1995, Los Angeles, USA.

Li Buying suddenly appeared in the wilderness. He looked at the sun above his head and frowned slightly.

The system did not assign him an identity this time, which meant that he was of no help here. He had one and only one mission, which was to get rid of T1000.

But what makes Li Buying curious is that the Terminator world has an obvious time paradox. Will the plot of this world directly change when he arrives?

The robot [Terminator] in the original work is constantly iterated one by one, from T800 to newer equipment, which is more like a closed loop of time.

Because the T800 came to the past world, and then the damaged T800 was used for research, which in turn promoted the advancement of technology in the future world and the emergence of newer models of Terminators.

If you think about conspiracy theory, maybe only Skynet in "Terminator 1" really wants to kill the so-called savior John Connor.

And the subsequent terminators, regardless of whether they are positive or negative, may be sent by Skynet intentionally or unintentionally, just to promote the explosive growth of technology.

However, there seems to be a parallel world in the Terminator's worldview. Every time you travel through time and space, you may come to a paradoxical parallel world.

Speaking of which, the computing power of Skynet in the previous life movie seems to have been said by netizens to be inferior to the 4090 graphics card before he traveled through time.

Li Buying thought of this joke from his previous life.

Pulling down his hood, he habitually took out his mask and put it on. Li Buying also understood why many superheroes and villains used to hide themselves with hoods and the like.

That's because while hiding your face, you can release your inner emotions more and let the suppressed other self appear in front of the public.

After putting on the mask, Li Buying thought for a while. The first thing he had to do was to find John Connor and Sarah Connor.

The system shouldn't send him too far, so the nearest mental hospital should be nearby. All he has to do is find Sarah Connor, and then wait for T1000 and T800 to come over.

If there is still time for him to rest, then he should have a good sleep. Li Buying is still extremely tired now. He has not had a proper rest since he kidnapped the little naughty boy.

He kept wandering around the streets and alleys, and soon saw the right person for him to question - a group of gangsters were surrounding a thin man, holding butterfly knives in their hands and trying to blackmail him.

Li Buying decisively walked over to the gangsters who saw someone approaching. Just as he was about to speak, he punched each one to the ground and waved the thin man away.

After cutting a gangster's throat with a knife, Li Buying looked at the other frightened guys: "Where is the nearest mental hospital?"

Through that group of gangsters, Li Buying found the nearest mental hospital to him. This era had not yet experienced the explosive growth of electronic technology, and there were not many cameras on the streets or even in mental hospitals.

He easily sneaked into the mental hospital, constantly searching the windows of each room, and finally saw a woman with eight-pack abs who was constantly exercising.

It looks like it's her, but I need to confirm.

When night fell, Li Buying climbed into the hospital to check their system, and soon found that Sarah Connor's name was indeed in it, and the ward number was the same as what he saw.

After finding the mission target, he climbed to the roof. After completing the mimicry, he closed his eyes and rested on the top floor, falling into a deep sleep.

In the next period of time, he waited for the plot to happen nearby and practiced magic by the way.

After confirming that he could obtain artificial intelligence, he no longer had to deliberately learn Legilimency. He could learn how to apparate first.

About two nights later, a loud noise woke him up while he was sleeping on the roof!

Li Buying was awakened by the loud noise. He hung upside down from the roof and immediately saw two big men fighting. One was full of muscles, and the other was slightly weaker.

And Sarah Connor is still protecting a child, which seems to be John Connor.

Very good, the plot has not changed due to my appearance for the time being. It should not be a circular timeline, but a parallel world.

Li Buying currently confirmed that there was only one T1000. He did not act rashly when the two sides were fighting, but paid attention to the situation inside.


The Terminator T800 hit the T1000 with a shotgun. The T1000, which turned into a policeman, was hit by the shotgun and was knocked back a few steps. Taking advantage of its stiffness, several people immediately ran to the elevator and wanted to get out of the elevator.

Seeing this, Li Buying frowned and shouted: "Take the stairs or the elevator because you want to be trapped in it!?"

Hearing the unexpected sound, both robots and robots subconsciously looked towards the window and found a strange man wearing a spider mask hanging upside down from the window watching the battle.

"Run! Go to the underground parking lot!"

Li Buying roared loudly, raised his hands and fired spider webs continuously. The flexible spider webs directly blocked T1000, which was unable to react for a while.

The other three people didn't know who he was for the time being, but that didn't stop them from running away immediately, rushing to the stairs and going down the stairs.

Li Buying did not leave, but focused on the T1000 in front of him. Countless deformed blades popped out of the spider web and tore it apart.

T1000 walked out and glanced at Li Buying, and finally ignored him based on the data selection, and turned directly to pursue Sarah Connor and John Connor.

Not long after, the car carrying three people drove out of the underground garage. Li Buying jumped directly onto the roof of the car. He looked down at the T800 and Sarah Connor who were about to shoot and said:

"I'm here to help your future genetically modified people. Don't worry about it. Get rid of the T1000 behind you first."

As Li Buying spoke, he waved his hand and hit the liquid robot that had no time to transform, causing his arm to let go of the vehicle.

Genetically modified people?

Sarah's eyes widened, and T800 looked at John: "Do you need to clear the target?"

"No, please ask this gentleman for help first." The child looked back at the T1000 that was about to catch up and said decisively.

Li Buying temporarily eliminated everyone's hostility and raised his head to look at the pursuing liquid robot, which was constantly releasing spider webs.

He kept cutting the extremely sticky spider web, but the threads would still stick to his body. After a large amount of threads accumulated, they began to stick to the ground, bringing great resistance to the T1000.

He did not use Gravity Mastery, he would use this move after preparation.


The shotgun bullet hit the robot, which was still running desperately. He finally fell to the ground and began to repair himself.

The liquid metal robot, which was tightly bound by the spider web, stared at the rapidly leaving vehicle in front of it, with fluorescent lights flashing in its eyes.

The vehicle quickly drove away and settled down temporarily at an abandoned gas station in the wilderness.

When Li Buying jumped out of the car, Sarah immediately wanted to point a gun at his head. He easily dodged it and picked up the knife on the table and cut his finger deeply, then opened the wound and let several people check his finger. skeleton.

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