When the ship carrying the first batch of mutants traveled across the ocean to an island that had not yet been named, Li Buying, who quietly disappeared from New York, did not catch up with them, but landed seemingly casually in a forest. .

He was panting heavily and walking staggeringly. His eyes were full of exhaustion and... a sense of enjoyment. Anyway, it looked like something was wrong.


The major event mission is completed and rewards will be distributed soon. Please find a suitable place to receive them. Complete repair of your soul will cause you to enter a deep sleep for a period of time. [Life Essence Improvement] will put your body into a state of reorganization.

This will cause you to fall into a deep sleep for a period of time. After waking up, you will obtain the sublimation of the dual essence of body and soul.


Just after squeezing Pierce to death, Li Buying received such news. He was so frightened that he immediately took off and asked Ai Yi to find a safe enough location, and finally found this unexplored forest.

During the flight, Li Buying quickly felt the changes in her body.

First of all, it was physical. The soft feeling in the muscles all over his body when he got up kept coming over him, making him want to take a "return sleep". He could even feel it when he stretched his fingers.

Secondly, in terms of his soul, he could feel that the last section of his soul that had throbbing pain from time to time was being repaired, and the numbness and itch spread to his limbs without affecting the softness.

The two feelings were combined, and his whole body felt like a full-scale massage. He became drowsy, and his eyelids couldn't help but want to close.

Before falling asleep, he finally staggered and ran into a small cave. A bright light flashed in the cave, and Ai Yi controlled a mechanical body that appeared in it.

This is one of her processor storage points. The robot has some combat capabilities and can protect Li Buying's safety.

Now he is really a bit of a bastard. Even if he can fly to the ship, there is no guarantee that someone will look at his master strangely.

Ai Yi judged this way. From a safety perspective, it was safer here. Ordinary beasts could not defeat her, and there were no complex intelligent creatures.

After seeing the robot, Li Buying finally relaxed and closed his eyes. The mechanical girl stretched out her cold mechanical arms to hug him, and then entered the cave.

Taking out the processor from the alloy box, Ai Yi put Li Buying into it to ensure safety and silently guarded him.

About three days later.

Lorna was combing her black hair in the room, and a soft female voice came from behind: "Do you need my help?"

"Oh, thank you."

She was stunned for a moment and looked back. A tall woman named Wanda gently asked her if she needed help. Lorna thought about it and did not refuse this big sister's help.

The ship's room was a double room, so she and Wanda were assigned together.

She didn't know why, but she, Quicksilver, and Magneto gave Lorna a strange feeling. She always felt that they were willing to talk to her.

She was so kind to herself that even her good friend Petra quietly asked her if she had been in contact with those three people in advance.

However, Lorna herself had no special feelings towards them and just treated them normally.

In fact, due to the different growth environment, Lorna's life can be said to be very happy because of Li Buying's company, and it does not appear to be very miserable, so there is no special perception such as blood induction.

Magneto, Scarlet Witch, and Quicksilver are different. Their lives are not good. They are happiest when they are with their loved ones, but their loved ones keep dying.

Therefore, subconsciously, they hope to find "relatives" who are related to them. The three of them can more or less feel the connection between several other people and themselves.

"Miss Dane," Wanda asked carefully while combing Lorna's hair, "it is said that you and Mr. Lee...Maki North are brother and sister?"

"Yeah, not really brother and sister, so he is also my boyfriend."

Lorna once asked whether she, the Danes, and Li Buying needed to hide their relationship. Ai Yi quickly made a judgment and said she didn't have to worry too much about others taking her as a hostage.

After all, Lorna herself has fighting ability and the Dionysian factor in her body, so she doesn't have to worry too much about the threat of death.

Li Buying had several ways to get to the location where Lorna was in danger within a second, so as long as she was held back and not directly imprisoned, it would be no big deal, not to mention that Ai Yi was monitoring her at all times.

Then your biological parents are...

Wanda didn't ask. It was a bit low-key to ask. After smoothing Lorna's hair, she took a mirror and let her have a look:

"Speaking of which, did you dye your hair to make yourself look more like an ordinary person?"

"Yes, due to the enhancement of my mutant ability, my hair gradually turned green from the black hair I had when I was a child, so I dyed my hair later."

Lorna answered, talked to Wanda, her sister who was several years older than her, walked out of the room together, and sat down in the restaurant of the passenger ship:

"Oh, speaking of which, you don't have to worry about revealing your identity as a mutant now, so you don't have to dye your hair anymore."

The two chatted for a while, but after breakfast they were no longer together. Wanda was also a little worried that her and Pietro (Quicksilver)'s intuitions were wrong and they did not choose to stay with Lorna.

She quickly stood up and joined Pietro. Quicksilver scratched the back of his head and followed behind Wanda and whispered: "I made a sideways comment on Magneto, but I didn't ask anything."

"It's just because he doesn't want to say it. Since he doesn't want to say it, forget it."

Regarding Magneto, Wanda's reaction was not as gentle as when she treated Lorna. Her eyes seemed cold, and there was no need to recognize her biological father who ignored them.

Their parents had died in the war in Sokovia, and the others were just strangers.

"Well, since you said so, sister, forget it, but Miss Lorna, who may be our little sister, is really Mr. Maggie North's girlfriend. We are safe and guaranteed. "

That was a young man who stood with Magneto and Professor

"No, he shouldn't be involved in the establishment of this ignorant mutant country. Everything still depends on the mutants themselves."

Wanda has also learned some things from Lorna these days. For example, their group is the advance force and they have to start almost from scratch. Fortunately, there is no need to worry about the materials.

