American Comics: Starting with Obtaining Spider-Man’s Powers

Chapter 163 Marvel's Interstellar Technology

Sitting on the spaceship from the Marvel universe, Li Buying also happened to use gravity sensing to see how the interstellar technology in this universe was. Unfortunately, Ai Yi was still in his storage space, and he didn't want to be in front of Ganata for the time being. Let her out.

"Do you mind if I investigate the spaceship technology?"

"No problem, just take a look."

Ganata replied lazily. Li Buying's gravitational perception instantly expanded and enveloped the entire spacecraft. The main target was the jump engine in the spacecraft. This was the place where the spacecraft's navigation technology could be seen most quickly.

After scanning a circle for a while, he immediately judged based on his little knowledge of science and technology that Ai Yi had made up for. The jump engine of the Marvel Universe and at least the spaceship Ganata was better than what he had seen in the mixed star world. The engine is much more powerful.

"Ganata, what level is your spaceship in the universe?"

"Why, are you worried about the situation of the earth?"

Ganata guessed wrongly what Li Buying was thinking, and he followed the trend and admitted this statement: "You can think so, after all, you know that so far, all countries on the earth are still a mess, not even a whole."

"Oh, don't worry too much. This spaceship is considered average in the universe. The Chitauri army that launched the attack on the earth only has a few hundred ships. You know, the entire universe is not suitable for weak people. It’s still too big.”

The purple-haired alien girl explained the current situation while eating alien food that made Li Buying feel weird:

"Long-distance interstellar jumps are difficult to complete. Even a powerful alien force like the Chitauri needs to use the passage opened by the Cosmic Cube to truly travel from places tens of thousands of light years or even farther away."

"The time and energy consumed in the process can be said to be countless. This is also the reason why it is difficult for interstellar forces to expand. Only small spacecraft can communicate with each other."

"Because of this, those who can use magic to move in space at the cosmic level are particularly valuable, but it is difficult for them to take away an entire spaceship, and those with this ability will not do so."

"On their own, they could become something like Odin."

Listening to her one-sided words, Li Buying kept nodding. It was the same reason that Thanos didn't come to Earth. He might be able to easily destroy the planet, but as long as he couldn't get the space gems for a day and didn't perform cosmic-level space movement around him, When there are many people, we can only slowly drive towards the place where there are gems.

From the knowledge provided by Ganata, we can know that Ebony Maw may not be able to do this, or even send Thanos alone to Xandar. At least Xandar, which has the Power Stone, is still fine. Thanos Didn't come over immediately.

Subconsciously clenching his palms, he also realized his importance. Currently, the Reality Stone, the Mind Stone, and the Space Stone were all on him. The only ones Thanos could get were the Power Stone and the Soul Stone.


Recalling his memories, he discovered that Thanos sent an army to Xandar to seize the Power Stone first. According to the timeline, it took at least more than a year to find the spaceship of the Asgardians who had experienced Ragnarok.

As long as Asgard is not destroyed, the Rainbow Bridge is not used, and Thanos cannot find anyone who can allow it to move through space at the cosmic level, Li Buying will still have a lot of time to prepare.

But you still can't pin your hopes on external things.

Li Buying thought a lot and was still very worried. There are X-Men in this universe and Ganata who was born from the corpse of Galactus. Maybe next month Thanos will be able to find the thing that sent him here, and then kill him single-handedly. on the earth.

"You still have to rely on yourself."

He talked to himself unconsciously. Ganata realized that Li Buying was worried, raised her eyebrows and asked: "Hey, you don't have many people on earth who can kill you head-on, why do you still look so worried?" Look."

Ganata naturally felt that this powerful earthling was not like herself. Her predecessor had an unknown powerful enemy, so she was so cautious. As an earthling, Li Buying had never been to the universe, but she could always feel it. The urgency in his heart for power.

Why so anxious? Ganata was very curious about this.

"Because there is an interstellar terrorist who wants to randomly wipe out half of all life in the universe."

Li Buying said casually, never expecting that Ganata would believe this. Her reaction also confirmed this. The purple-haired girl showed a surprised and funny expression: "How is it possible? Half of all life in the universe means... Even gods will suffer from it?”

"As long as the gods happen to be in this universe."

Ganata did not express her belief, just as Li Buying was troubled by nightmares. At this time, the spacecraft had already flown out of the gravitational range of Xandar Star and could officially begin the transition.

Upon seeing this, Li Buying stopped talking to the girl. Instead, he closed his eyes to feel the way the Marvel spaceship jumped. As the jump started, he suddenly felt that his perception was being stretched, and his original location was instantly far away.

This is one of the ways the Marvel Universe transitions.

