Typhon star.

At this time, the Typhon star was filled with artillery fire, a large amount of smoke and flames appeared in scattered locations on the huge planet, and escape capsules were falling to the ground in the sky.

That was the escape capsule of the border rebels. Their original plan was to use the spacecraft to safely land on the ground and rest, and then explore step by step.

However, when they landed, they were attacked by anti-orbital defense equipment. Many spacecraft were destroyed, and the soldiers could only make an emergency landing in a small escape capsule.

Among these destroyed spaceships, a completely different spacecraft appeared at some point. If someone could notice it, they would find that there were no missiles to attack it.

At most, it just passed by the side, and the spacecraft itself did not suffer any damage at all.

Li Buying sat in it and watched these tracking missiles pass by the spacecraft. He didn't look very panicked. At worst, he could just abandon the spacecraft and fly down. It wouldn't be a big deal.

The reason why these tracking missiles did not attack the spaceship he was riding in was mainly because this spacecraft came from the "Apex Predator".

When the leader of the top predators issued the summons, it was already stated that the predators had reached cooperation with the company personnel, and these missiles would naturally not attack their own ships.

The spacecraft was flying in the air and landed on the ground from space in a short while, stopping in a clearing in a forest. As the hatch opened, Li Buying jumped out of the cabin and looked up at this lush, tropical jungle. forest.

The gravity of this planet is similar to that of the Earth, and the composition of the air is such that people can breathe directly. Generally speaking, it is a planet suitable for human migration.

Just as he was adapting to the ground, the voice of Sub-body 001 came from the earphones: "Master, please physically hide the spacecraft to save the energy required for invisibility."

After hearing this, Li Buying first took out an off-road motorcycle from the spacecraft, which would be used on the road later.

After taking out the motorcycle, he raised his hand to activate gravity control. The surrounding leaves and vines were attracted by him and covered the spacecraft. Then he sprinkled some sand on the bulge composed of those leaves and vines.

After a while, the spacecraft was completely buried. Li Buying shot a spider silk to the top of the tallest tree, looked around and asked:

"001, can you find out where the largest research facility on Typhon is?"

He planned to go to the small prototype for testing first to see what the situation was like, what the folding time and space fluctuations looked like, and then see whether to rob the Holy Ark.

A mechanical voice without any emotion came from my ears: "Please wait, retrieval in progress——"

"The search is completed. The subject has entered a large amount of data. According to the map in the repository, the large facility is to the northeast of you."

"Okay, then let's rush over there and show me the way."

Guiding arrows quickly appeared on the screen in front of Li Buying, guiding him forward like playing a game, which was much more convenient.

Riding a four-wheel off-road motorcycle, Li Buying directly handed over the control to the sub-body, which quickly started the vehicle and rushed towards the destination.

The road was relatively calm at the beginning, but Li Buying did not relax his vigilance because of this, holding a sniper-type weapon called a "Charging Rifle" in his hand.

For some reason, he fell in love with this weapon as soon as he saw it, and he always felt like he had seen it somewhere before.

In fact, this is a relatively "strong" equipment in a shooting game called "apex", and its worldview is actually set decades after the Battle of Typhon.

The appearance of this sniper weapon was quite different from that in the game, so Li Buying did not remember that he had seen it when the anchor was playing the game.

Sure enough, the calm ended quickly. Just as he passed a cliff with a slight height difference, a shadow suddenly jumped out of the sky. Li Buying quickly raised his hand and aimed directly.

His dynamic vision improved rapidly, and he saw clearly the shadow rushing towards him. It turned out to be an orange-black beast, which looked similar to a tiger or a dog.

Regardless of what it was, Li Buying enthusiastically raised his gun, aimed at the beast, and pulled the trigger. An energy laser shot out of the body of the beast that hit it.


It roared in pain and rushed forward despite the damage from the rechargeable rifle. It looked like the damage was not too high.

However, just when the beast was about to land on Li Buying, the rifle suddenly made a sound similar to that of a shot.

The energy beam at the muzzle expanded in an instant, bursting out with stronger energy and hitting the beast, blasting its body away.

Slightly shaking the gun in his hand, Li Buying looked at the energy of the weapon and nodded with satisfaction when he confirmed that it was still sufficient. At this moment, the spider sense activated, and it seemed that more beasts were approaching.

"001, what are these monsters called?"

"The Split Beast, its sharp claws can tear metal objects apart. After research, it seems that it is able to transfer the rich metal in its body to its claws. Please be more careful."

Li Buying raised the charged rifle and swept it across the charging beasts, timing it to hit the one closest to him when it exploded, blasting it away.

Zhi-boom! Zhi-boom! Zhi-boom! …

He was having a great time, but because the rechargeable rifle fired energy beams, the lack of impact caused these hunting beasts to keep approaching.

Finally, two of them came to Li Buying's side after all the hard work. They were running at high speed with their fangs exposed. The one in the back took advantage of the opportunity of being blown up in front of them and jumped up to pounce on the human in front of them.

However, what awaits him is not a delicious meal, but a large-caliber pistol owned by Li Buying.


With a loud noise, the head of the hunting beast was directly exploded by a shot. Li Buying sat on the self-driving motorcycle and continued to shoot at the beasts.

About four or five minutes later, they suddenly stopped their seemingly endless pursuit. Li Buying's spider sense sensed the danger and raised his hand to directly release an energy shield.

Rifle bullets continued to hit the shield, and the people hidden around the forest, whether they were rebels or company employees, were all firing at him, who was riding a motorcycle very arrogantly.

There is no way, with such a high profile and the equipment on his body, it is obvious that he is not one of his own members. If not Li Buying, who would they beat?

Li Buying didn't panic at all. He picked up the charged rifle and aimed at the dangerous locations and kept shooting. His accuracy was higher than that of the soldiers. Every time he fired a shot, one soldier was directly shot in the head.

Li Buying, who was passing by in a high profile, caused some commotion. IMC soldiers quickly sent a reminder to other locations. After the reminder, several pilots who learned about the incident were driving Titans in his direction.

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