
In the early morning of the next day, Li Buying got up refreshingly. When he stretched his waist, he felt that his muscles were very relaxed. Ai Yi's massage was very effective and the results could be seen in one day.

"You wake up. Breakfast is fried eggs, bacon, toast and a large glass of milk."

Seeing that Li Buying had been woken up by him, Ai Yi took out a tissue and wiped the corners of his mouth. He brought the breakfast that had been prepared to the owner and put it down. Then he walked aside and sat down, and continued to search for what Li Buying needed.

After breakfast, he stood up by the window and watched the people coming and going below. He didn't know what to do with the rest of the time. At this moment, Ai Yi's eyes suddenly lit up and she looked up at Li Buying. said:

"Master, I have thoroughly screened all parts of Gotham City and found three underground caves in the city that may contain the Dionysian factor."

Hearing these words, Li Buying's pupils shrank, a feeling of surprise came to his heart, and thoughts of immortality flooded into his mind. He immediately decided to start a journey to Gotham City, and left immediately after getting the Dionysus Factor. Come again.

"Then let's pretend to be tourists, and Ai Yi. Are you sure our identities won't be exposed?"

"Definitely, in order to prevent Batman from becoming suspicious, I divided the information I shaped into countless small pieces and scattered them in other networks. They were not all squeezed together, and there were also many traps left.

Even Bruce Wayne would have a hard time knowing that we are travelers from another world.

Even if he finds out our identity, he will first see the [Agents] on the first level, the [Preservers of Time and Space Memory] on the second level, the [Time Travelers] or [Personnel from Parallel Worlds] on the third level, and finally he will realize that we are hiding the deepest identity of. "

"Okay, let's start our Gotham City tour tomorrow."

Li Buying turned on her phone and found that there were quite a few people traveling to Gotham City who were not afraid of death. But that was right. Gotham City was one of the most prosperous cities in the DC universe, so it would naturally attract a lot of people.

And tourists will not randomly go to places where the locals look very poor, but will only stay in areas such as famous scenic spots.

Except for clowns and some psychotic villains who go crazy from time to time, places such as scenic spots and bustling areas are relatively safe.

About two days later, the train was slowly stranded at the Gotham City train station. Today was a rare sunny day. The sun hung in the sky, bringing light and heat to this gloomy city.

Li Buying dragged his suitcase out of the train carriage, looked up and looked around. The spider sense didn't respond much, but a lot of eyes glanced at him.

Many of them moved away because of the shabby clothes he was wearing, while others stared at him with malicious eyes, as if they wanted to get something from him, such as money or body parts.

Ignoring these sights, Li Buying blended into the crowd and disappeared from everyone's sight. His sense of existence gradually became weaker. Those who were peeping at him gradually couldn't find where he was and lost track of their target.

"Anyway, find a hotel to stay in first."

Li Buying murmured to herself, opened her mobile phone and searched for a luxury hotel. She hailed a taxi and got in. She went directly to the hotel without encountering any danger. There were no accidents until she checked in. It was so quiet that it didn't look like Gotham City.

What, Gotham City is quite peaceful——

boom! ! ! ! ! !

Just as the boy was thinking this, the sound of an explosion slapping his face sounded not far away. Li Buying looked outside and then immediately retracted. He waited for a piece of gravel to fly past the window before he looked again.

The small bungalow standing in the distance suddenly exploded, and a group of people drove away from the scene in a car. It took a long time for the fire department and the police to arrive at the scene, but Batman or Catwoman did not come.

"Okay, pretend I didn't say anything."

Looking back, Li Buying sighed. The crime rate in Gotham is indeed low, but once a crime is committed, many big things will happen.

Lying on his bed, he turned on his phone and looked at the locations marked on the map, getting ready for the adventure.

Those locations were all in uninhabited mountainous areas, and there were many wilderness survival enthusiasts who liked to go there to commit suicide. He also dressed himself up like that.

To ensure authenticity, the items stored in his suitcase were indeed survival items.

After lying down for a while, Li Buying immediately stood up and took out the props from his suitcase, dressed as a hiker and left the hotel, heading towards the first location Ai Yi found.

After leaving the hotel, he walked on the street hoping to see a taxi. When passing through an alley commonly seen in Batman comics, he saw a gangster lying on the ground.

Standing there was a rather beautiful Asian girl whose clothes were a little shabby. She felt Li Buying's gaze and turned back to look at her. Then her pupils shrank slightly and she took a fighting stance.

Li Buying's fingers also moved subconsciously. The beautiful Asian girl in front of him seemed to be an assassin.

Forget it, it's none of his business.

Looking away, Li Buying raised her hand to express that she had no ill intentions. The girl quickly fled the scene of the crime and disappeared. The gangsters were not dead, but all their money was taken away.

Some superhero? Or the kids who didn’t become superheroes?

Guessing and continuing to walk, Li Buying saw the taxi waving, then got in the car and left.

"Thank you, that's all. I'll walk the rest of the way by myself."

Li Buying handed the driver the fare with a smile. At this time, he had arrived deep in the forest near Gotham City. According to Ai Yi's exploration, the first suspicious location was here.

He carefully entered the forest and shuttled through it according to the map given by Ai Yi. He exuded a bit of coercion and drove away the poisonous snakes, insects, rats and ants.

Without revealing his superpower, Li Buying would take a short rest after traveling for a period of time, and he would obediently set up a tent to rest when it got dark.

After spending two days like this, he arrived at the first cave at night and entered it. He picked up a fluorescent light and walked inside.

Some bats flew out of the cave due to the sudden bright light. Li Buying continued to go deep into the cave, and soon a rugged road intersection appeared in front of him.

The deeper you go, the more rugged and narrow the road becomes, and the entire cave space becomes larger. Looking down, you can see an endless abyss.

"Looks like I was lucky enough to find it in one go."

Li Buying nodded slightly, and his feet left the cliff and floated in the air before falling slowly. He didn't know how deep it was. It took him more than 5 minutes to reach the bottom. The surroundings were still dark, and the greenish color of the Dionysus factor could not be seen. light.

At this time, you have to use [Gravity Mastery].

He took out the gravity gun again, put his right hand on the ground to activate his ability to search the surrounding situation, and finally found a pool of liquid that behaved strangely under the influence of gravity.

Putting away the gravity, he immediately rushed over there. The faint green light gradually became clearer. Li Buying's face was filled with joy. When he passed through a narrow gap, the pool of water emitting bright light appeared in front of him.

Dionysian factor!

Li Buying didn't hesitate at all. Seeing that there was no feedback from the spider sense, she took off her clothes decisively, walked into the pool and immersed her whole body in it.

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