"Damn it, how did your parents die? Were they killed by gangsters?"

After snuggling in Li Buying's arms for a moment, Lorna suddenly let go of her hand and raised her head to ask. It could be seen through her eyes that she was burning with anger.

From the actions of [Weaver], it is obvious that he has a tendency to target gangsters. Lorna does not agree or object to Li Buying's killing of people. Anyway, the people who died were all gang members.

But if her parents' death had something to do with gangsters...then she had to say it was a good idea to die.

Li Buying nodded slightly: "I can't say it's not related, but they are just black gloves. There are two suspects now, one is the official, and the other is Hydra."

Lorna felt suffocated when she heard the names of the two behemoths from her brother's mouth. After a long silence, she raised her head and asked him: "Then what can I do for you? Can I explore other worlds with you?"

Lorna understands Li Buying's ability to travel through time very well.

After all, there is a student in the academy named Kitty Pryde (Phantom Cat). She can teleport the consciousness of others back several minutes in advance, achieving an effect similar to the flow of time.

Unfortunately, it only lasts for a few minutes. This ability is relatively weak and not very useful. However, since time can be reversed, traveling through the universe is not unacceptable.

"No, as long as you continue to go to school obediently, the X-Men will protect you, and I will continue to hide my identity and let [Weaver] solve all matters. Our current enemy has not yet been determined."

Li Buying was not going to involve Lorna for the time being, and seriously reminded her not to think about revenge immediately. Lorna immediately nodded obediently, and she would never quarrel with Li Buying in the face of major events:

"I know, I won't do anything."

"Very well, my good girl."

Reaching out to rub Lorna's hair, Li Buying immediately took out a micro-positioning device and handed it to Lorna and asked:

"You should stick this with you. If you are in danger, press it hard. If you are missing, I can use it to find you. Also, follow me to the bathroom and I will make you something."

Taking Lorna to the bathroom, Li Buying raised his hand to release the Dionysus factor into the bathtub. The liquid with green light was very charming. He said to the girl: "Take off your clothes and lie down completely. It will be good for you. It’s breathable inside.”

"Is this...metal?"

Lorna, who had the same ability as Magneto, felt that the pile of things in front of her was metal. She did not hesitate to her brother's words and entered the bathtub directly in front of him and let herself sink completely into the water.

Li Buying watched the liquid gradually reduce and sighed a little in his heart. He hoped that Lorna could stay with him forever. After all, the only thing he cared about was her.

Oh, I can't say that, nor can the Danes who helped him, but in terms of ranking in their hearts, no one can compare with his girlfriend and sister who grew up with him.

If I don't even want to trust her, wouldn't it be a very tiring life?

...And if she can't trust him, then Li Buying can only transform into an ancestor in the future and find a way to build the main world into a universe under his control.

The most important ones are of course the Dionysus factor and Gravity. Although he claims that he is not invincible yet, in fact Li Buying is still a little proud.

The super regenerative ability allows him not to have too many worries, and the gravity force can also protect the most dangerous head.

If there weren't existences like the Ancient One and Dark Phoenix here on Earth, he would have almost walked outside and shouted "Who dares to kill me! Who dares to kill me!"

Currently, he has another plan, which is to take Lorna to a safer country, such as a "mutant country" that does not yet exist in this world.

He remembered that Professor X and Magneto had another direction in the comics. They chose to reconcile and jointly established a mutant nation on an island.

Maybe under the current conditions, it would be impossible for these two old friends with different beliefs to sit down and talk without external force, but Li Buying is still getting stronger at a faster speed.

He believes that when he fully controls gravity, he will definitely be able to hold the hands of these two people, sit down and have a conversation, and then build a kingdom for mutants together.

After coming back from his thoughts, Li Buying looked at the bathtub where every drop was left, picked up Lorna and shook her awake.

She shook her head and felt the changes in her body. Inexplicably, she felt that her body now felt a little bulging, as if the soft skin was full of muscles after exercise, and her physical strength had become much stronger.

"How's it going? How do you feel?"

"It's very strange. I feel that I have become a lot stronger. At the same time, my mutant ability seems to be no longer able to sense the metal stored in my body."

"Really, in short, if you encounter any danger in the future, you will know the true function of this metal, but before that, remember to communicate with me, and I will do my best to save you."

Li Buying held up Lorna's cheek and pressed it against her. The two hugged each other. Lorna hugged her brother tightly, feeling very attached to her heart. The atmosphere around her changed rapidly...

Early the next morning, Li Buying stood up and rubbed her eyes. She looked at Lorna who was still sleeping next to her and covered her head. She sighed a little at what she did yesterday. At the same time, he lamented that he was indeed not a eunuch.

As the saying goes, when love reaches its deepest level, all that is left is the last step.

Rubbing his fingers slightly to feel the remaining touch on his fingertips, Li Buying did not wake up Lorna beside him, got up and walked downstairs to start making breakfast.

As soon as the sandwich was ready, Li Buying heard the sound of car braking outside. Soon someone rang the doorbell outside. He frowned slightly and shouted to the door: "Wait a moment!"

After walking back upstairs to wake up Lorna and let her get dressed, Li Buying went downstairs and opened the door. Standing outside the iron door was Matthew Michael, the Daredevil who had met him several times before.

The other one was someone he had never seen before, but he could tell his origin from his temperament. Li Buying guessed that he was Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Seeing these two very annoying people in front of him, Li Buying opened the iron door without changing his expression: "Why did you two come to me? No, let's talk about it first."

Seeing Li Buying inviting them in so easily, Nick Fury and Daredevil faced each other, looking a little surprised. They originally thought they would be turned away.

Daredevil could feel the temperament of the thin young man in front of him, as if he had become more confident, but he didn't know what caused it.

If Li Buying could hear Daredevil's inner thoughts, he would definitely say - this is the confidence that gravity and the Dionysus factor have given me!

"Lorna, make some coffee!"


Lorna, who was fully dressed, hurriedly came downstairs. When she saw the visitor nodding slightly, she immediately ran to the kitchen to make a few cups of instant coffee and brought it over, then ran back upstairs.

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