June is the graduation season for American high schools.

The high school students have officially changed from teenagers to adults, cheering and cheering in this time that is enough for them to party. At this time, everyone's situation is also different.

Some people just party for a few days and then start worrying about their future livelihood, and some people are thinking about which university to go to.

There are also people whose parents have prepared everything for them so that they can truly experience the most beautiful days during this time when they do not need to be responsible.

Among them, the most liberating thing is probably those high school superheroes. Yes, it is the good neighbor Peter Parker. After working long shifts, he can finally take advantage of the morning or whenever to sleep in.

Li Buying was in a similar situation to him at this time and lived a very relaxed life after leaving school.

Recently, he is also considering whether to go to college. Although he was already a college student in his previous life, it seems a bit dangerous to continue studying in the United States. Instead of going to school now, it is better to wait until everything is basically settled and then quietly complete the diploma.

"I've already started working on saving and disrupting the world, but in the end I still have to consider going to college. Alas..."

Li Buying sighed slightly because of his little person thoughts, opened a can of Coke and poured it into his mouth.

It has been about half a month since we took Professor X and Magneto to the living island. During this time, everything was as usual.

Every day, he was just like before, beating up the elite monsters spawned by the gangs, and at the same time observing the Hand and the Zodiac, preparing to map them over time.

Speaking of which, those gang leaders really seemed to have been created. Under his attack for such a long time, even though there were fewer people who randomly inherited their names, there were still some people who dared to do so.

However, there are currently some people who are named bosses, but the actual person in power is not him. To put it simply, they are stand-ins. This can be considered a way for those bosses to try to fight against Li Buying.

It's a pity that the system's judgment is based on the actual people in power. Their confrontation is useless. Even if their strength slightly increases due to some stray alien weapons, they will still be killed by him instantly.

Throwing the bottle into the trash can, Li Buying stood up, stretched and turned on his phone. There were several messages on it that caught his attention.

One is today's college party, and students need to be present. The other is that Norman Osborne, the chairman of the Oscorp Group, seems to have been criticized by the entire board of directors and therefore lost his position as director.

The Green Goblin is coming out?

Li Buying rubbed his fingers, took the chocolate bar and stuffed it into his mouth, preparing to catch the Green Goblin when he came out, and then try another fusion function of Tiger Power.

If they can be separated with the power of the tiger after fusion, let's try what Norman Osborn will become after the Green Goblin's consciousness is disposed of.

As the sun sets and the moon rises, the moonlight in the sky is blocked by neon lights. Li Buying wears a suit and blends in among the crowd at the graduation prom, using assassin's techniques to reduce his presence.

He sat on the bar table of the reserved bar, wanting to hang out for a while and then go back quickly. He had always been insensitive to such group activities.

But what I didn't expect was that even though he was hidden so deeply, someone still saw him.

On the other side of the dance, an extremely beautiful girl was surrounded by a large number of boys and girls. She was smiling and talking to everyone in the center of the crowd, but there was a hint of impatience in her eyes——

And an inexplicable appetite.

It seems that these people are not equal to her in her eyes, they are just food.

This look was completely subconscious. After a slight struggle, she regained her composure. She still smiled and talked to everyone, but her eyes swept across the entire scene of the school party from time to time.

Suddenly, her eyes froze, fixed on a certain boy at the bar, and she subconsciously licked her lips.

"Oh, I suddenly realized that I have something to do. Take the first step."

The girl said goodbye to these people who thought they were her friends, then walked quickly to the boy, smiled and said to him: "Hello, can I sit here?"

Hearing the brisk voice, Li Buying looked back.

What caught his eye was a European girl with long black hair hanging down to her waist. The light purple in her pupils attracted his attention like a whirlpool. At the same time, she had a pair of glasses on her nose, making her look elegant.

Looking away, Li Buying smiled at the beautiful girl: "Of course, please sit down."

Super hero? Or a supervillain?

Until now in the Marvel world, the hair color and eye color of ordinary people are still very normal. Only guys with special abilities will have eye color and hair color that are different from ordinary people.

Guessing the identity of this girl in his mind, Li Buying picked up the juice and took a sip. Suddenly he clenched the cup in his hand and his pupils shrank suddenly.

His spider sense activated for a moment, and some extremely terrifying monster seemed to suddenly glance at him, but then the spider sense stopped working, as if it was just an illusion before.

What happened just now?

With a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, Li Buying looked at the place where the sense of danger came from. The purple-eyed girl smiled and ordered a drink. She smiled at him when she noticed his gaze.

is her?

Subconsciously swallowing his saliva, Li Buying was ready to take out all three pieces of equipment on his body. He remained calm on his face and asked:

"Classmate, can we get to know each other?"

"Oh, that's exactly what I'm here for~."

After hearing Li Buying's first words about getting to know herself, the girl showed a charming smile, picked up her cup and bumped it with his: "I am Galacta Galan."

"Maggie Los, of course, her Chinese name is Li Buying."

Recalling the name, he did not find the identity of the girl from his limited Marvel knowledge. However, Ganata leaned forward at this moment and took a deep breath as if making a subconscious movement.

It was obviously a very tempting action, but Li Buying, who was alert, looked at it like a person taking a deep breath and inhaling the aroma of the food in front of him before eating.

vampire? Or something else? Are vampires really that strong?

"Ah, I'm sorry, I just think you have a very nice fragrance. Mr. Maggie, what kind of perfume are you wearing?"

"No, I haven't used perfume. I'm afraid it's just the smell of shampoo and shower gel."

Li Buying behaved like a straight man. He couldn't be a straight man. The person in front of him didn't know what the situation was. It was not impossible that he was the vest of some god. He was afraid that she would suddenly start a fight with him.

However, amidst the panic, the picture Li Buying expected did not appear. Although Miss Ganata sometimes showed a dangerous aura, the spider sense was indeed triggered only once.

She really didn't seem to be hostile, those previous actions were just subconscious actions.

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