Building your own home?

Wanda blew the sea breeze, and red light emitted from her palms. What appeared in her mind were the backs of Professor X, Magneto, and Li Buying.

On the other side, Lorna entered the computer room and asked the mechanical girl about her boyfriend:

"Hey, Ai Yi, there's nothing serious about Bu Ying."

The eyes of Ai Yi's body moved slightly: "Please rest assured, the master is under my protection and it is expected to take a long time to come back. Please wait patiently until then."

"As long as it's okay, if someone chooses to take action during this period..."

"They have to consider international public opinion. Although according to the data, the United States never follows any rules, they will be more cautious under the threat of the master, Professor X and Magneto."

Ai Yi controls the world's public opinion, steering the public opinion towards the side of mutants, and at the same time explains to Lorna:

"With the destruction of S.H.I.E.L.D., the infiltration of Hydra, the troubles of super villains, and other countries taking the opportunity to sneak in, there is only a 2% chance that the United States and those countries that are busy dealing with the United States will take action immediately within a week."

"We'll be safe for at least a year, so there's no need to worry."

Ai Yi's explanation made Lorna relax. She sat next to the mechanical girl and looked at her work for a while, then left this special room and stood on the deck to enjoy the sea breeze.

There were many people standing on the deck, and most of them had hopeful smiles on their faces. For mutants, it was satisfying to have an uncertain future that could be improved with their hands.

On the contrary, those parents or loved ones who are ordinary people and members of mutants are still a little worried that they will be treated harshly when they get there, such as dangerous mutants and so on.

Fortunately, Professor X often provides them with psychological counseling, so there is no need to worry.

Lorna stood on the deck for a while, and a red figure suddenly appeared. The red devil finally came to take people away.

The multiple long-distance transfers of multiple people in the previous day consumed a lot of his energy. He was bedridden for three days, and he only recovered now after resting.

And the first thing he did after resting was to get up and continue working, and he had to bring everyone on the ship back to the island.

The weak non-combatants left first, then the combatants. Lorna's eyes were in a daze before she came to the island she had seen in the photos before. The scenery was more pleasant than it looked from the photos——

Well, to say that high EQ means there is a natural beauty, and to say low EQ means that there is no trace of civilized society at all.

Some of the people who came first were still setting up tents, and many of them frowned, a little uncomfortable with this place. When those pioneers saw Professor X and Queen Magneto, they couldn't help but lean over and want to complain.

After appeasing these people, the two real authorities looked at Ai Yi, who had been transferred together. The mechanical girl calculated that time was almost up, and turned to look at the coast.

The sound of ships sounded, and an unmanned fleet of large ships was slowly sailing on the coast. They were transferred by Ai Yi from the nearest country and were loaded with buildings and various items needed for development.

"This is the first batch of supplies, including the ship itself. Please take stock of the rest. As agreed with you, our organization will not make any intervention in the rest."

Throwing the USB flash drive containing the list to Magneto, Ai Yi directly cut off the control of the body.

Li Buying and Ai Yi had already discussed it before. If the mutants received too much help when they founded the country, Professor X, Magneto, and some future leaders might question what his fictional organization wanted.

There is a saying that the most expensive thing is free. It would be bad if the mutants thought the same way, so Ai Yi did not support them for free, but calculated the accounts clearly like a normal investment.

But in fact, Ai Yi or Li Buying really didn't need that much money.

"Thanks for your help, Hacker. The mutants will remember this."

Professor X nodded, but Ai Yi's words seemed cold and ruthless:

"It's not help. The prophet just hopes to protect the earth in the future. I hope you can help when aliens invade."

"Of course, the Earth is also our home."

Magneto did not continue the conversation, looked at the piles of mutants behind him with hope in his eyes, and shouted loudly for some mutants who could move the containers to come over.

Storm, Phoenix, Scarlet Witch...

Lorna followed and walked into the docked ship. Only five people, including Magneto, began to use their abilities, and containers trembled and rose from the ship.

"Petra, fortify the beach!"

Lorna thought of something and shouted to her best friend. Petra, who had the ability to control the land, put her hand on the ground to activate her ability. The originally soft beach became hard, and the Iceman began to help.

The containers were gradually stacked together, and Professor

As for those mutants who are not yet of use, Cyclops is responsible for teaching them the language that belongs to this island.

It has to be said that construction by mutants with superpowers is convenient and fast. With the cooperation of some technologies, they quickly built luxury mobile homes and connected them to communication signals.

After a tiring day, Lorna couldn't help but rub her temples and lay on the bed not wanting to move, and there was still hot water...

She was confused and didn't know how long it had been before a hand pressed on her shoulder and shook her. Lorna opened her eyes and saw Wanda in pajamas and Petra lying on a bed in a triple room.

The important thing is that both people's hair is wet, as if they had just taken a shower.

"Well, is there hot water?"

Lorna stood up and looked at the toilet cubicle of the mobile home. Petra explained while surfing the Internet: "Robert and Allardyce (Pyro Man), they made hot water and distributed it to other rooms. It is probably still there now." It’s burning, but there is an insulated water tank.”

After hearing this, Lorna quickly got up, took off her clothes and went to take a shower. Similar things happened in various rooms.

At the same time, on the beach, Magneto and Professor

"Miss [Hacker], I hope to order some robots to be responsible for low-level tasks such as cleaning up and collecting excrement and garbage."

Considering that no one was likely to be willing to do such inferior work, Professor

"How about this one..."

On this small island that has not yet entered civilized society, changes are slowly taking place.

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