Among all the Amazons, Artemis was the first to break away from the aura of fear, but even she could not stop Ladon from massacring other Amazons.

As a Dragon, Ladon does not need to use his claws or teeth. Its huge body only needs to roll on the ground to crush everyone to death.

Although Artemis was not completely intimidated by Radon's Ability, her own strength was inevitably affected to some extent.

She is not Wonder Woman and does not have a starlight flying crown. She can only rely on her own willpower to resist the mental damage caused by Radon, but it is only partially weak.

"Huh? There is actually someone who can stay awake under Radon's aura of fear. This Amazon is not simple."

Three goddesses walked out from behind Ladon.

Artemis also went to the prison to see the three goddesses. At that moment, "823"'s expression changed: "It turns out it's you!"

Her eyes focused on Hespera's face for a while. The last time she looked at it, she clearly remembered that this goddess was already very old and very old, but she didn't expect that she looked younger than her now.

"Have you regained your divine power?" Obviously Artemis also had a certain understanding of God.

No matter who the opponent was, the Amazons never lacked the courage to show their swords. Artemis carried the battle ax that was taller than herself, and with a leap [an unpretentious force split the Huashan Mountain], it struck Hespera on the head.

But Ladon was not a vegetarian. Before she could land, Ladon's long dragon tail swung out like a whip, knocking Artemis away with a "snap".

She shook her head, trying to dispel the dizziness in her head, but when she looked up, she found that Calypso was already standing in front of her, holding a short knife, and seemed to want to kill her.

"Wait, Calypso." Hespera stopped her movement, "These Amazons will not really die, they can still be resurrected through sacrificial rituals."

Circe combined the altar with the Tree of Life. As long as the Tree of Life does not die, the Amazons can always be resurrected, and killing them does not make much sense.

But Hespera had her own ideas, and she winked at Calypso, who understood instantly.

Calypso once again wrapped Chaos force around her fingers. She gently pinched Artemis's chin with her fingers, and a confusing voice came into Artemis's ears: "Obey me."

Chaos force seeped into Artemis's skin along the place where the two came into contact, like a new blood vessel, with purple glowing 'blood' flowing in it, and it quickly infected the other person's eyes.

Artemis lost her self-awareness in an instant. No matter how firm her willpower was, she could not still maintain herself under the dual pressure of Radon and Calypso.

"Very good, now we have a good helper." Hespera nodded with satisfaction.

When she "peeped" on everyone through her ability, she discovered that, except for the demigod Diana, Artemis was the strongest Amazon and could be used.

"What should we do next?" Calypso asked, she couldn't wait to kill all the Amazons, especially Diana, who she wanted to torture to death.

Anthea had no say in this matter and could only hide behind the two sisters without saying a word.

Hespera knew what Calypso was thinking, but just said: "Don't worry, our strength is still insufficient. The most important thing now is to increase our strength."

When Diana and others came in, there were only three people in total, but the three goddesses were completely unstoppable.

Hespera is very clear-headed. The Amazon army is not the biggest trouble, those three are.

The demigod Diana, the Millennium Witch, and a magic weapon forged by the gods. The three sisters together may not be able to defeat any of them, even Circe, who seems to be the weakest.

Ladon cannot increase their chances of winning much.

"how do you want to do it?"

"Do you remember the necromancer scepter?"

"Definitely, that damn necromancer Shazam used it to steal our divine power. That thing should now be placed in the Rock of Eternity."

"I know there is a door to the Rock of Eternity."

It seems outrageous. It turns out that there is a door deep in the Atlas Temple that leads to the Rock of Eternity. It is probably the back door left by necromancer Shazam.

It was through this back door that Dane and others arrived at the Little God Realm. After they entered here, the door was not closed and is still open today.

Anthea used the power of the axis to send them to the door. The rich cleansing magic power continued to pour in from the other end of the door, making Hespera feel relaxed and happy, and even forgot which room was behind the door. 0

Someone just ruined the scenery.

Calypso frowned and said, "I remember that this door originally led to the toilet."

Gods originally did not need to excrete, but when the small divine world was closed, the three goddesses lost their divine power and became ordinary people who needed to eat, drink and relieve themselves.

The artistic conception was shattered instantly, and Hespera was speechless.

"Go in quickly, we must get the scepter as soon as possible." She was worried that Diana and others were in the Rock of Eternity, "Let Ladon get trapped."

Under Calypso's order, Radon roared into the door and directly expanded the door to space.

The three goddesses followed, and then they heard a uniform roar: "Shazam!"

Then thunder exploded, and Hespera looked up and saw a muscular man wearing a red tights, who was Shazam.

"You have the power of my father!" Hespera, who is sensitive to magic, was immediately furious.

However, Shazam only felt baffled: "Who are you?"

"Roar——!" Radon roared angrily, swung his long tail, and smashed Shazam into the surrounding rock wall.

But soon, a strong flash of light erupted from the rock wall, and a beam of lightning shot out from it, hitting Radon directly in the face and knocking it back.

Calypso immediately climbed on top of Radon and directed him to fight 3.2.

Shazam flew out of the pit in the rock wall. Just as he was about to punch, he met Radon's eyes. Suddenly, a sense of fear surged into his heart for no reason, making his whole body stiff.

Radon opened his mouth angrily, and a blue dragon's breath spurted out, wrapping around Shazam's body, causing him to let out an astonishing scream.

Hespera understood clearly that this man had the power of God, but he did not have the basic qualities that a warrior should have.

But the divine power on the other side was extremely active, and it even had the divine power of the Lord God Zeus. Thinking of the spell she just heard, Hespera immediately understood the identity of the other side.

"Calypso, he is the descendant of Shazam, let him live!"

Radon immediately closed his mouth at Calypso's command and stopped spitting out the dragon's breath, giving Shazam a chance to breathe.

"Despicable thief, the divine power you robbed belongs to us!".

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