I'm not a hero, so I don't have a name.

Li Buying complained in her heart, and quickly thought about what name she should choose. She reached out to touch her wrist, and a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and she said to Daredevil: "Weaver, my name is Weaver."

After that, Li Buying ignored Daredevil and jumped directly into the sewer and disappeared in front of his eyes. Matthew stared at the direction where Li Buying disappeared and shook his head slightly. At this time, Luke Cage finally rushed over, holding a A stack of paper information.

"Hey, I got the stuff!"


Back in Queens, Li Buying couldn't help but recall the powerful aura of that hero. Compared with them, he seemed to lack some so-called will, but it was not bad. He was just a small citizen anyway.

Because he was afraid that the audio equipment might lock its position, he did not take the equipment home. After finding a quiet place, he turned on the audio again and listened carefully to the conversation between the rattlesnake and the little boss.

"Bonnie, you did a great job. Come to Harlem tomorrow..."

When Li Buying became really impatient, he finally heard one of the rattlesnake's strongholds and immediately braced himself to write down the stronghold.

After recording the location, he threw the recording equipment in his hand into the river and left immediately. When he got home, he turned on his computer and searched for information about the Rattlesnake stronghold. He found that it was a luxury area and the people inside were either rich or noble.

Obviously, that was not the stronghold of the Rattlesnake gang, but his private house. The location was very suitable for Li Buying to carry out an assassination.

First check the spot. If it is confirmed that the rattlesnake will appear in the house over there, he can start making stealth props and wait until the right day to assassinate the rattlesnake.

By the way, bring a gun with you just in case you need to go there.

Li Buying went to the basement and took out a locked iron box. When he opened it, he found a pistol. This was something Li Buying picked up after he killed the mafia gang. He looked through it a few times and put it into the storage space.

After class the next day, Li Buying did not rush home immediately. Instead, she took the subway to Harlem. After arriving in the wealthy area, she kept walking through the crowd to avoid eyes and attention, and explored the surroundings of Rattlesnake's mansion. .

After confirming the mansion mentioned in the device, Li Buying saw that there were many bodyguards and even heavy weapons inside, and he was even more convinced that rattlesnakes often came here.

Recording the surrounding terrain in his mind, as the crowd gradually dwindled with the coming of night, he lowered the brim of his hood and hid in the alley, waiting for the rattlesnake to appear. Until six o'clock in the evening, a luxury car parked in front of the gate of the house. .

The black man in a coat walked out of the car under the protection of bodyguards. He looked very unhappy and entered the house gate surrounded by people.

Great, looks like that's a rattlesnake.

Li Buying adjusted the plain glasses on his face, noted the appearance of the rattlesnake and left immediately. Now was not the time for him to take action. It was best to wait for a while. There would be a heavy rain in just four days, which was the best time for him to kill.

On a rainy night, the streets were dark, and the downpour masked all sounds. In the alley, Li Buying looked at the mansion in front of him and couldn't help but clenched his fist nervously. After all, the villain he was going to fight this time was a well-known villain.

Lightning struck the sky and suddenly the bright sky illuminated Li Buying's face. The black spider clinging to the white mask became ferocious. He took advantage of the darkness to confirm that no one was around and rushed to the mansion. He jumped over the wall and entered. in the garden.

Hiding behind the bushes, Li Buying, who had completely understood the security in the past four days, moved forward quickly. At the same time, he silently counted the time for the patrol to come, and rushed into the bushes on the other side when the security was about to turn.

The light of the flashlight swept across the bushes and gravel road. The security guard looked at it casually for a few times before moving on and shouted into the intercom: "Area 3 is normal, Zone 3 is normal."


Not long after, the patrol officers left Li Buying's sight. The young man jumped out of the bushes and walked quickly. When he came to the ajar window, he immediately took off his raincoat and climbed into the window to look around.

This window was located in the dining room. Li Buying closed it again, closed his eyes and listened to the sounds in the room. Except for the sound of rain outside, the room was silent, without any footsteps. As for the sound of breathing, the young man's hearing was not that strong. .

After opening the door, Li Buying was about to run upstairs. What he never expected was that his plan was disrupted again. Noisy voices suddenly sounded outside, and then someone shouted loudly through a loudspeaker. :

"There is an intruder!"

