"It's time to give me an accurate estimate of when Thanos will come. If I don't do anything to Shen Mian's father when I go back this time, Hela won't cause any trouble when he comes out. Even if Thanos comes, Ah La won't be allowed to do anything." Sgard will be destroyed."

Loki asked Li Buying about the future, and Li Buying also realized that the future of Asgard had been completely changed by him.

Since he told Loki what happened after that, he would not try to take action against Odin, and the god-king of Asgard would not die, and he would not be preparing to enter Odin's sleep in the near future.

In this case, Hela will not come out easily. Even if it attacks, Asgard will not be easily destroyed with his help. Thanos cannot go directly to Asgard after obtaining the power stone.

Even if you go to Asgard, it's still useless without the Space Stone.

Thanos had to go to Gamora to get the Soul Stone, but he could only get two gems at most, because Li Buying was ready to get the Soul Stone.

If calculated this way, Thanos, the entire Avengers, or gods like Li Buying, Hulk, and Thor, who simply possess the soul and power gems, are still capable of fighting.

However, the odds of winning are not high enough. Reality is different from the movies. At this stage, Iron Man and the others cannot even participate in the battle of gods. Li Buying is also worried that Thanos, who has obtained the power stone, can surpass Odin in strength.

"Yes, as you thought, nothing will happen to Asgard for the time being."

Li Buying nodded slightly and asked Loki if he had the ability to communicate with Thor across dimensions. If Hela came out by then, he could go and help.


After glancing at Li Buying, Loki understood to some extent that the Cube was on his body, but he didn't say anything. He just said that he would go to Thor if necessary, and then disappeared with the rest of Asgard. not see.

After solving the biggest problem, Li Buying breathed a sigh of relief and asked Ai Yi how the situation was at Iron Man. When he learned that it was not yet time for a fight, he rubbed his temples from mental fatigue and prepared to go back and take a rest.

Shooting out spider silk and swaying on his way, he caught up with Ai Yi who was walking home in time, and together they used phantom to leave the original location. However, as soon as he teleported back home, he was startled by the smell of a stranger in the living room.

He subconsciously took a deep breath and tried to identify it by smell. It was a very familiar smell, a bit like iris. He had smelled it a long time ago...


Li Buying's pupils shrank, and he remembered who he had smelled this smell before. It was the smell of the girl who gave him a sense of fear when he graduated.

Since graduation, Ganata Garan has not looked for him. She just quietly followed his accounts on various social software.

I originally thought that she would not come to find him so easily, but didn't he expect that she would come here?

Taking out the gravity gun and holding it in his hand, Li Buying stabilized his mind and pushed the door open. He raised his hand to turn on the corridor light. The light shone down from the stairs, and Ganata was lying on his sofa to sleep.

"Miss Ganata, how did you get in?"

Standing on the stairs, Li Buying immediately asked. The gravity gun he held behind his back was constantly vibrating, ready to release the restraint type force field at any time.

Hearing Li Buying's voice, the dazed Ganata opened his eyes. A predatory look flashed across his pupils, which shocked him.

"Don't get me wrong, I came to you because I was really hungry and couldn't bear it. Let me introduce myself first. I am a god, a higher god than the people I fought with."

Ganata held her stomach that made a sound and looked uncomfortable, but she still briefly introduced herself to Li Buying.

After her reminder, Li Buying realized that something was obviously wrong with the girl at this time. Her face was pale, and her eyes looking at him were full of appetite, which was obviously the sign of extreme hunger.

"You go ahead and I'll listen right here."

He did not proceed rashly, but remained vigilant and motioned for Ganata to continue. Seeing this, the girl did not care to tell her story.

According to her, she was once a very powerful god who usually used planets as food. However, when an accident happened, her predecessor suffered a devastating blow.

After the death of a powerful god, its remaining energies came together to form her.

It is better to say that the "father" who created her unintentionally was the powerful god, and she was just a newborn from the perspective of time.

Carrying incomplete memories and only knowing her own name, Ganata wandered around the universe at will. Her first stop was the lifeless Earth. She fell asleep immediately after arriving here.

When she woke up again around 1,000 AD, Ganata settled down simply. She didn't eat much when she was just born. She settled on the earth and ate whatever she could to ensure her survival.

The main reason why she settled down instead of eating the earth to replenish energy like her father was because of memory impairment.

She didn't know who her enemy was and how strong it was, so she kept lurking, trying to wait until a long time before coming out to prevent herself from being approached by a powerful enemy as soon as she was exposed.

Relying on her almighty power, Ganata has lived alone for the past thousand years, hiding in the middle classes of various societies and never being exposed.

"Then why did you come to me suddenly?"

The more Li Buying listened, the more frightened she felt. Gods, devouring stars, being beaten violently...

All of this reminded him of a certain god who was obviously very powerful, but was often used as a stepping stone because of his lack of energy - that was [Planet Devourer]!

Isn't this the girly version of Galactus in front of me? ?

"Because the energy waves you generate make me hungry."

Ganata lay on the sofa and looked at him with the eyes of prey. She looked hungry and chewed a piece directly on the sofa.

It turns out that large fluctuations in energy will make Ganata feel hungry when she is in a "dieting state". If she does not feel the large fluctuations in energy for a period of time, she will recover, but if she continues to feel it, her maximum tolerance level will be lowered.

"The Apocalypse Explosion, the Tunguska Explosion, and the small-scale battles between gods who didn't know where they came from all made me feel a little hungry. Then there were the nuclear bombs you threw out, and the energy erupting from unknown locations."

Ganata complained and took another bite of the sofa: "These are pretty good. After all, this kind of outbreak only happens once every few years. I can calm down my appetite to some extent."

"But the problem is that the recent explosion of energy has been too ordinary. I even felt three waves of energy at the root level of the universe. The result is now better. I already want to eat the entire city."

She was talking about the fight between Loki and Thor, the Cosmic Cube, the Mind Scepter, and the ether particles.

Li Buying felt a little guilty, but then he thought about what it had to do with him. It would still happen if he was not around.

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