Everything in the stasis field stopped moving. Li Buying's closed palms rotated in two directions and placed them in front of his chest, slowly separating the upper and lower parts.

The gravitational waves in the force field resonated with the gravitational waves emitted between his palms, and a miniature black dot symbolizing a weakened black hole soon appeared in the gap between his palms.

He gently pushed it forward, and the black hole ignored the stasis field and slowly and resolutely crashed into the black phoenix. The moment it touched the materialized telekinesis, the original stasis field was lifted.

In Li Buying's eyes, two or three minutes had passed, but in the perception of the two people who were wrapped in it, time had not passed at all. Thor and the Black Phoenix only saw that his movements suddenly shifted, and a black dot carrying a strong gravitational wave was thrown out by him.


The sharp bird cry resounded in the ears of the three people. It was the spiritual fluctuations emitted by the collision of telekinesis waves and gravitational waves. It was transmitted into the mind like a cry. At the same time, the black hole expanded instantly, and the black color covered the entire body of the phoenix!


The Black Phoenix raised her hand and tried to influence the Phoenix, wanting it to escape the black hole's restraints. However, no matter how hard the Phoenix struggled, it could not get rid of the attraction of the black hole.

The black that seemed to be able to swallow everything slowly rotated, and the light emitted by the Phoenix was sucked into the ring. A little light was emitted around the expanding black hole, gradually forming a situation similar to a star ring. The Black Phoenix's mental power was gradually misinterpreted by it and slowly fell apart.

Danger, danger, danger...

The sixth sense told her that death was coming. She finally felt scared and tried to retreat. Li Buying just retracted her arms and pushed forward. The black hole entangled with the Phoenix slowly moved towards the Black Phoenix under the traction.

The force field entangled the Black Phoenix. She screamed and tried to fight back, but the gravitational wave was too huge. Even if she attacked the weak point, she could not destroy the overall structure of the weakened black hole in a short time. At the same time, even if she used her telekinesis, she could not break free from this huge traction.

The black hole was like a huge mouth, chewing the phoenix while swallowing the black phoenix. The black phoenix's face became worse and worse as she forced herself to overuse her telekinesis, but she could only barely stop the weakened black hole from moving forward.

"Go in!"


Li Buying made a grabbing motion, adding the last straw to the black phoenix. She felt a huge thrust coming from behind her in horror, like someone kicked her hard, directly kicking her into the black hole.

She fell into the capture range of the gravitational wave, and could only withdraw all her mental power to build a shield to barely support it. However, this could not solve the fundamental problem, and it would take a long time for the weakened black hole to self-destruct.

The shield broke a little bit, and finally, under her horrified eyes, what was supposed to happen still happened. As the protective force field completely collapsed, the Phoenix Force did not fly from Jean Grey's body to find the black phoenix. Her body and soul were quickly torn apart under the action of gravity.

The system's voice rang in his mind. He breathed a sigh of relief and raised his hand to snap his fingers. The weakened black hole accelerated its self-destruction and soon disappeared in the universe.


The person involved did not think that his special effects were very strong, but Thor, who was watching the battle from the side, was different.

The first thing he saw after flying out of the universe was a huge phoenix. It was burning with black flames and gave Thor a great sense of danger. Its body, which covered the sky and the sun, almost covered about 10% of the earth's area.

The people in an area could not see the sun directly, and the earth fell into panic. Those spiritual flames that could decompose everything broke away from the phoenix's body and fell from the sky. Thor immediately raised his hammer to smash them.

He was sure that if this bird constructed by the materialization of spiritual power landed in America, it could even directly destroy the entire continent.

Before Thor could deal with these flames, he was fixed in place by the stasis field. When he came back to his senses, the person who used gravity next to the weaver had created something more threatening-

the gravity source similar to the black hole he had seen before.

The flames that were originally falling towards the earth were immediately attracted by a strong suction force. Thor was even a little unstable in the air. This suction force was much stronger than when he dealt with Malekith before. His first reaction was that the range was so wide.

