Everyone ran out of the rental house. Li Buying climbed up the wall and looked up at the originally bright sky.

After he solved the huge demon, the originally dark environment had become normal, but now it became darker and darker.

The black "thing" with flapping wings in the sky was approaching here. Li Buying watched everyone board the plane, and he also shot out spider silk to get there.

"Someone needs to be outside to deal with the incoming demons, Adam, please."

"Don't order me."

Dr. Destiny said to Black Adam, who was hostile not long ago. Black Adam raised his hand to state that he was not listening to Dr. Destiny, and then shouted "Shazam", with surging divine power emerging from his body.

The plane took off, and Black Adam flew beside it in a backwards manner, keeping his eyes on the demons chasing after him, and found that their speed was faster than the plane.

The distance between the demon and the plane was getting closer and closer. Black Adam raised his hand to release magic lightning. The raging current electrified the fish demons to a crisp on the outside and tender on the inside, and sent them back to hell one after another.

Judging from the plane screen, Black Adam was not struggling, and Li Buying was not interested in fighting without rewards, and stayed aside to watch things develop.

Hawkman seemed to want to go out to fight, but was held back by Hawkgirl, indicating that he should obey Dr. Fate's arrangements.

"Okay, Officer Dawson," Constantine took out his prop box and found some gadgets from it, "I'm going to use some little magic to find the location of the Spear of Destiny. You first find a place to lie down. good."

As soon as Angela lay down, the plane suddenly felt shaking. Li Buying rubbed his aching temples, and his spider sense told him that there seemed to be danger coming.

When Dr. Destiny turned on the monitor again, everyone was shocked by what they saw——

Black Adam was surrounded by five demons over ten meters tall and many smaller demons. Magic lightning kept flashing, but he could not escape.

"Those five demons..."

Realizing that the five demons might be the cronies of Mammon, the son of the devil, Doctor Fate turned on the loudspeaker and shouted: "Adam, can you still hold on?"

“Who do you think——I am?”

There was a roar from the demon pile, and the ring current spread out.

Those weak demons were instantly destroyed by this powerful magical lightning, but the five giant demons blocked Black Adam who wanted to leave as if they were not harmed.

As a Shazam who gained the power of the Egyptian gods, he was not harmed by these five demons, but he was indeed dragged here by them and found it difficult to get out for a while.

"Eagle Man, Eagle Girl, please, Mr. Constantine, you continue to look for clues to the Spear of Destiny, Mr. Weaver, you are responsible for protecting it."

Dr. Destiny, who was piloting the plane, commanded everyone. The couple quickly flew out of the cabin and tried to attack the demons. Under the influence of their N-metal armor, they were able to kill these demons easily, but the number was slightly too large.

Li Buying in the cabin saw that everyone had things to do and didn't need his help. He wanted to be idle, but unfortunately the demons seemed unwilling to give him this opportunity.

The sharp claws in the shadow slowly took shape, and two pairs of sharp claws stretched towards Li Buying's back. However, before it could make complete contact, a hand grasped its arm.

Li Buying turned around and punched, scattering the thing that quietly appeared in front of him into a blood mist. He patted the blood on his body and stood up to stare into the darkness in the cabin.

The spider sense told him that many demons were about to appear here, all of which seemed to be caused by Constantine's search for the Spear of Destiny using police officers.

"Constantine, please hurry up, these things seem to have been attracted by you."

Constantine, who was concentrating on casting spells, said without looking back: "Give me ten minutes. Dawson is currently connected to hell. If I want to find the Spear of Destiny through her, I must have some contact with hell."

This gave them a chance to leave hell and appear here directly. The exorcist still needed ten minutes to complete the ritual and find the mission target. Doctor Fate on the side spoke at this time:

"Mr. Weaver, if you can't bear it anymore, I will help you. Mr. Constantine, you can slightly modify the ceremony..."

Looking at the large number of demons appearing in front of him, Li Buying ignored the academic discussion between the two people behind him, raised his hand slightly and pretended to reach into the inner pocket of his clothes, and took out the holy silver paint from the storage space.

Looking at the malicious eyes that appeared in the darkness of the cabin, he raised the holy silver paint and pressed the button. A large amount of powder was sprayed out, and as soon as it appeared, it radiated a strong light due to the presence of the devil!


Countless screams rang out, and all the demons stained with the holy silver paint screamed. The powerful positive energy made these demons miserable.

However, they did not die completely like vampires, they were just much weaker.

Waving his palms, Li Buying sprayed silver paint and pushed closer to Constantine to prevent demons from breaking through the boundary and coming to them.

The demons that had inhaled the silver paint howled in pain and focused their attention on him. They stepped on the silver paint in anger and rushed over desperately.

Looking at about a dozen demons, Li Buying clenched his fists as before, except that he was not targeting one demon - but the large group in front of him.

【Gravity Mastery】.

Taking all the demons into his eyes, Li Buying regarded them all as targets for exerting his strength. He stepped back with his right foot and transferred the power of his body to his right hand. As his muscles bulged, the gap between his left and right hands became very large.


Exhaling a filthy breath, he looked up at the demon that was spitting fire and unwilling to get close to him, and punched out the fist collected at his waist!

The demons closest to him were instantly crushed, and some things in the cabin were crushed by invisible forces. However, the aftermath was not as Li Buying imagined.

Not all the demons died. The demons probably within five meters of him just all headed towards the darkness of the cabin and were knocked out by the invisible pressure. Some were seriously injured, and some simply retreated.

The control is still not enough, and there is no way to accurately disperse the power to them across the air.

Before these guys could stand up, Li Buying raised his head, and the spider under the hood showed its extremely ferocious side.


Demons also have fear in their hearts. After seeing their companions suffer unknown attacks, they wonder about the unknown, the death of their companions, the pain of being attacked, and whether they will also return to hell...

Waiting for a series of emotions, they finally turned into fear of the human wearing a spider mask in front of him.

The ferocious spiders entered their field of vision, and these demons who had suffered a lot in hell once again felt the fear of the "superiors", "powerful people", and "predators"!

They all stood still for a moment.

It was at this time that Li Buying stretched out his hidden sword from his cuffs, stepped on the plane with his legs and made two holes. He came to the demon and waved his hidden sword to leave fatal wounds on the remaining demons.

When he stood still, the bodies of those demons were wrapped in sacred flames until they turned into ashes!

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