"Hey, North, can you help me come up and answer this question?"

"Of course, sir."

Li Buying came back from her thoughts, stood up and walked to the blackboard to solve the math problem. After confirming that the answer was correct, the teacher nodded and reminded: "Okay, you will pass this time. Don't be distracted in class in the future."

"Sorry, sir."

The young man apologized sincerely and pretended to be serious after returning to his seat. In fact, he was still wandering and clenching his arms from time to time.

It has been exactly 15 days since Li Buying activated the system. In the past half month, in addition to the previous task of [fighting violence with violence], the task bar has only given him one new task. Even if he goes to Hell's Kitchen again, the system will No tasks were assigned to him.

So in the 15 days, he basically spent the 15 days mastering the assassins' battles and completing trivial tasks... such as weapon issues.

Let's talk about his own training first. He has already absorbed 50% of his Spider-Man-like abilities. With a full punch, the average person's skull will not be as simple as cracking, but the entire skull can be lifted up.

At the same time, his arms finally changed. There was a tight crack on the wrist of both hands. Li Buying could now secrete sticky filaments from inside. Unfortunately, it could not be formed. The filaments were The object is not flexible enough, so he can't swing around yet.

As for the new task, it was very simple, but it took a long time. The name of the task was [Weapon Preparation], and the system asked him to equip himself with a complete set of weapons, at least one.

Fortunately, Callum Lynch brought him memories of how to make various hidden swords, simple smoke bombs and other assassination tools. The latest ones are made of materials such as graphite and ceramics that are not easy to be found, and can even hide from the enemy. Go through airplane security.

So after Li Buying made the drawings through memory, he immediately went to some small workshops on Amazon to customize these small parts. Since there were many workshops, it was difficult for ordinary people to know what Li Buying had done with so many scattered parts. What to do, very safe.

Well, as long as it's not completely monitored by the state apparatus.

The materials arrived yesterday, and the task can be completed today. As for the task reward, it is a must-have for the protagonist in many novels.

After school, Li Buying, who was becoming more and more withdrawn in the eyes of his classmates, did not participate in any club activities. After returning home, he immediately went into the basement and took out the packages he had hidden one by one, and took out the parts inside and placed them in front of him.

After making sure that all the parts were complete, the boy immediately assembled it based on muscle memory and watched carefully as the killer weapon slowly took shape in his hands.

Soon a hidden sword was assembled by Li Buying. He put the hidden sword on his hand, just not blocking the outlet hole of his wrist. With a gentle grip of his palm, his fingers moved in a certain rhythm, the sharp hidden sword became emerging from the cuffs.

He waved the sheepskin prepared in advance beside him, and the whole sheepskin split open with a sound, and the incisions were neat. While completing the hidden sword, the task bar reappeared in front of him, and the task of [Weapon Preparation] was completed.


The task is completed and the reward has been distributed.


A large number of light spots poured into Li Buying's chest. From the outside, there was almost no change. He turned to look at the hidden sword in his hand. With a thought, the hidden sword immediately disappeared from his arm, and then it was wrapped around his arm again.

That's right, the main character in the novel is basically equipped with one thing, storage space.

Li Buying's storage space is large or small, with a total of 8 cubic meters, but it is very convenient.

The weapons or clothing he wears can be put into the space directly according to his consciousness. When he takes them out, they can be put directly into his hands, or they can be put in their original places, just like the hidden sword that disappeared and reappeared before.

Opening his palm, it is much easier to put away the hidden sword than to unfold it. Li Buying lightly clenched his fist and took it off after confirming that the hidden sword would not stick out easily.

He was about to make some simple weapons when the task bar popped up again. The new tasks and task rewards kept him silent for a long time.


Task: [Punish evil or bully good]

In addition to endurance, you now have physical fitness that surpasses that of ordinary humans. Your battle memory is gradually deepening, and you have also obtained weapons. Now it's time to go on the real mission.

Find a named villain and kill him or hand him over to the police. You can also find a named and decent villain and kill him directly.

Mission reward: The travel function is turned on, charging +1.


Time travel function! ?

Li Buying was a little nervous staring at the mission reward. After reaching out and clicking on it, he learned more information. The time-travel function can take Li Buying to the world temporarily. After completing the mission there and getting the reward, he will come back and still be there. It is a point in time in the past tense.

Retracting his finger, Li Buying flashed in his mind that he had an impression of villains. Well, basically all of them were people he couldn't beat now.

This mission gave Li Buying the feeling that it was a joke. You just finished the novice mission and you were asked to challenge an extremely difficult boss.

Of course, it must be completed, but Li Buying needs to plan carefully and find a villain who is easier to bully. If he can bully the small with the big, he will naturally bully the small with the big.

After coming out of the basement and sitting at the desk, Li Buying knocked on the table and kept writing on the paper to confirm the target.

He doesn't know many ordinary people or villains with weaker abilities than him. Bullseye, Kingpin, Tombstone, and Hammerhead are mostly mercenaries and gang bosses. Considering that they are fixed in the scope of New York, there are so many villains running around the world. Don't count on mercenaries.

But gang bosses are not so easy to find. Kingpin may even be just a stand-in.

Li Buying thought uncertainly, and quickly wrote down the names of two superheroes on paper, one was Wonder Man Luke Cage, and the other was Daredevil Matthew Michael.

Most of their villains are probably not very strong...

The boy tapped the pen on the table, turned on his phone and found the area of ​​Hell's Kitchen. A light flashed in his eyes. It was now 1 o'clock in the evening, and he just went out to explore the area.

Standing in front of the mirror and coughing a few times, Li Buying had already put on a black sweatshirt with a spider web pattern, buttoned up his hidden sword again, and was ready to take the subway straight to Hell's Kitchen.

Entering the alley, Li Buying took out a gray-white hood and put it on his head. He clenched his hands slightly and turned to look at the gangsters who followed him into the alley.

"Hello sir, we would like to borrow something from you, would you mind?"

Because the surroundings were too dark, several mafia gangsters played with the butterfly knives in their hands and smiled playfully to win. They surrounded Li Buying from front to back to prevent him from escaping. When they got closer, they squinted slightly and saw the man wearing a knife on his head under the dim light. A white mask.

The flowing black liquid slowly turned into an abstract but ferocious spider, which kept crawling on the mask like a living creature, bringing a hint of trouble to these mafia gangsters.

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