Oa star.

Hal has been training with Sinestro for a few days.

Before he betrayed the Green Lantern Corps, Sinestro had always been a very charismatic man.

His training for new members is very military, and Hal originally joined the army, so he is very adaptable.

The most important thing is that Sinestro is not like his superior on Earth, who is dishonest, judgmental, and likes to suppress his subordinates.

Instead, Sinestro was happy to teach Hal how to use the ring's various powers more flexibly.

After all, Dane's training method is just a wild way. Speaking more formally, Sinestro's method is more effective.

Moreover, Sinestro is much better than Hal in the use of the ring. Whether it is the use of ability or the strength of willpower, he has always been stronger than Hal.

This made Hal very convinced of his ability, and also gave him a strong desire to compete. He wanted to become stronger than Sinestro in order to repay his cultivation.

Sinestro also admired Hal's perseverance, especially during the process of training him, he found that this earthling had great potential.

His ability to use the light ring improves faster than people on other planets.

On the premise that both of them admired each other, they soon developed a sympathy for each other.

Finally one day, Sinestro was ready to test Hal to see if 24 could possibly pull him into his camp.

Don't blame him for being in such a hurry, because the weapons master has already sent news from the Kwade planet.

The new weapon he wants is almost finished!

After the training ended that day, Sinestro did not leave directly as usual, but waited for Hal.

"Are you waiting for me?"

Hal calmed down the surge of blood caused by training and looked at Sinestro strangely.

"Yes, I think it's time. Hal, would you like to come and see my planet?"

Huh? What do you mean by going to your house?

Hal's features were squeezed together, with rejection written all over his face.

Are same-sex relationships very popular in the universe?

Fortunately, Sinestro couldn't hear his voice, otherwise Hal would have been beaten severely this time.

I saw Sinestro sighing: "What I've been teaching you recently is how to become a warrior.

"But if you want to become a true guardian of order, it is not enough to just have these.

He proudly said to Hal:

"My home planet is located in the sector under my jurisdiction. It is recognized as the most peaceful and lawful planet among all sectors!"

Hal was very curious when he heard this, and he couldn't help asking: "What about the crime rate?"

"The crime rate is almost non-existent!" Sinestro said firmly.

Hal became even more curious. The universe was full of wonders, and there were actually planets without criminals at all.

Is it possible for the experience of this planet to be replicated on our home planet?

Let the earth also become a paradise without sin?

Hal was moved.

Sinestro saw this and struck while the iron was hot.

"Hal, don't you want to see what real peace looks like?"

"I can definitely pass on this experience to you. Believe me, this experience can definitely be replicated seamlessly on all civilized planets!"

Hal was moved by his words and nodded: "If there is such a paradise, I want to see it.

"If there really is a way to eliminate evil, I am willing to learn it."

"Very good, then without further ado, let's set off now!"

"Now?" Hal asked in surprise.

No, is that so?

"Green Lantern's style is to act vigorously and resolutely! There can be no slack in maintaining order!"

Hal shrugged helplessly. He didn't have many friends on Oua anyway, so just go.

Sinestro's home planet is Koruga, located in sector number 1417.

From the perspective of space, this is a very beautiful planet, and Hal originally entered this planet with great expectations.

But when he actually saw the living conditions of the Koruga people, his good impression of Sinestro suddenly turned 180 degrees.

I saw that all the Koruga people were frightened after seeing Sinestro, and they bowed their heads to him in fear.

"Why do they bow to us?" Hal asked him doubtfully.

"Because we are the ones maintaining order, we should be respected."

Hal reluctantly accepted his statement.

He wanted to tell those people not to bow their heads, but they ran away in fear.

The light ring has an automatic translation function, so Hal can understand their words.

"He's his! They're in this together!"

Everyone dispersed immediately after hearing this, and no one dared to get close to Hal.

This made him doubt Sinestro's words even more.

He visited the planet with doubts.

Sinestro seems to have some political affairs. He has a very high status on this planet and everyone is... afraid of him.

Hal could feel this.

If a ruler is more feared than respected by his people, then there must be something wrong with him.

Hal decided to find out.

So he disguised himself and "sneaked into the planet.

However, the living conditions of the real Koruga people surprised him.

From the Koruga people, he learned that Sinestro was the true ruler of the planet.

It is he who made all the laws here.

He forcefully demands that all Koruga obey his laws without breaking a single ounce.

The identity of Green Lantern gives him natural authority, and he represents the most "righteous" one in this sector!

In desperation, everyone can only live according to the rules according to Sinestro's requirements.

The slightest violation of the commandments will result in severe punishment.

Hal saw with his own eyes that a poor man was arrested and whipped by the law enforcement team just because he received a little more when receiving free rations.

By the time he walked out of the law enforcement field, half of his life was gone.

This is not a utopia, this is a dictatorship! This is a tyranny!

It's the mountain that Sinestro imposes on all the Korugas!

Hal was furious. He felt that he had been cheated.

Back at the administration building, he and Sinestro had a violent argument.

"What on earth have you done on this planet! This is not peace! It is not justice! This is dictatorship!"

"It is unquestionably evil!"

Upon hearing this, Sinestro grabbed Hal's neck angrily and lifted him up.

"What do you know? This is the ultimate form of order! Treating everyone equally is absolute fairness!"

"Fair? You enslaved your own people and you actually say this is fair?"

Sinestro sneered:

"Why do you think there are no criminals on Koruga? If I weren't monitoring everyone on this planet, they would be like the scum of other planets, constantly committing crimes just to seize a few resources."

"And Green Lantern will be like a garbage sweeper, constantly sweeping away this bunch of garbage."

"But I'm tired of it. Why do we have to be sweepers?"

"Why can't we do a more thorough job and solve the problem of criminals at the source?"

"Is this the answer you found?" Hal looked at him in disbelief.

"Be a dictatorial tyrant and make everyone obey your rules?"

Sinestro was unmoved; "Everyone must follow the rules, 637 Hal, even you and me."

"Rule, when properly used, can become the best weapon to maintain order. This is what I learned from the Asgardian of Oa."

"It's just that I'm a little bolder than them, I've gone a step further, you see!"

He lifted Hal out of the window and asked him to look at the lifeless but orderly pedestrians and vehicles outside.

"This is the answer, everyone plays their own role in society, and everyone only needs to play this role well.

"Isn't this kind of society stable enough? Isn't this state not ideal enough?"

Hal struggled to look back, trying to get into Sinestro's face.

"But...what about the self-will of citizens?"

"What if someone doesn't want to play the role that's been laid out for them? What if they want to pursue the role that they want?"

Senistu said indifferently: "Everyone who may disrupt order must be punished. Free will is sometimes not a good thing.

If Dane were here at the moment, he would probably understand what Sinestro meant.

But he will also object to Sinestro's methods, which are too rough.

The Koruga in front of us seems to be in order, but in fact it is just a temporary backlog of social pressure, and there will always be a rebound one day.

According to Dane, when dealing with social issues, one should neither be too left nor too right.

Sometimes it just needs to be done "from both ends".

In this world, or the entire universe, as long as intelligent life still has its own will.

Different opinions will cause divisions in the camp. Under such circumstances, it is impossible to have an absolutely perfect system.

Sinestro may not realize that although they have different directions, he and Hal are both idealists. .

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