Opening his eyes and looking out the window, everything around him was being stretched. What he actually felt was that the spacecraft itself was constantly jumping from one space node to another.

"How many ways of jumping are there in the universe, non-magical ones?"

He asked, but before Ganata could speak, the spacecraft's artificial intelligence replied: "The current mainstream transition methods include space point transition, light speed transition, and warp speed transition."

Let’s not talk about the magical teleportation of the Rainbow Bridge where we don’t know whether it is transmitted from a certain plane or from a certain planet. There are at least several ways of jumping in the Marvel Universe that are represented on the screen, which are also similar to It matched everything the artificial intelligence said.

The space point jump is achieved by Yondu, Rocket Raccoon and Little Groot in "Guardians of the Galaxy 2". When heading to the planet Ego, they accelerated the spacecraft engine and passed through N multiple space jump points. A super long distance crossing.

The light speed jump is slightly worse. Wendy Lawson, the incarnation of the Kree Mai Weir in "Captain Marvel", developed a light speed jump engine using the fluctuations of the space gem.

There is also the strongest one, which is warp speed jump. It seems that the spacecraft needs to reach a certain level of technology before it can be used. The spacecraft that his human body shaped by the living planet Ego rides on is this kind of spacecraft. It seems to be related to time, space and antimatter. .

I don’t know if I will be able to achieve warp speed in my own body in my lifetime.

Li Buying observes the space point transition that is similar to the hybrid universe but much stronger, and gradually improves his special force field. Maybe it will be used when.

After about two to three hundred space jumps at a time, the spacecraft slowly stopped in an empty universe and issued a reminder:

"Warning, warning, 325 consecutive space point jumps are already the maximum number of jumps for normal carbon-based organisms while ensuring physical health. Do you want to continue?"

"Can you still hold on, Mr. Earthling?"

Ganata turned to look at Li Buying. With his eyes closed, he opened a crack and said, "It's talking about normal carbon-based organisms. Unfortunately, I'm not one of them."

"Continue to jump and reach directly to the location of the signal."

After receiving the order, the spacecraft immediately set sail again.

After a total of 852 space jumps, their spaceship finally arrived on a planet with lush vegetation. Looking at this very beautiful planet, Ganata subconsciously stuck out her tongue and licked her lower lip.

For some reason, she always thought this planet looked delicious.

"No. 25, what kind of planet is this?"

Holding back her appetite, Ganata originally wanted to drive the spaceship close to the planet. At the same time, she also asked the name of the planet. The artificial intelligence answered in a mechanical voice: "Planet Ego, owner-Ego, high Intelligent creatures are scarce, the risk is high, and the air composition..."

"Okay, prepare to inform the forces above that we are ready to land."

She didn't want to listen to a long speech, but was about to leave immediately after taking the people who needed rescue, but Li Buying raised her hand to stop her: "Ganata, just wait on the boat. If you are worried about your appetite getting stronger, just go further away." ”

The purple-haired girl had a strange expression when she heard this: "What do you want to do?"

"I'm going to try to completely destroy this planet."

Li Buying's tone sounded very normal. Ganata raised her eyebrows but did not ask any more questions. Instead, she let her butt stick to the sofa again and waved slightly: "In that case, you can just go. ”

It was just destroying a planet. Ganata also wanted to see if Li Buying was talking nonsense or if he could really destroy the entire planet.

Just as he was putting on his spacesuit and preparing to go out, the spacecraft Intelligence 25 detected the signal again: "The source of the distress signal has been detected. Do you want to choose to connect it?"


A green face immediately appeared on the screen, and next to it was a little blue man with traces of mechanical transformation on his face. Li Buying immediately realized that these two people were Gamora and Nebula.

"Are you sent to rescue by Xandar!?"

As soon as Gamora was connected, she looked very anxious. Ganata nodded and said: "Yes, I am an energy addict. This is my companion. What happened to you?"

Gamora immediately told the story that Ego was a living planet and was ready to devour all the planets it visited. Ganata suddenly showed an expression of realization. No wonder she felt that a god had been here more than thirty years ago. , it turns out to be the living planet Ego.

"...That's what happened, please help us quickly!"

"I'll be right over."

Li Buying nodded slightly in response, and a system prompt came to his ears.


Big event mission——[Guardians of the Galaxy 2]

Ego, a living planet who claims to be a member of the Celestials, attempts to swallow his own child, Peter Quill, to gain more powerful divine power and increase his upper limit, thereby swallowing the earth where his own cells are scattered.

Defeat Him, or kill Him.

Mission reward: +2 charging points, genetic optimization (oxygen demand is greatly reduced)


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