
Mission world - a mixed worldview, including "Titanfall", "Alien", "Borderland", "Avatar", etc.

Mission: Survive the chaos of a space battle for a month.

Mission reward: Damaged soul repair (10%), special ability [environmental adaptability enhancement (alien)]


"Does this mean I'm going to fight in space?"

Li Buying looked at the new world written on the mission. Among the four worldviews mentioned in it, he was familiar with only two, one was "Alien" and the other was "Avatar".

Li Buying, on the other hand, has not seen all of Alien, but only barely understands some things about the world view.

However, the mission reward is [Environmental Adaptability Enhancement], which as you can see from the name, is similar to the ability of Marvel mutant Darwin.

Although the speed of change may not be as fast as that of Darwin, it can allow Li Buying to enhance his ability to survive on alien planets.

What if we return to the DC Universe?

He had not yet tried to return to the world he had been to before, so he looked at the several light spots spinning around him and locked on the brightest one, and the system immediately displayed a prompt.


Returning to the DC Universe?

Mission: Abort Superman's death and kill Doomsday

Mission rewards: Repair of damaged souls (10%), derivative methods of gravity control [Space Adaptive Force Field]


Aborting Superman's death, it's straight to Batman v Superman! ?

Li Buying immediately decided to go to the previous world first. The muddy waters between Superman and Doomsday are not something he can mix with yet, even if this Doomsday has been weakened to the point where it can be completely killed, instead of being immortal like in the comics. destroyed.

If there was no one to kill Doomsday, Li Buying could still think of a way to prevent Luther from entering the spacecraft and creating Doomsday.

But now that he has this mission, no matter whether he blocks it or not, Doomsday will probably fight Superman together in the end.

Moreover, in Li Buying's memory, "Superman: Man of Steel" mentioned that Krypton seemed to have created a day of destruction. At that time, Krypton spent a lot of manpower and material resources to defeat it.

If he prevents Luthor from using General Zod's body to create Doomsday, Krypton's Doomsday, which knows no life or death and is stuck in a "Schrödinger's cat" state, will definitely break free from its bonds in a living state and fly towards the earth.

Withdrawing his finger, Li Buying pointed towards the high-tech space world, hoping that Ai Yi could acquire enough technological knowledge there and upgrade the equipment he made to a higher level.

When he was sure to enter the new world, the dazzling light still enveloped his body.

In the vast and dead space, a spaceship was driving in the darkness. There were no planets around, not even a meteorite could be seen.

Li Buying slowly opened his eyes and spread his hands to look at his body. His clothes were still on his body, no different from before the time travel, but his hands were covered by shackles that looked very high-tech.

The timing and place of his arrival this time... seemed a little wrong.

He is currently in a dark space, with a camera above his head monitoring him, the door is closed, and there are special guards outside.

Could it be that he was given an identity this time and was still a prisoner?

Li Buying couldn't help but guess. He moved his fingers slightly, and the camera suddenly lit up, and a vigilant voice came from the wall:

"Spider-Man, I suggest you don't move. This is outer space. If you are thrown out, space will treat you the same no matter what species you are."

(ps: The following are all languages ​​​​that you don’t understand)

Well, he couldn't understand it. What came to his ears was a completely different language from the one on Earth.

However, after hearing the warning from the speaker, he probably knew what it meant, and stayed in his cell, waiting for something unexpected to happen.

He was not prepared to act rashly. If this was outer space, then if he was really thrown out by the spacecraft, he would have to merge with gravity.

In an extremely dark space, Li Buying closed his eyes and used [Gravity Control]. The shackles on his hands did not seal his ability. The special gravity reached out to clearly explore the surrounding environment.

After a while, Li Buying opened his glasses again. Just as he thought, this was a spaceship.

And when he just used gravity to explore the spacecraft, he discovered something interesting. It seemed that some "little life" existed in the pipes of the spacecraft.

Could it be an alien? Speaking of which, am I an alien here?

Li Buying guessed that the cabin door made the sound of parts fitting together, the door bolt and air valve were closed, and a dazzling bright light lit up from above. His vision swayed slightly and returned to normal within a second.

Standing outside were several heavily armed high-tech warriors. Since they were in the cabin, they did not wear helmets on their heads, and almost all of them had tattoos.

Since the tattoos did not have any special energy and the patterns were inconsistent, Li Buyingguang could conclude from their appearance that these guys were not regular soldiers.

The most striking thing is that the skin color and facial features of several of them are similar to humans, but there are some differences.

"Spider-Man, come out quickly."

A man who looked like a squad leader raised the gun in his hand and pointed it at Li Buying, shouting a few words. Li Buying got up and walked quietly outside and followed a few people. The whispers of the soldiers came to his ears.

"Boss, why should we be so careful about this mutated human from Arthropod?"

"Don't you know, these demi-human children born on planet B-T...-12450 are all super humans. Due to the special local radiation, they can become as powerful as genetically modified humans without modification."

"Huh, no matter how much modification you make, can it be better than the guns in our hands?"

The younger brother looked very disdainful, but still didn't get too close to Li Buying, as if he was afraid that he would violently kill someone. The unknown is always scary.

"I don't know. This seems to be a very special one. The goods we managed to capture must be treated with caution, do you understand?"

The leader ordered, and Li Buying listened carefully to their words. The two of them spoke in different languages. I don't know how they communicated.

The group of people soon arrived at what looked like a study. The surrounding walls were actually painted walls and the floor was made of wooden boards. However, as soon as he stepped on it, he realized something was wrong. These things were all projected.

"Someone come and untie him."

A fierce-looking man turned around and looked at Li Buying. After a moment, he ordered his men to untie the shackles on his hands. The former team leader did not choose to refute and took out the instrument to unlock it.

As the shackles fell to the ground, Li Buying twisted his wrist slightly. He had already observed that this man, who was about two meters tall, had about 50% of his body replaced with metal, making him half a robot.

The leader in front of him approached him and said condescendingly: "Spider-Man, what is your name?"

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