The wall was suddenly blasted open, and Blade's companion and father Whistler also appeared here. He was slightly stunned when he saw the weaver, then nodded and shouted to Blade:

"A large number of vampires are coming, run away!"

Looking viciously at the vampires who kept falling to the ground, the four people ran out of the cave entrance. Li Buying turned back and sealed the cave entrance with a lot of spider silk to ensure that they could not get through at the first time.

Because of Li Buying's joining, they were not hunted down this time, but escaped safely into a temporary stronghold.

After confirming that he and others had escaped the pursuit of the vampires, the Blade Warrior looked behind him, Li Buying, who had been following them and nodded again to express his gratitude:

"Weaver, I've heard of you. Anyway, thank you very much this time. Speaking of which, why are you there?"

Blade looked at Li Buying's sweatshirt from time to time, and was very interested in the extremely lethal smoke bomb he threw.

The three people present were all curious about Li Buying. The most important thing was the reason why he appeared there. Li Buying thought about the "magic stick" character design he had made for the X-Men and others before, and thought that it would be better to follow through to the end. .

Walking to the computer desk, Li Buying opened the document and quickly entered characters on it, then turned it over for the three people to check.

He is a person who has gained superpowers due to magic, and he also has the ability to predict things imprecisely and can only know the general outline of things.

For example, in the prophecy not long ago, he saw the actions of mutants, so he went to Westchester County to solve the problem, and now he is here.

The vampire named Frost prepares... the blood god... bala bala...

After a while of deception, Dao Feng, who heard all the news, opened his eyes wide and breathed rapidly. He could imagine how horrific and tragic that would be.

Especially Whistler, Blade was furious when he thought that Whistler would die because of his carelessness. His adoptive father understood immediately when he saw this and patted him on the shoulder hard:

"Hey, I'm still here, don't think I'm dead."

After calming down, although Dao Feng still had doubts about Li Buying's ability to predict, he did not say anything in the end and asked about another thing, about that kind of smoke bomb.

Li Buying typed characters in the computer and said that he got the smoke bomb from a white magician. There was no way to make it. There is still one left. If Blade wants it, he can give it to him.

[When are we going to deal with those vampires and wait for this doctor to make a potion against vampires? 】

After typing this line of text on the screen, Blade hesitated and chose to wait for Dr. Blood to make an anticoagulant. This would save a lot of effort in dealing with the soldiers.

It's just that the stronghold needs to be changed, and then the original stronghold becomes a trap...

Hearing Blade's choice, Li Buying nodded slightly.

Li Buying has no hope for medicines against vampires. I am afraid that the reality will not be as smooth as in the movie. He can directly use anticoagulant medicine to kill Frost, who has gained the power of the blood god.

But since Li Buying is here, he will definitely not let Frost get a large amount of Blade's blood.

At that time, I didn’t know whether the incomplete ritual could still be carried out, or whether Frost could directly use the blood of the twelve elders to enhance himself.

After the discussion, he looked at the fragmented pages on the table with some curiosity. He could feel that there was some dark and evil magic on them.

It can’t be related to the [Dark God Book]...

The first vampire in Marvel was born from something called the Dark Book, and the Dark Book is related to a certain god in the dark dimension.

Thinking of this, Li Buying moved further away from that thing. He didn't want to get involved with those terrifying gods in the dark dimension, so he stayed as far away as possible.

After checking the time, he kept the three people on guard for a while. After confirming that there was nothing going on around him, Li Buying typed on the computer.

He stated that he wanted to leave and was not prepared to act with them every day. If anything happened, he could just find a place with an Internet connection and type something on his computer to notify him.

"No problem," Dao Feng agreed. After thinking of something, he tentatively asked, "By the way, do you mind if I ask a friend to join us?"

[Of course I don’t mind, but don’t call Spider-Man, who has a strong sense of justice. He might have a fight with me after it’s over, so who do you want to call. 】

Li Buying naturally felt that there was strength in numbers and did not refuse the help of Blade's friends. Blade turned on his phone and said: "[Punisher]."

【? How did you guys meet? 】

Li Buying's eyes widened when he heard the name Punisher. He didn't expect that the two of them would know each other.

However, Blade is a dark hero and Punisher is an anti-hero. I am afraid that the two people do have quite compatible views, as long as there is no intentional conflict.

After Daofeng got through the phone, he said casually:

“There was once a vampire who deliberately induced the Punisher to think that I was a heinous murderer.

However, he was very cautious. After confirming my identity and the identity of the vampire, he immediately notified me and then acted out a scene with me, killing those guys with silver bullets backhand. "

After listening to Blade's explanation, Li Buying nodded slightly, and suddenly remembered that the Jigsaw man he killed seemed to be one of the Punisher's enemies.

You won't be ignored or solved by him, right?

After thinking about the Punisher's extreme personality and recalling the people he had killed, Li Buying was convinced that he had never injured anyone unrelated to the murder at the scene.

As for the future, he can't control it anymore. If the punisher is going to count the lives of those good people who died indirectly at Li Buying's hands on his head, then Li Buying will not be merciful.

Well, have to be careful.

He said he wanted to leave but did not leave immediately. Li Buying signaled Blade to call the Punisher over. If there were any conflicts, it would be better to resolve them before fighting the vampires.

Time passed quickly, and a large off-road vehicle stopped outside Blade's temporary stronghold. Li Buying looked up and saw a burly man with a huge skull on his chest walking down from the ground.

This burly man's face and limbs were covered with scars, and the fierceness in his eyes seemed to never disappear. He looked like a butcher, no, he was a butcher.

When Li Buying saw the Punisher, the Punisher also saw him. The burly man came to him and nodded slightly to him: "Weaver, thank you for helping me solve the Jigsaw Man and cleaning up so many things." Gangster."

[…Don’t you think I stole your prey? 】

Seeing this line of words, the Punisher showed a ferocious and ugly smile:

"No, for these people who cannot be called human beings, I don't care how they die. In short, the sooner they die, the better."

Hearing this answer, Li Buying nodded, but did not relax his vigilance. This guy might suddenly turn his face and deny anyone.

Checking the time again, Li Buying, who had met with the Punisher, was really ready to leave. At the same time, he left a special smoke bomb as mentioned before to see if Blade would make something similar based on this thing.

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