cortana, help me prepare a plane."

"Okay, Dane."

With Umbrella's technological strength and pioneering gold-making methods, his private jet is no worse than Hawkman's N metal plane, but he generally doesn't use it.

"in trouble?"

That's when Diana walks in in casual clothes, the same white dress she wore when she first appeared in "BVS," and Dane walks up to her.

"Aren't you going to work today?"

Diana did not quit her job at the museum, so she still had to go to work as usual except for holidays.

"Just got off work, I heard Cortana's report, do you need my help?"

Although Diana was asking a question, she seemed eager to try.

His heart moved, Diana was equipped with a magical weapon, and her specialty in fighting demons matched her!

"You understand the situation, right?"

She nodded, "I heard from Cortana that this time we are going to deal with demons."

"That's right, this time I plan to wipe out their power in the world."

"So we can't scare the snakes first, we have to go there as ordinary people."

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