A loud noise appeared in the laboratory. Although the sound insulation effect of the walls was very strong, there was still sound coming out.

When the security guard realized that something was wrong, Li Buying had already escaped from the laboratory and rushed outside quickly. When the alarm sounded, he had already joined John Connor and others.

"Okay, I'm sure the data on those hosts cannot be repaired. T1000 to-"

Before he finished speaking, the hairs on Li Buying's body stood up. Spider-sense broke out and the threat of death came. He suddenly looked up and saw a liquid metal robot that had snatched an armed helicopter from nowhere appeared in the night sky.

"Drive! Go to the steel mill!"

Li Buying shouted loudly. At this time, the T800 also discovered that the T1000 was hiding in the sky and was approaching quickly. It immediately increased its power and drove towards the original target.

The speed of the vehicle was getting faster and faster. Li Buying's feet were firmly stuck to the top of the car, and his eyes never left the helicopter.

When he saw the weapons loaded on it begin to lock, he immediately notified the driving robot to pay attention to the steering, raised his hands, aimed at the two machine guns and fired spider webs.

The sticky spider silk first stuck to the rotating chassis of the machine gun, quickly solidified and then caused problems with the rotation angle.

When the liquid robot found out, it decisively extended and deformed its arms, and directly used its long knife to accurately cut off these solidified spider threads, allowing the chassis to continue moving.

As it did this, more spider silk was shot at the propeller by Li Buying. There was no problem at first, and the sticky spider silk kept being thrown away.

But as time went by, the cobwebs solidified and seriously affected the rotation of the propeller, and the stuck feeling quickly increased and became more intense.

After T1000 discovered this, he decisively abandoned the helicopter, kicked open the helicopter door and fell from above. The helicopter just hit the ground and exploded!

Because the distance was too close, the heat wave and the strong wind generated by the impact swept towards the car. Li Buying raised his hand to cover the heat wave.

The heat wave was left behind, and Li Buying looked at the blazing fire. Sure enough, T1000 caught up again, riding a newly snatched motorcycle and rushing out of the flames, with the liquid metal on his body constantly flowing.


"This is already the fastest!" T800's tone started to sound anxious.

"Everything has been put in the steel mill."

Li Buying lowered her head and asked Sarah Connor. She nodded and said, "The liquid nitrogen tanks are ready."

Dodging a shot from the Terminator, he watched as the T1000 continued to fire spider webs. The liquid robot mounted on the motorcycle was obviously much more flexible and kept twisting the motorcycle to avoid attacks.

The two cars chased each other on the road, driving further and further away from the city. Finally, they were almost reaching the destination of their trip, and the steel mill was close at hand.

Li Buying, who had been blocking the Terminator from approaching, looked back at the place where the thick smoke was coming out of the chimney, and once again asked Sarah where the liquid nitrogen tank was stored, and was ready to pounce on it as soon as possible.

The crisp sound of reloading sounded, and the T800 in the car had prepared shotgun shells, waiting to further distance the T1000 from them to protect them from the liquid nitrogen attack.

With a loud noise, the door of the empty steel mill was knocked open. Li Buying's eyes moved quickly, and finally he found a row of liquid nitrogen in the corner.

Veins appeared in his legs. He stepped on the car and made a deep hole in the car. The next moment, he had jumped to the edge of liquid nitrogen and shouted loudly:

"Do it!"

The T800 sitting in the car decisively took out the shotgun and aimed at the T1000 behind it. The liquid robot quickly analyzed what they wanted to do when they saw the liquid nitrogen and the steel plant.

Although it didn't understand why humans knew their own weaknesses, they quickly calculated what they should do - retreat immediately.

However, conditions no longer allowed it to retreat like this. The shotgun directly blasted its body, leaving several large holes in its body.

T1000 fell from the motorcycle due to the violent impact, and its body began to repair at the same time, but the speed was still too slow, and a tank of liquid nitrogen flew towards it in its sight.


The liquid nitrogen tank directly hit the T1000. Because of its high quality, it was not destroyed. The T800 immediately opened a hole in it, and a large amount of liquid nitrogen gushed out and covered the surroundings of the liquid metal robot.

A stiffness began to appear on its body, and before it could move, more liquid nitrogen fell to cool it down rapidly.

"Break it."

As soon as Li Buying finished speaking, T800 had already picked up the shotgun in his hand and smashed the liquid metal robot that was in a stiff and solidified state to pieces.

The "corpses" were scattered in all directions, and Li Buying knew that it was not over yet. When the temperature returned to normal, this black technology robot could quickly merge into one.

He continued to shoot out spider silk to gather all the fragments together, and used the spider silk to drag the "corpse" into the steel plant.

Li Buying threw the ball into the empty steel-making furnace, and the T800, which was already ready, pressed the button to start the steel-making furnace.

Come on, my superpower.

He had already explained to the three of them that in his world humans had developed a gravity device that could imprison certain Terminators made of liquid metal.

Pointing his hands at the T1000, which had been released from freezing due to rapid temperature rise, he looked at the back of his hands and took a deep breath.

Watching the liquid metal appearing in the boiler and merging rapidly, Li Buying used his arms to strengthen his attention.

【Gravity Mastery】!

He focused his attention on the position of the liquid metal near the center, artificially created a gravitational point, and let the surrounding forces converge to the center of the gravitational point.

Heavy pressure was generated quickly, and his nerves kept twitching. After the liquid T1000 was aggregated, it suddenly found a huge force that prevented it from being reshaped into a human-shaped solid state.

A liquid sphere was firmly bound by Li Buying at the bottom of the steelmaking furnace. The sphere kept bumping left and right to try to escape this bondage, but no matter how it moved, it could not swing.

Li Buying was also a little uncomfortable at this time. The force he applied must be more than 500 kilograms. He was overclocking and using superpowers. His brain was a little tingling, but he was still enduring.

Under the constant stimulation of high temperature, T1000 showed changes similar to being vibrated by sound waves. Countless spikes protruded and retracted, as if trying to dissipate heat as much as possible or find a way to break free from the bondage.

However, the high temperature and high pressure made its movements slower and slower, and in the end it even completely lost its ability to move.

Li Buying was still very careful about the calmed liquid metal. After all, he didn't know whether it was T1000 pretending or really lost its ability to move.

The most important thing is that the task bar did not remind him that the task was completed.

In any case, he had to put the liquid metal into the storage space, which was related to his next action.

After burning the liquid metal for a while, Li Buying pulled off his gloves to relax his control over the liquid metal, ready to touch the metal at extremely high temperature.

I hope my fingers will not be hurt too much.

The corners of Li Buying's eyes twitched slightly, and he raised his hand to guide the liquid metal closer to himself, while poking the metal with his fingernails!

The liquid metal floating towards him did not attack him, and was sent into the storage space by Li Buying the moment it touched his fingernails.


The task is completed, the reward has been issued, please find a suitable carrier module, and the reward will be issued in the main material plane.

Do you want to leave the Terminator world immediately?


You still have one month to stay.


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