American Comics: Starting with Obtaining Spider-Man’s Powers

Chapter 22 Relying on Quidditch to get second place

In the following days, Li Buying basically didn't really perform magic. He was just learning theoretical knowledge, and it was not easy to carry out actual combat.

Sometimes at night, Li Buying would do some exercises. Under severe pain, he would basically be unable to continue after casting the spell once.

So he also had time to think about other things, such as how to get Ravenclaw to second place. The best way was to play Quidditch.

The score of the Quidditch match was actually 1:1 directly converted into college points. Li Buying remembered that in the original book, there was a difference of 40 or 50 points between Ravenclaw and Slytherin.

In terms of scores in the first semester, Ravenclaw should only lose to Slytherin in the Quidditch Cup. If Ravenclaw can defeat Slytherin in the Quidditch Cup and draw six or seventy points If there is a gap, I can definitely go directly to the first place.

Then, in the final Academy Cup, Dumbledore didn't even act, and directly added more than 150 points to Gryffindor, so Ravenclaw would be able to occupy the second place.

"Hopefully the broom won't use too much mental energy."

Li Buying murmured to herself, while thinking about another issue - about solving Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest.

After Voldemort and Quirrell are dealt with, everything that happened on the Philosopher's Stone may not count. In that case, if Ravenclaw wins completely, Gryffindor may not have a chance to get points.

But fortunately, this way, Harry Potter wouldn't end up lying in bed for three days and missing the Quidditch match. He could let Harry Potter catch the Golden Snitch, and then he could open up the score.

"I remember that Harry and his trio were deducted 150 points when they met Filch because they wanted to send the dragon away. I had to be discovered by Filch at that time when I was going to the Forbidden Forest.

If it brings disaster to the pond, the furious Professor McGonagall will probably take me away and deduct 50 points, but I also have to find a serious excuse to explain why I came out at night, otherwise Dumbledore will become suspicious...

Then start eating in the kitchen from today. "

Li Buying made a plan to give all the portraits a foodie look, so that they can still bear witness when the time comes.

He looked up at the calendar. He was going to start flying lessons tomorrow. Harry Potter had already shown his strong seeker qualities today.

Li Buying hoped that the plan would go smoothly. With the reflexes and dynamic vision brought by Spider-Man's abilities, he would definitely be able to spot the Golden Snitch in an instant and catch it.

At 3:30 in the afternoon the next day, the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students gathered in the playground. Ms. Hooch was quite relieved about them. Lions and snakes always fight, but badgers and eagles don't like to cause trouble.

"Okay kids, put your right hands on top of the broom handle," Ms. Hooch shouted from the front, "and then say: 'Get up!'"

"stand up."

Li Buying's nerves trembled slightly, and then the broom flew into his hand. The young man finally breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that operating a broom did not require as much mental energy as using magic.

Sitting on the broom according to the teacher's instructions, Li Buying kicked his legs hard, and the broom gathered magic power and floated directly in the air. It was very simple to control for Li Buying. Just when he was thinking about how to show off his flying skills, he heard a scream Coming from the side.

His roommate Terry was too nervous and made the same mistake as Neville. He suddenly picked up the broom and flew directly into the sky!

Come again?

Ms. Huo Qi sighed numbly. Actually, it was okay. Accidents like this happen every year because of broom riding. This year, there were only two people.

Terry sprayed directly into the sky like the cap of a shaken soda bottle. His hands were not very strong and fell down. Li Buying's eyes lit up. He clenched the broom and leaned forward, kicking his legs back hard.


A burst of smoke and dust was stirred up on the ground, and he rushed directly towards Terry, who fell from the sky, and caught his roommate in the air before the acceleration in the air reached its maximum!

After carrying Terry to the ground, Ms. Huo Qi ran over angrily amid exclamations: "First it was Harry Potter, and now it's you. I thought Ravenclaws wouldn't be so reckless!"

"I'm sorry ma'am."

Li Buying obediently lowered her head and pulled Terry to admit her mistake. Seeing how sincere they were, compared with the little lion and little snake yesterday, Ms. Huo Qi became much less angry and said to the two of them respectively:

"Mr. Butt, follow me to the infirmary to see if there are any sequelae. As for Mr. North, you can go find Professor Flitwick."

Things were just as Li Buying thought. After learning about Li Buying's talent in flying, Professor Flitwick was very happy to go talk to Dumbledore and the captain of Ravenclaw.

With the premise of Harry Potter, it would be easier for Li Buying to join the team.

In front of the Quidditch captain of Ravenclaw, Li Buying showed off his flying skills and his powerful dynamic vision after he first came into contact with the broom. The captain immediately decided to let Li Buying be a seeker like Harry Potter. hand.

The team's seeker can finally breathe a sigh of relief. He is currently preparing for the ultimate wizard exam. Continuing to participate in Quidditch may delay his academic performance.

After a brief exchange with the captain, Li Buying discovered that the Ravenclaw Quidditch team paid more attention to formations and moves, and less exercise on themselves.

So when you meet Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, two slightly "stupid" but aboveboard teams, you have a good chance of winning, but when you meet someone like Slytherin who is unreasonable and uses dirty tricks, it is not possible.

After learning a little bit about Quidditch, Li Buying walked towards the lounge, holding a book in his hand to read, but his attention was not on it.

According to the plot, it will be Halloween soon, and Hermione will hide in the women's bathroom and then meet the troll released by Quirrell.


Spider-Man ability acquisition level: 80%


Slightly clenching his palms, Li Buying believed that he could kill the giant monster as quickly as possible in the corridor, even if his body became smaller.

Time passed quickly, and soon it was Halloween. During this period, Li Buying also learned a lot of magic, although he didn't use it much.

After the last class, Li Buying went downstairs to the auditorium to attend the Halloween banquet. As soon as he sat down, delicious food suddenly appeared on a golden plate, just like at the banquet at the beginning of school.

Covering his stomach, Li Buying excused his stomach pain and immediately left and ran towards the toilet. After entering the men's room, he listened carefully to the sounds outside the corridor, pinched his phalanges and was ready for a fight.

Soon, the heavy footsteps of the troll and the extremely unpleasant odor on his body were heard in the corridor. Li Buying put the robe in the storage space to prevent himself from being contaminated by the troll's odor, and shook it hard when he approached. Close the window so it can hear and come over.

Harry Potter and Ron should be nearby now, and they will find a way to close the door, while Li Buying solves it in the toilet.

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