He quickly fixed his body. The lightning formed by the divine power around Thor actually had a tendency to be sucked over under the action of gravity. He spent a little energy to control it and stood in the distance waiting for the result of the matter.

Then he saw a black hole slightly smaller than the black phoenix appear, and instantly swallowed the phoenix emitting a strong breath. More importantly, this black hole was more "low-key" than the one that swallowed Malekith before.

Standing in the distance, Thor did not even feel the danger it brought. It just stayed there quietly, as if there was no harm at all.

This made Thor feel even more terrified. He and his father had seen a real black hole. In terms of temperament, this fake one was almost the same as the real one.

After the fight was over, Thor immediately ran over and looked at Li Buying with a strange look: "Hey, the guy next to the weaver, uh, Li Buying, right? Who were you fighting just now, and how come you seem to have become stronger again?" "Hello, Thor, my superpowers have been upgraded, so I'm stronger again," Li Buying pretended to be unfamiliar with Thor, "The one I fought was the dark side of a mutant, and the prophet asked me to deal with her, and now everything is fine."

"That's good. I'll go tell the other superheroes now."

Thor didn't doubt him. His father and Loki believed the prophet's words, which showed that he was indeed trustworthy. So he left Li Buying and flew back to Earth. He returned to Tony and told him and Mr. Fantastic the whole story.

The two of them also quickly obtained information about the female mutant based on his description and found that it was Jean Grey from the X-Men.

"Destroy the dark side. That organization actually has such a terrifying power... Thor, you should have tried to catch Li Buying before."

A trace of worry flashed in Mr. Fantastic's eyes, and a trace of displeasure flashed on Thor's face. The tall and strong man approached Mr. Fantastic, whom he had not seen for a few times, and knocked on his chest with Thor's hammer:

"Mr. Fantastic, has he done anything to humans? I know that he helped you stop the disaster of Hydra, and even solved a crisis on the earth now. If you are afraid of his strength, then you should also be afraid of mine."

"Also, I am a god and don't want to get involved in the struggle between you humans!"

Thor has actually been enduring the surveillance of other humans on him recently. In order to stay on Earth for Jane Foster, he knew that he had to be patient for his lover, so he deliberately ignored those sights.

But these humans have been doing more and more excessive recently, and Thor is almost impatient-no matter how much he pretends to be a human, he is still a god, and the pride in his heart cannot be eliminated.

Thor, who was already furious, couldn't help but think of his recent experience when he heard what Mr. Fantastic said. His anger was immediately ignited by Mr. Fantastic, resulting in the current situation.


The Stone Man and the Invisible Woman took a nervous step forward. Reed raised his hand to stop them. As one of the smartest people on earth, he quickly realized why Thor was so angry. After thinking for a moment, he apologized very sincerely:

"Sorry, it's my problem. It's true that I don't trust you too much, but this is related to the safety of mankind, so I have to do this."

"Okay, Thor, you also have to know that we ordinary people are very weak creatures. If we are not careful, we can easily die."

Tony came up to smooth things over. Thor, who was a little irritated, knew that it was his own problem. He took back Thor's hammer without saying a word and left the fighter plane. He flew in the air for a while, took out his mobile phone and called the weaver. Li Buying had left Thor's phone number.

After dealing with the Dark Phoenix, Li Buying flew down from the universe. Before he joined the X-Men, he received a call from Thor, so he picked up the phone and asked in a mechanical voice: "Hey, Thor, what's up?"

"Well, I remember your organization has contact with that mutant country. Can I stay there for a few days?"

"Of course, you're welcome. I'll let Li Buying take you there."

Although he didn't know why Thor wanted to come, Li Buying welcomed him very much. After all, charging and other things could help.

After hanging up the phone, he didn't go to Thor immediately, but flew back to the X-Men to see what was going on. Jean Grey didn't show much abnormality after her negative personality disappeared, and she returned to normal like Norman Osborn.

After falling from the sky, Li Buying still asked Professor X, a professional: "Professor, how is Miss Grey?"

