There was no quarrel at the beginning. Li Buying nodded with satisfaction and tapped the table again:

"Let me talk about my ability first. Simply put, my ability is to predict the future, but I can't predict everything in detail.

What I can see are only events that have a major impact on the earth, mankind and the universe, such as Magneto annihilating mankind, mutants being destroyed by mankind, or some things that happened after that..."

"In order to increase my credibility, let me tell you about an upcoming big event. An alien god named Loki will bring an alien army, and the battle will take place in New York."

"What did you say?"

Both Magneto and Professor X couldn't help but ask questions, and Li Buying interrupted them:

"You two, for things you don't understand, you just need to listen more. It won't be long before it arrives. It is estimated to be this year, and you will be able to see it with your own eyes."

Hearing this sentence, the two of them closed their mouths in unison and kept this matter in mind.

"Of course, this is not why I called you here, but the future of mutants needs your help.

My superpower is to see big events, but those aren't just one line, and they don't all have to happen.

Time is like a river that keeps moving forward, and every fork in the road is a crucial place.

I saw that there was a timeline in which the mutants won a tragic victory, humans were wiped out, and the mutants survived. "

Magneto's eyes widened and he was ecstatic. Before he could get enough, the prophet broke his dream:

"However, aliens invaded, and the number of mutants continued to decrease, and finally the fruits were taken away by aliens."

"I saw all the X-Men and Brotherhood died in battle again, and the appearance of mutants gradually decreased and eventually became history."

"I also saw..."

Randomly making up a random scene with a little bit of "X-Men: Return of the Wolf", Li Buying revealed the tragic future of mutants.

Magneto's face gradually turned ugly, and Professor X was worried.

When Li Buying stopped speaking, Magneto said in disbelief: "There is no good ending!?"

"Because humans are the mainstream, and of course there is a good ending. That's why I'm here."

After laying the groundwork, he introduced the main topic: "Of course there will be a good result, that is, you two unite and find a way to establish a country for mutants."

When they heard Li Buying's words, Professor

"……it's out of the question."

"No, it's possible, as long as you two stick together, I see the possibility in one of the timelines."

Li Buying interrupted the two of them with very arrogant words:

"Of course it's still too difficult for you to unite now, but you will know why you can unite in the future. The mutant disaster has never ended.

I am explaining this to you today just to plant a seed of unity in your hearts. External pressure will force you to twist into a rope. "

"To summarize, both of your theories are wrong. You shouldn't trust humans too much, and you shouldn't hate humans too much."

The two old men didn't speak anymore. They felt a little awkward in their hearts about truly uniting with their mortal enemies, but their reason told them that it was possible.

Subconsciously, both of them hoped that the person opposite them would agree with their ideas. As a result, someone now said that their ideas were wrong, which made their thoughts slightly confused.

"Then let's contact you next time, Magneto, Professor X,"

Li Buying took advantage of the fact that she didn't say too much, and the two mature guys hung up the phone before they could catch her.

Then we are waiting for the next big event, and we don’t know when Loki will come.

Thinking about the plot of Avengers 1, Li Buying asked Ai Yi if she had marked the guy who reappeared these days and inherited the title of gang boss.

After receiving a positive answer, he picked up the hidden sword beside him and put it on his hand, until he continued to kill those gangsters as a weaver.

If it is true, as he thinks, that the names of ordinary gangster villains can be passed down the same as the names of superpower villains and superheroes——

He can then start cutting leeks one crop after another. Even if the improvement is small, it is still an improvement!

Li Buying was very excited when she thought of this, and her right hand kept loosening and clenching.

"How's it going?"

"Boss Tombstone, we successfully completed a deal with the new Mr. Negative's men, take a look."

The newly appointed Tombstone picked up a bag of medicines from his younger brother and looked at it several times. He nodded with satisfaction and took the medicines away. He was very satisfied with his recent life.

The new tombstone is a vicious man over two meters tall who was once the second in command of the tombstone.

The Weaver was not yet famous when Tombstone and Hammerhead died. He ambitiously took over and inherited the name of Tombstone, hoping to lead this group of brothers to continue to grow bigger and stronger.

Then there was the time when Jin was killed by Li Buying. He was as terrified as other gang members, and even hid in his safe house and refused to come out.

Fortunately, after the death of the leader named Owl, the Weaver seemed to have disappeared and had not appeared for about a month.

The gang members became bold again. For them, who were drunk and dreaming, it was safe as long as they didn't show up for more than a month.

Tombstone also started doing these businesses again. The only thing that made him uncomfortable was that he didn't have super powers like the first Tombstone.

But there is no big problem. After being cleaned up by Li Buying, it can be said that except for a few gangsters, all the gangsters have no superpowers and are all at the same starting point.

The gang he led also took a share of the "corpse" left behind by dividing the gold, and now it can be said to be very satisfied.

"Damn it, let me see that the weaver has been captured by some people above for experiments. What do you think, boss?"

A young man picked up a wine glass and drank, and the new tombstone laughed:

"That's for sure. He hasn't been out for so long. I don't know why he is so high-profile. Even the Tombstone boss of the generation dare not use his super power to do anything. No matter how powerful you are, you can be more powerful than the official!?"

"He knows why gangsters like us exist!"

Tombstone shouted loudly, and a waiter who had entered the box before pushed the dining table into the room, looked around and nodded slightly:

"Very good, it looks like no one is drunk."

"F***, who are you... Oh my God!"

One of the waiters was dissatisfied with the sudden voice of the waiter. He looked at this guy with a very weak sense of existence. When he raised his head, he was stunned for a few seconds and let out a cry of fear.

This cry attracted everyone's attention, and they immediately realized something was wrong——

There are spiders crawling on the hood on the waiter's head.

It's a weaver!

They immediately reached for their trouser pockets, but only halfway, their bodies began to weaken and they fell to the ground.

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