The journey on the train was uneventful, with nothing happening except Hermione coming to ask Neville where his toad had gone.

Li Buying didn't really want to join the trio, so he didn't pay much attention to Hermione. He just explained to her that he hadn't seen her before and lowered his head again.

The little magicians in the same box as him were very curious about him as an Asian, but they didn't have many questions. Mainly because the calm expression on Li Buying's face really looked like an adult, which made them afraid to talk to him.

Seeing that these children were not talking to him, Li Buying did not care about them. Instead, he was thinking about a question - whether guns can be used in the forbidden forest.

There is still a loaded M1911 in the storage space. When they meet Quirrell and Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest, who are trying to suck the blood of unicorns, Li Buying can use his unethical gun-drawing skills to kill Voldemort instantly. .

He believed that the Iron Armor Curse could prevent bullets, but he did not believe that Voldemort's reaction speed and speed of chanting the spell were faster than bullets.

But the problem is that Li Buying doesn't know whether the Forbidden Forest can use guns.

Logically speaking, the Hogwarts area is protected by an [Anti-Muggle Objects] magic barrier. Don't talk about science or unscientific stuff, this magic barrier can render firearms inoperable.

But judging from the performance in the book, one of the biggest doubts has been discussed by book fans, and that is whether the camera held by Colin Creevey in "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" was blessed by magic.

The camera in his hand is a so-called Muggle camera, and it is an old thing that is purely mechanical and does not require batteries.

Before Li Buying traveled through time, there was still debate on the Internet. Some people thought that the barrier at Hogwarts could only be used to target radio waves or items that needed to be powered by electricity.

Others believe that the camera was simply blessed by magic. After all, special developing potion was used later to make the photos move.

In this regard, Li Buying could only try it by himself. Whenever he took out the gun in the Forbidden Forest or the Response Room and fired it, if he could hear the sound, it meant it could be used.

The train buzzed again. Li Buying, who was reading "Magic Theory", raised his head and looked out the window. The bright moon hung in the sky, with street lights beside it. The whole area was strangely silent, as if there was only the buzz of the train.

It was clear he was somewhere.

After changing her robe, Li Buying got out of the car with the children around her. The sloppy giant Hagrid appeared in front of everyone and startled the children. After talking to Harry Potter, he shouted:

"Freshmen! Freshmen come over here!"

Walking downhill along a steep and narrow path, a black lake appeared in front of Li Buying. He looked up and saw the moon hidden in the clouds and the towering Hogwarts underneath it.

She boarded a boat with three unknown children and crossed the lake. She lowered her head and crossed the cliff. Li Buying pushed aside the vines in front of her and came to the secret open entrance. After a while, she finally arrived at Hogwarts Castle. Oak front door.

The door opened, and Li Buying, who was crowded by the people around him, coughed a few times and squeezed into a small room in the luxurious castle. The very serious Professor McGonagall introduced Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, and Ravenclaw. And Slantlin then disappeared for a while.

"Hey, which house do you think we'll be sorted into?"

"Gryffindor, that's the best place." "Humph, Slytherin is the best place."...

The children kept quarreling excitedly. Li Buying was a bit uncomfortable as the outlier among them. He had already lived a new life. He no longer behaved childishly at the age of 11. Now he is better off pretending than not pretending. He is considered a precocious child. guy.

A group of ghosts floated past inside the castle, observing the children curiously. Professor McGonagall soon returned and ordered everyone to line up from the small room into the huge auditorium.

The furnishings in the auditorium were very luxurious, but what caught Li Buying's attention the most was the hazy starlight on the ceiling above his head, which looked even more dazzling than in the movie.

Entering the huge auditorium, a line of first-year students stood in front of a low stool brought by Professor McGonagall. There was an old hat placed on the stool. At this time, Li Buying became a little worried again——

The Sorting Hat shouldn't be able to read its memory.

However, considering that the system has even arranged his identity, this sorting hat may only be able to detect memories related to the college and be able to identify which college a person's emotional characteristics are more suitable for.

Just when Li Buying's consciousness was somewhat lost, the sorting hat suddenly shook a few times and began to sing the familiar sentence:

"You may think I'm not pretty, but never judge a book by its appearance."

"If you can find a prettier hat than mine, I'll eat myself..."

"...You may belong to Gryffindor, where there is bravery buried deep in the heart. Their courage, courage and chivalry make Gryffindor outstanding;"

"You may belong to Hufflepuff, where the people are upright and loyal. Hufflepuff students are persevering and honest, and are not afraid of hard work;"

"If you have a shrewd mind, you may enter wise old Ravenclaw, where wise and learned men always meet their kindred spirits;"

"Maybe you will enter Slytherin and make sincere friends here, but those cunning and insidious people will use any means to achieve their goals-"

Listening to the introduction of the four schools again, Li Buying sighed in his heart. He adjusted his mind and relaxed his mind and stopped thinking about which school was better. It was just a matter of picking and choosing. If he went to Gryffindor, he would be better off. Big job.

Each student put on a sorting hat and was assigned to the four houses. The number of people in front gradually decreased, and finally it was Li Buying's turn to step forward.

"Buying Li!"

Hearing his name, Li Buying stepped forward. He wasn't too nervous at first. When he put the hat on his head, he couldn't help but tense his muscles. He was thinking about how he came to the world of Harry Potter. A goal——

Gain more knowledge about magic.

After placing the Sorting Hat on its head for two seconds, it seemed to sense Li Buying's desire to learn knowledge and quickly shouted: "Ravenclaw!"

Applause erupted from the second table on the left. The boy calmly put down his hat. When he came to the Ravenclaw seat, he glanced around and found that most people here liked to read, and almost all of them wore glasses.

After sitting down in the Ravenclaw chair, Li Buying secretly glanced at the wise wizard with a long white beard sitting at the head.

Albus Dumbledore, nicknamed the "White Devil", has a lot of debates about him on the Internet. Li Buying is also a little worried. It is not until now that he officially enrolls. After all, even Tom Riddle can graduate successfully.

After a while, all the processes were over and dinner time arrived. Li Buying looked at the piles of delicious food in front of him and picked some casually.

"Uh, buying..."

A student sitting next to him said his name awkwardly, and Li Buying smiled and said, "Just call me Maggie North. This is my English name."

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