Looking at the picture in front of him, Li Buying couldn't help but pat his head with his left hand. He finally knew where the problem lay.

The plot in "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." and Ai Yi's explanation indicate that when the amount of gravity is too high, a compressed space will be formed due to the extremely strong gravity field.

There are only two results for people who come into contact with it, either their bodies are decomposed and their souls are left behind, or they can keep the gravity in their bodies like the transformed King of All Powers and an uncontrollable female villain.

For Li Buying, who has the ability to control gravity but has not been transformed, he will neither be like the former nor the latter, but will be somewhere in between.

He can easily master Gravity because of his ability, but he will also "assimilate" with Gravity because of his insufficient ability foundation. It is not erosion, but assimilation.

His body will be decomposed, but with the ability to control gravity, he can completely control all gravity with his soul that breaks free from the shackles of the body.

This will prevent you from quarreling internally like Franklin and Ian, unable to escape the internal space of gravity.

Li Buying can use gravity to rebuild his new body, achieving what looks like mechanical ascension, but is actually an extremely spiritual ascension!

In the sense of life, he will become a different kind of immortal, unless the soul decays or dies.

Attacks that can cause general metal damage will be completely ineffective against him. He can even form a shield on the surface to isolate most things, including air, which he does not need.

This is entirely advantageous from the evolutionary point of view of the creature, since he will lose all the mortal dangers of the physical body.

Based on this alone, Li Buying is more terrifying and powerful than Glenn Talbot, who died of suffocation due to the lack of air and low temperature in the universe after being sent into space.

Only extreme force crushing can solve him, otherwise nothing can kill him by any means!

Of course, banishment, sealing, and attacks at the soul level are another matter. In short, the reason why the spider sense is activated is because he must put it to death to survive.

Evolve yourself into an "invincible" creature, what a beautiful statement.

After Li Buying figured out why the spider sense occurred, he looked at the metal ball in front of him that he controlled with his power and hesitated.

What is the purpose of life? To put it simply, why do people have "greed"?

He is very simple anyway, and a lot of it is for physical enjoyment. He doesn't really want to give up eating, drinking and having fun after becoming an invincible creature.

Just when he was hesitating, the computer beside him made some noise. Ai Yi typed a line asking Li Buying how the situation was and why it stopped there. Li Buying expressed his concerns.

Ai Yi tilted her head on the screen:

"Master, your brain has been blinded by the power, why don't you try to put Gravity into your storage space first and then bring it back.

Apparition will be affected, but your storage space is a complete and solid space. Although I don't know the strength, it is difficult to be affected.

After bringing it back, wouldn't it be nice to wait until you are close to death and then use gravity to transform your body, or when your ability is strong enough, then put it into your body? "

——A long silence.

The next second Li Buying reached out to touch the metal sphere, it immediately disappeared from his hand and entered the storage space, where it existed stably.


A somewhat awkward atmosphere filled the air. He patted his forehead and stopped talking. He restored the original layout of the laboratory to its original state, then raised his wand and used Apparition to leave.

This should be the so-called embarrassment.

Ai Yi, who noticed all the master's movements, saw him reappear in front of her, searched the Internet for a way to relieve the embarrassment, and immediately asked:

"Now that the Gravitonium has been retrieved, what are you going to do next?"

After recovering from the embarrassment, Li Buying, who was hit by the huge surprise, was still dazed for the time being, and raised his hand to take out the gravity gun.

Looking at this beautiful silver-black sphere, his mind moved slightly, and the sphere immediately showed slight fluctuations. Ai Yi found that he and everything around him were slowly flying.

Even Li Buying himself had floated up and kept moving in the air. He said to Ai Yi:

"Although it does not absorb gravity, it is like an exclusive weapon to me. I can fully control it, and at the same time, it increases my power in all aspects."

"After that, I should temporarily use it as a weapon, and then absorb it into my body after my ability can completely control it."

After everything was put down, Ai Yi shook his metal hair and said, "Okay, will you continue hunting tomorrow?"

Li Buying covered her head and shook her head: "Is there any special news recently?"

There was no task popping up in the system bar, so he was ready to find the big event by himself.

The mechanical girl searched for information. The Osborne Group was developing drugs, a certain laboratory collapsed, someone was preparing to explore space, and people in various urban areas of New York were bitten and turned into inexplicable monsters...

"Wait, someone was bitten? Tell me more about this."

Li Buying thought of the vampire he met not long ago. Blade Runner should have happened in New York. He didn't want the place where he lived to be full of such things.

The strength of the vampire is neither high nor weak, which is just right for [Weaver] to act. Moreover, he also has a spray specially designed to fight against dark creatures. If it doesn't work, just use gravity to control it.

In the bar where the carnival was taking place, everyone was shaking their heads vigorously, some lowered their heads and swallowed something, and then completely relaxed on the sofa.

There is a mix of people here, which is a good place for some evil things to wait for an opportunity to eat.

"Hey, Ningdi, do you want me to introduce a good man to you?" At the edge of the bar, a scantily clad woman patted her drunk companion next to her and smiled mysteriously.

This companion had just gone through a breakup, and it was time to dedicate her to her great master.

"Good man? Who is it...forget it, go!"

The drunk girl looked up drowsily at her best friend, then became a little resentful, and nodded to indicate that she would go with her.

The woman showed a charming smile, and the drunk woman asked doubtfully: "Have you become more beautiful?"

"Oh, this, I found some useful cosmetics. I'll recommend them to you when you wake up."

Her tone was full of coquettishness, and the drunken Ningdi was led into the upper level of the bar. A handsome man was sitting in the box and looked over when she heard the door knock.

After seeing the two women, the handsome man showed a perfect smile. The drunk Ningdi was stunned for a moment and immediately broke away from his companion's hand and stood up.

The man stood up and saluted the pretty woman, and then said: "Hello, I am..."

His words quickly became blurred, and the drunk woman slowly lost consciousness. She only felt two pairs of cold arms hugging her, and something biting both sides of her neck, which made her feel a strange sense of pleasure.

In the box, the man and woman hugged the drunk Ningdi back and forth, opened their big mouths and bit her neck to suck her out!

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