It was a little earlier than this, around the time Li Buying emerged from the sewer.

In a secret and luxurious room, two handsome men were playing cards idly inside, and their clothes were still hanging in the room——

A set of silver warrior armor and a black tights. The cape of the tights is like a swallow's tail, and there is a golden mane on the hood.

They are the mercenaries [Silver Samurai] and [Killer Shrike] sent by Hydra to capture Li Buying.

However, two full days later, Hydra completely lost the location of the target, which resulted in the two of them having to wait here.

Fortunately for them, their employer this time was very good, with all kinds of delicious food and beauties.

After taking a sip of the drink, Killer Shrike handed a dollar bill to the Silver Samurai. The Silver Samurai took it and put it on the table. The two bored people were preparing for the next game.

The relationship between them is not that good, it's just like colleagues. They are about to arrest someone together, so they need to have a better relationship.

At this moment, the communicator that had not sounded for a long time finally made a beeping sound. The Silver Warrior's eyes lit up and he opened the communicator. The processed human voice said respectfully:

"Two gentlemen, the person has been found. The target has been changed to a superpower named [Weaver] as mentioned before. Now his image will be transmitted to your mobile phones."

Turning on the phone, Killer Shrike and Silver Samurai saw the target this time. The images were edited by cameras one by one.

You can clearly see guys wearing spider masks running away with a girl on their backs, and behind them is a famous villain chasing them.


The two became serious, they couldn't afford to offend the Brotherhood of Mutants.

"Don't worry, of course we won't let the two of you conflict with Magneto. His target is just the girl behind the Weaver. What we need is the Weaver."

"That's good, let's go there now."

Silver Samurai and Killer Shrike were relieved after hearing this, as long as they didn't have a head-on conflict with the Brotherhood.

Brotherhood reinforcements?

Looking at the source of the bullet, Li Buying found that the people who shot him were two unknown guys. Looking at their appearance, he knew they must be named villains.

Immediately afterwards, the system released a new task, which made him feel a sense of unknown anger.


Mission: [Intruder]

It seems that Jinpin or the people behind Jinpin have not given up the idea of ​​arresting you. No, at the critical moment of saving mankind, they are causing trouble again. Are you angry? If you are angry, find a way to kill them! !

Mission rewards: Special upgrade module-Phase Spider (Baldur's Gate 3), upgrade module-increased spider silk control ability


Looking at the two Jinpins or the guy called by the group behind Jinpin, the young man felt manic in his heart. He was saving everyone's lives, but these idiots actually came out to hinder him! ?

The killer shrike, who was sniping at Li Buying, put down his sniper rifle and directly lifted something from the cover that made Li Buying's spider sense a violent beat.

Have you brought all the rocket launchers to me?

Looking at the rocket launcher, Li Buying swung away. Just as his legs left the wall, the Silver Warrior quickly threw out the shurikens in his hands. They rotated at high speed in the air, directly cutting off the spider silk.

Feeling the danger, Li Buying kept shooting threads towards the wall. The high-speed rotating shuriken cut the threads, and he could only land on the wall.

It was at this time that the Killer Shrike cooperated with the Silver Warrior and fired rockets towards Li Buying's foothold.

Just when the rocket was about to hit him, he pulled his arm hard and swung towards another building under the surprised eyes of the two people.

Li Buying had been prepared when the silk threads were continuously shot out before. One of the stuck silk threads quickly merged with the surrounding environment, so it was not cut off.

The airflow and various debris generated after the explosion hit Li Buying from behind. The little naughty girl continued to scream. This was the first time in his life that he had experienced such an exciting thing.

"If you don't want oxygen deprivation or glass shards falling into your mouth, keep your mouth closed."

Li Buying turned around to remind him that his spider sense struck again. His eyes twitched as he watched the bazooka being raised again, and he jumped sideways to another building.

"It's too agile. It can't continue like this. Let's fight in close combat."

"Okay, I'll go down and wait for you."

Hearing the killer shrike's suggestion, the silver warrior turned around and ran downstairs. The shrike jumped directly from the air and flew towards him in Li Buying's surprised eyes!

Seeing a flying enemy, Li Buying immediately sprayed a large amount of spider silk from his hands. The killer shrike looked at the open spider web and immediately avoided them in a roundabout way, raising his crescent-shaped hands in the air.

The spider sense began to vibrate, and Li Buying immediately ran out a distance. Energy shock waves were emitted from his hands, directly smashing the glass inside the building.

"Who are you?"

Li Buying avoided the energy wave of Killer Shrike. At a disadvantage, he wanted to use delaying tactics to find a place to climb to the top of the building.

At present, the flying villain wants to force himself to the ground. It seems that he wants to deal with him together with his accomplices. Li Buying cannot let him succeed so easily.

"Just mercenaries."

Hearing the killer shrike's reply, Li Buying's eyes twitched, his teeth chattered and he looked around. At this moment, the creepy feeling coming from behind made him fall down vertically decisively!

Looking back, the red devil suddenly appeared and caught the little naughty. He grinned sneer when he looked at Li Buying and the little naughty, and then disappeared into red mist.

Li Buying, who was falling vertically, pressed against a wall and tried to go up. Shrike blocked his path with two cannons and shouted:

"Red friends of the Brotherhood! Our target is the man with the spider mask, drive him to the ground, and take away the girl behind him!"

The red devil heard the words of the killer shrike and appeared behind Li Buying again, reaching out to the little naughty man.

Li Buying was forced to fall again. The high-speed spider silk released by raising his hand was dodged by the Red Devil, and another energy cannon bombarded Li Buying's footing, forcing him to fall.

Li Buying, who was being pressed closer and closer, fell to the ground, her spider sense buzzing wildly.

He immediately jumped up to avoid the tachi with a little light. The tachi swept his leg and hit the metal trash can on the side, splitting it in two. The silver warrior had been waiting here early, showing a disdainful smile to Li Buying.

Li Buying quickly shot out the spider silk, and the small and sharp spider silk flew towards the silver warrior. Looking at the spider silk, the silver warrior took a deep breath and slapped the spider silk with the blade of his sword at a speed far exceeding the limit of ordinary people.

Li Buying, who was concentrating, found that the spider silk that was photographed disappeared directly.

Mimicry requires a color change time, about one second, so the ejected spider silk needs to stay still or move slowly to remain "invisible". Mimicry is useless if it is ejected at such a high speed.

Three against one.

Looking warily at the silver warrior in front of him, Li Buying directly raised his foot and kicked the red devil who quietly appeared behind him!

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