Soon another Pandora situation also appeared in front of Li Buying. In this world, this planet has been developed by a certain felon.

The reward is to release them at the "appropriate" time. As for when...

They mainly mined an ore called Eridium on the Pandora planet. Later, it seemed that treasure hunters spread the news that Pandora had alien technology left over from ancient times, so other companies also flocked to the site.

The information searched by Ai Yi shows that there is a super-high-level civilization in this universe that has left ruins on some planets, and many human technologies are derived from those places.

However, this ultra-high civilization itself disappeared without a trace, and no one knows what happened to it.

In addition to these, Ai Yi also discovered the message given to Kate by the leader of [Top Hunter] Cuben Blisk. Of course, they are not sent individually, but in bulk.

At the edge of the distant galaxy, a place that is difficult for the United Earth Government to control, the Interstellar Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (IMC) gave the Hunters a mission——

Together with their company's team, they stopped the resistance of the border residents.

The universe is very large, and it is currently difficult for the forces on Earth to accurately control every corner of the entire universe. After all, interstellar travel back and forth is very time-consuming, even if there is a jump device.

Therefore, the current methods adopted by the earth can only be similar to "enfeoffment" or "colony". Except for planets that can bring great benefits, the local galaxy regions are generally allowed to develop independently.

This brings about a huge problem in the current cosmic environment - the land and people who have been separated will gradually become disobedient.

Yes, it is similar to the original America.

Currently, these companies are facing a situation where border forces want to sever ties with them and develop independently. The Earth Government is happy to see these guys having internal conflicts and sit on the sidelines and watch their own people beating their own people.

"Notify all Hunter members who can receive the news within a year and rush to the star field near Typhon immediately. We have an important mission and need to fight the border resistance."

"If anyone dares not come over after hearing this, then don't blame me for being cold-blooded."

A somewhat frivolous middle-aged male voice was broadcast from the recording. Li Buying thought for a moment and asked: "Are you sure you can escape from the star Typhon?"

The spacecraft is currently very close to Typhon. It is obvious that Kate's original goal is to go there first to deal with this most important matter.

Since they were so close and the plot didn't seem to have fully begun yet, Li Buying naturally wanted to take a look at the ancient weapon [Holy Ark] that can affect time.

Regarding this [Holy Ark], Li Buying seemed to have the impression that it was a weapon that could control time and space.

In the plot, the original function of this thing in the hands of the company seems to be to be installed on a large machine that does not look like a turret and to provide energy for it.

If the attack is really carried out, it will be a star-exploding weapon. It may be able to ignore the energy's travel time and obstacles on the way, and then directly hit the target, and the entire locked planet will be completely destroyed.

In short, it was finally stopped by the protagonist Cooper and his Titan BT. The result of the stop was that the Holy Ark exploded directly on the fort, and the planet where the fort was located completely collapsed. They escaped by relying on the jump device.

Ai Yi nodded slightly: "Okay, our large spacecraft only needs to park temporarily on the satellite. Small spaceships also have short-distance jump capabilities."

"Then let's go to Typhon Star to join in the fun first?"

Li Buying was a little hesitant. It was a scene of chaos over there. If the transportation was destroyed, would he be required to use [Apparition] to move to the earth?

The joke wasn't funny, he didn't have that much magic.

"Don't worry. Once I get close to those ships, I can secretly hijack their systems. Even if this ship is destroyed, we can also use other people's ships."

Ai Yi said that there was no big problem. Of course, Li Buying chose to believe her, nodded and said: "Then let's go to the star field near Ti Feng Star first."

There is no need to worry too much about orbital bombing. When Typhon Star Company and the border people really go to war, the personnel will become very mixed. Anyone who dares to orbit bombing will be beaten by others together.

If that doesn't work, he still has gravity. He can wrap up some oxygen and go to another spacecraft before it is exhausted.

After considering his own safety, Li Buying determined that he was going to Typhon. Ai Yi began to control the spacecraft to fly forward. The energy of the spacecraft was sufficient, but the jump device needed to be cooled.

No longer disturbing the mechanical girl, he walked out of the main control room and prepared to see the kidnapped people in the cell.

Oh, of course they won't be released, it's better to lock them up. He will ask Ai Yi to save the spaceship as much as possible, and then "rescue" them when they go to other planets with higher commercialization.

Well, just throw them to other planets. It's good that Li Buying doesn't sell them. Anyway, he is not going to send them back to their original planets in his limited time.

When he walked to the cell area, Ai Yi's clone had already come here to lead him to the broadcast. Li Buying turned on the entire broadcast in the cell and tapped it a few times.

Translators were thrown into the cells, and each fixed virtual screen displayed Daifa. The performance of interstellar personnel and planetary personnel were also different, but then they all heard Li Buying's voice:

"Hello everyone, my name is Marky North. This ship is now under my control, and all members of the Apex Predator are dead."

"Since I am not a slave trader, if there is a suitable interstellar planet, I will send you all there. Whether you can go home or not depends on you."

"I am sponsoring this translator for you. I hope you can cooperate well and return to your hometown."

Upon hearing this new news, joy flashed across the faces of those who had been in contact with the interstellar world. It was the best news for them that they would not have to be sold to a strange planet as slaves or be killed by top hunters.

Besides, they were still placed on a commercial planet, and even if they couldn't travel between stars, they could still live a peaceful life.

Other indigenous people like the Na'vi in ​​"Avatar" are in trouble. They don't even know what Li Buying is talking about. They may be tricked and abducted by interstellar personnel. Once they are freed, they may become prisoners again.

Li Buying didn't care about so much. After the notification, he looked through the personnel information in the cell. Unfortunately, there was no one who deserved his attention, so he asked Ai Yi to take him to the bedroom to sit down and wait for the first move. The leap is coming.

About eight hours later, Ai Yi's voice came from the radio: "Master, the jump is ready, please prepare."

Hearing this, he quickly opened his eyes and closed them again, releasing his gravitational sense and preparing to feel the jump.

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