Professor X, who had already checked the three time periods of negative personality separation, Dark Phoenix and Li Buying fighting away, and Dark Phoenix being completely eliminated, couldn't help but smile:

"Very good, her own mental fluctuations and mutant abilities have not been affected at all, she is still the original her."

"That's really great, Miss Grey, the prophet also asked me to remind you that although the power in your body is strong, it is not uncontrollable. Don't be afraid of it, try to communicate with it and gradually master it."

Knowing that Jean Grey was safe, Li Buying reminded Phoenix before leaving, and then prepared to pick up Thor. As for the X-Men, Phoenix and Storm could take them back.

Just as he was about to leave, Phoenix and Cyclops called him. The couple looked at each other and bowed deeply to Li Buying as a thank you: "Thank you so much, Mr. Li Buying."

"It's my job, don't worry too much, I just want my loved ones to have a better life."

Li Buying waved his hand slightly and didn't take it too seriously. He sincerely hoped that there would be more good people in the world for many reasons, a large part of which was for himself.

The force field perception unfolded, and Li Buying quickly searched for the location of Thor. He immediately flew over there. Thor also found his location when he approached a certain distance. After the two met, Li Buying waved his hand and signaled Thor to follow.

Flying faster in the air, Li Buying asked curiously: "Although it's a bit offensive, I want to ask, why do you want to stay with us for a few days?" Thor touched his long golden hair in the air, and then said bluntly: "You know, these ordinary humans are always wary of aliens. I have been monitored by many people recently, and my girlfriend happened to be away, so I want to hide for a few days." This couldn't be one of the reasons why Thor and Jane Foster broke up during the Age of Ultron... Li Buying guessed the gossip and said to Thor: "I understand you. Before I awakened my ability, I was also monitored by Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D., and I endured it for a long time at that time." "Alas, Li Buying, you still lurked for a long time after you had the power, don't you feel uncomfortable?"

Thor wanted to gain some experience from him on how to endure it longer.

"Of course it's uncomfortable, but I still have a sister to take care of, so of course I have to endure it. There's no need to move them all out now."

Li Buying chatted with Thor, but was not prepared to teach Thor how to be patient:

"To be honest, Mr. Thor, you don't need to care too much about human opinions when you have power, right? You can completely stun those surveillance guys. I think you have to think about whether you are a human superhero or an Asgar." Virtuous God——"

“Or maybe it’s both, why not find a compromise?”

A compromise plan, a show of force...

Thor nodded and said he would give it a try. The time for conversation passed unknowingly, and they arrived at a prosperous town. Floating in the air, Thor could feel the hopeful atmosphere of the mutants.

“Very nice place.”

Thor commented, landing and walking on the street with Li Buying. Cyclops had no time to be gentle with the newly cured Phoenix girl, and quickly came here to greet Thor under the command of Professor X. He can be regarded as a member of the mutant nation. Second visitor.

Knowing Thor's purpose, Cyclops took him to a hotel where he was originally preparing to receive foreign ambassadors to stay temporarily. He did not send anyone to monitor him. In front of him, he told Li Buying what the professor and Magneto wanted to do next. Something that Li Buying can participate in.

But Thor didn't listen. He said he was going for a stroll and then disappeared from their sight.

Li Buying listened to Cyclops's words. The first was to determine the name of the country, and the second was that the professor was going to teach the island's language to other mutants so that they could understand what the island was saying.

In this way, the entire island is equivalent to a communication device. Even if the communication device fails, the mutants scattered on the island can still communicate with each other by talking to the island, and then the island transfers it to another mutant.

To put it simply, it is an information exchange that is difficult to block, so that any outsider will have no way to hide.

As for how to teach, it's very simple. Use his brainwave booster to carve the language into the minds of other mutants, so that everyone can learn the [Island Language].

Holy F2, oh no, holy Kara links the thoughts of each of us?

Li Buying's expression became strange and he went to the office building to meet the two people in power.

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