
The "Harry Potter" world mission is completed, please claim your reward.


Light flashed where Li Buying left the main world. When he returned to the original world, he shook his head and breathed a sigh of relief when he looked at his body that had returned to normal size.

Everything was as he expected. After the trip to the Forbidden Forest, the original plot did not deviate too much.

Li Buying was no longer bound by the mission and continued to study magic knowledge seriously during that time. The only pity was that as the day of departure got closer, Flitwick and Dumbledore did not find anything that could allow him to cast spells. Something to ease the pain.

As for Quirrell who escaped back, after he was hit by Li Buying with a firearm and Voldemort escaped from his body, he still stayed in Hogwarts waiting for an opportunity. Since Li Buying was not wearing a school uniform but a black robe, he Neither Voldemort nor I thought it was done by a student, but by someone with the same alternative ideas as them.

On the day when the Philosopher's Stone was about to be transferred, the Harry trio went to the underground chamber where the Philosopher's Stone was hidden as in the original work. Harry Potter, who had stopped Quirrell, was also lying on the bed.

In the final Quidditch match, Li Buying won the Grand Slam for Ravenclaw, and he felt a little worried about it. Fortunately, Dumbledore finally made a secret operation and directly let Gryffindor score. Become number one in one fell swoop.

Li Buying, who successfully completed the task, did not stay long. When the system prompt came, he chose to return directly to the main world.

Lying back on the bed, Li Buying took out his mobile phone and connected to the Internet to check the date. A trace of trance flashed in his eyes. Not even a second passed in the main world. In fact, he had been in "Harry Potter" for a whole year.

"It always feels a bit rushed, but forget it, this is how Novice Village is."

Rubbing his head and muttering to himself, Li Buying opened the system bar again, looked at the task and directly chose to receive the reward. In an instant, a large number of light spots converged towards his eyebrows and heart, and a refreshing feeling kept coming.

When the light spot dissipated, he reached out and touched his forehead and heart, but found no change in himself.

"The Alajo hole opens."

Taking out his wand and pointing it at the closed door to use the spell, Li Buying was pleasantly surprised to find that the tingling sensation was greatly reduced and the spell was successfully used. It seemed that this was the benefit of having his mental power restored.


Real name: Li Buying


[Memory Blockade], [Sickly], [Broken Soul] (10% repaired)

Abilities: Spider-Man (100%), Tiger Power


Li Buying, who opened the status bar, also saw the description of [Tiger Power], but he didn't feel anything in his body. When he focused on the three words "Tiger Power", a message came. After learning the message He immediately murmured to himself:

"Tiger Charm?"

[Power of the Tiger] is the power contained in the tiger talisman in Jackie Chan's Adventures, but the carrier is directly replaced by Li Buying himself, instead of a talisman. As for its ability, there are only eight words -

[The sea embraces all rivers, yin and yang combine together].

According to the performance in Jackie Chan's Adventures, it seems that it can only split into one good and one evil self, and it is very uncontrollable and is completely a side effect.

But that's not what the Holy Master said. In its eyes, the Tiger Talisman seems to be extremely important. It did not immediately change it back after receiving the eleven and a half talismans. When the talisman was taken out of the body, the Tiger Talisman seemed to have never been taken out.

"Speaking of which, with the power of the tiger, Mr. Negative's ability to reverse personality won't work on me anymore."

Thinking of the film, Li Buying, who had enjoyed a peaceful life for a whole year, felt that he could no longer relax like this and had to find something to do to regain the tension. This was Marvel, and there were gangs nearby and Thanos far away.

Speaking of gangsters, we have to mention Kingpin...

Li Buying's thinking was a little divergent. He thought from the Tiger Talisman to the film, from the film to the gang, and from the gang to Kingpin. He recalled the tragic situation of being caught before, and immediately looked at the person who had 100% acquired Spider-Man-like abilities, his eyes flashing. Too fierce.

That's almost it. Although firearms are still a threat to him, as long as they are not heavy machine guns or special firearms, it is not a big problem. It is time to find the underworld emperor to avenge himself.

It's best if you can find his true form. If you can't find it, destroy his property.

Darkness has fallen, and there is one more person in the sky above Queens today.

Li Buying put on a spider mask and a black sweatshirt and shuttled between high-rise buildings, looking down at the ground with sharp eyes.

Robbery, fights, extortion, chaos happened in his eyes, these things are too small, he wants to find big things, preferably gang fights, drug, gun transactions and other such things.

The index finger and middle finger were slightly extended, the ring finger and little finger were slightly bent, and a tough silk thread shot out and stuck to the tall building. Li Buying used this to turn. He arrived at the dock in a short while and wandered among the shadows of the containers.

"Hey, did you bring your stuff?"

"We're here. I hope those two dead guys won't affect our cooperation."

"Of course, let's inspect the goods first."

Li Buying, who heard the sound, hid in the darkness of the container and watched another transaction between Jin Bin's men and the negative men on the dock. This time it was larger than the one he blocked before.

Seeing several people exchanging iron boxes, Li Buying looked around. The terrain was not suitable for placing concealed guns and allowing the two sides to fight. They could easily hear where the gunfire came from.

But it doesn't matter. You can create a sense of fear and let them come to die on their own, or let Kingpin's men escape and he can catch up.

His fingers moved in a regular rhythm, and the blade of the hidden sword stretched out. Li Buying raised the M1911 with his left hand and fired, directly killing the leader of Mr. Photo's side.

As the leader fell to the ground, the entire port was in chaos. The people from the Devil Gang immediately raised their guns and aimed at the guys on Kingpin's side. The remaining small leaders immediately raised their hands to tell the people on their side not to raise their guns and look towards the sound of the gunfire. Ringing location.

"Idiot, someone over there is deliberately trying to get us into a fight!"

After scolding the Devil Gang guys, the leader waved his side to move closer to the container. Seeing that Jin did not intend to start a war, the Devil Gang people were dubious, but finally decided to believe them once.

Two groups of 20 people carefully entered the container group. The crowd dispersed unconsciously. Some jumped on top of the container and looked down for the shooter.

They didn't even think about looking at the crane overhead. Under the crane, Li Buying was hanging upside down, staring at the actions of all of them.

After releasing the adsorption force, Li Buying fell from the sky. His hidden sword instantly pierced the neck of the gang member who jumped onto the container, but he landed silently.

Supporting the dead member, he placed the body inside the open container in the blind spot of everyone's sight. Li Buying shook off the blood stains on his hidden sword and continued his killing operations, spinning a web in the dark like a spider, allowing these insects to slow down. Slowly trapped in the net.

One, two, three...

When the fifth person was killed, the bloody smell from the corpse finally spread. These guys realized that something was wrong. Some of them shouted in fear: "Boss, what should I do!"

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