Fearing that support wouldn’t come quickly enough, a voice came from the loudspeaker again: “The intruder is Wonder Man!”

If you mention the name of Wonder Man, wouldn't it mean that no one will come to you?

Li Buying didn't have much preparation for the unexpected visitor, but he quickly changed his mind and decided to let Wonder Man attract firepower while he waited for an opportunity to assassinate Rattlesnake.

The only question is whether Daredevil came with him, but even if Daredevil came, Li Buying would still take action.

"Get away!"

The quiet inside of the mansion also became chaotic due to the sound of trumpets. A strong male voice sounded from the room on the upper left side of Li Buying, followed immediately by the sounds of a body falling to the ground and a woman crying.

A pair of feet kept moving around the room, and small iron objects hit the ground. It was the sound of a rattlesnake hurriedly putting on its clothes, and its belts fell to the ground in a panic.

Listening to the clanging sound above, Li Buying raised his right hand and shook it gently. The M1911 appeared in his hand. Holding the gun tightly, he stayed motionless under the restaurant table, waiting for the rattlesnake to come down.

However, what made him feel bad was that Rattlesnake did not walk out of the room after getting dressed. Instead, he was twisting something on it, and at the same time said to his female companion: "You stay here, Wonder Man will not do anything to you." , ah, superhero.”

There won't be a secret passage, right?

Li Buying frowned slightly. He suddenly heard the sound of machines and gears coming from the side wall, and then the footsteps of a rattlesnake appeared in the wall.

He is walking down, there must be a secret passage for him to escape, but this is a mansion area, it is impossible to dig into other people's homes, so the only way is...


After thinking clearly, Li Buying jumped out of the window, picked up the raincoat on the ground and put it on again. The guards were attracted to the front to stop Wonder Man. He didn't need to be afraid of being discovered. He rushed towards the wall at full speed and jumped out in one leap. mansion.

He lifted up the manhole cover in the alley and jumped in. The terrain map was constructed in his mind. He found the location of the Rattlesnake Mansion and rushed over. As soon as he reached the corner, a violent explosion appeared not far from him.

When the explosion ended, slight voices echoed in the quiet sewer, and Li Buying could hear them clearly.

"Rattlesnake, we have found irrefutable evidence that you are selling drugs!"

"Damn Daredevil, why didn't you and Wonder Man break into a house and send yourself to jail?"

Daredevil and Rattlesnake chased each other in the sewers. Rattlesnake had no idea that his escape route would be discovered. When he saw Daredevil, he did not hesitate to throw the bomb in his hand to temporarily distance himself.

But his physical strength is still not as good as Daredevil's. Diamondback, who is wearing a shirt, currently has no armor that can fight back. The only thing that can work is the knife in his hand, a mechanical glove that can strengthen the punch, and a pistol. .

Bang bang bang——

The Rattlesnake kept firing in the rear, and Daredevil knew where he was going to hit as he raised his pistol, ducking sideways to avoid the attacks as he continued to close in.

However, the closer he got to the corner, the more Daredevil noticed something strange. The smell of another person seemed to be mixed into the stinking sewers. He immediately remembered the [Weaver] he had met in Hell's Kitchen before.

Matthew Michael's pupils shrank and he shouted loudly: "Don't go there!"

However, the rattlesnake Willis Stryker just sneered, "You won't run away until you tell me?"

The rattlesnake rushed to the corner, and to his surprise, a guy in a raincoat suddenly appeared from the darkness around the corner. The weird guy slowly raised his head, and the spider on the white mask looked extremely ferocious.

Sensing danger, the rattlesnake's eyes widened and it rolled over without hesitation.

Bang bang bang!

The gunshot rang out and hit the ground. Li Buying aimed at his heart and head again. The rattlesnake, who was in danger of life, did not hesitate to throw out the knife in his hand.

The spider sense was instantly activated. Li Buying, who sensed the threat, immediately raised his gun and shot the knife. The knife exploded immediately. Since it was not close to the face, the explosion was less powerful, but it still stirred up a lot of smoke and dust.

Taking this opportunity, Rattlesnake quickly ran towards Daredevil, joking, Daredevil just wanted to take him to jail, but the man behind him really wanted to kill him!

Unfortunately, the smoke and dust did not fascinate Li Buying's eyes. He tightened his leg muscles and jumped behind the rattlesnake in an instant.

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