American Comics: Starting with Obtaining Spider-Man’s Powers

Chapter 95 The gap gradually becomes apparent

The moment the fist fell, red and white were scattered inside the mecha, and not a single bit was stained on Li Buying's palm.

The spider sense reminded him to dodge the attack from behind. Li Buying stepped back and turned sideways, hitting the mecha with his fist to create a deep hole. Spider-Man glanced at the headless corpse, looked back at Li Buying and said:

"Sure enough, I cannot agree with your philosophy, Weaver. They still have to be judged by the law, including you."

But what happens when procedural justice is no longer just?

Li Buying held down his voice and tried to speak, but in the end he remained silent. He didn't kill people for the sake of "justice and kindness" or "love and peace", so he thought about it and didn't speak out loud.

Spider-Man rushed towards Li Buying and punched hard, but he dodged them. When the two were fighting, the policemen on the side raised their pistols and put them down again from time to time.

"Sir, who should we help, or should we fight together?"

A young police officer who had just joined the job came to the captain and asked what to do about the situation. The captain raised his hand and gave him a slap on the head. He raised his hand to signal everyone to put down their weapons and wait and see what would happen.

Then the captain grabbed the young police officer and hid behind the car to teach him some principles of being an ordinary police officer:

"God, do you want to die when you shoot now? We are not the FBI, SWAT, or soldiers. We only receive such a small salary every day, so don't go up and fight for your life, you know?"

"But Spider-Man can't kill, oh, my God!"

As soon as the little policeman finished speaking, he was patted again, and the captain showed an expression of hatred:

"I really want to kick you in the ass and kick you over there. Spider-Man won't kill us. Can you guarantee that Weaver won't kill us? He has killed people before. Why don't you go first? Try it.”

The young police officer muttered and hid behind the car and continued to observe the battle, and the rest of the police officers basically did the same.

There were just police officers, but when they thought about their wives and children at home, they didn't dare to go out.

The rest of the staff, such as those who hate the villain because their wife and children were killed by the villain, or those who hate the superhero for the same reason, are staying put for the time being and are ready to see what happens next.

After avoiding Spider-Man's attack, Li Buying was thinking of using him as a score-boosting tool. He could also get rewards for defeating superheroes in the "Snake Seven Inch" mission.

Spider-Man is just a little weaker for him who doesn't use Gravity Mastery, and can be refreshed for a long time.

After being able to avoid Peter's fist, Li Buying immediately spread out her hands to grab his fist and clenched it hard with her backhand, pushing him down and kicking him at the ankle.

Spider-Man quickly raised his left foot and leg, but his straightened left hand fell forward with his body. He quickly turned around and tried to attack the Weaver's chin with his right hand, but was blocked by his calf.

Li Buying blocked Spider-Man's attack, making a fist with her right hand and aiming at his chest, ready to attack.

Peter Parker's spider sense sensed danger, but his body had no way to avoid it at this time. In the end, he had to jump hard with the leg that was on the ground.

Using it, Spider-Man jumped up and turned around, trying to avoid Li Buying's fist, but the fist carrying the wind still hit his chest.

Everyone around heard the crisp sound of bones breaking at this time!


Peter felt the severe pain in his chest and couldn't help but cough up a mouthful of blood, and his wrist was directly held by Li Buying.

He spotted a high-rise building and used the force of his arms to throw Peter directly towards the high-rise building. His legs made a deep hole in the cement road and he jumped up to catch up with Spider-Man's body rolling in the air.

He raised his hand and punched again. Facing Li Buying's merciless attack, Peter could only resist, raising his hand and using his arm injury to repair his lungs.

Spider-Man could clearly feel that the bones in his hands were showing signs of cracking. He was punched into the building that was still under construction. He rolled on the ground several times and finally stopped. He pressed his hands on the ground and kept breathing.

Is the Weaver getting stronger again?

Peter once suspected that this was his illusion, but after actually fighting the Weaver, he found that this guy's physical fitness had actually increased, and the gap in strength between the two was growing.

The dislocated and cracked bones were gradually recovering, but Li Buying did not give him a chance to breathe. He stood and walked into the construction building and stared at the panting Spider-Man in front of him. His fingers moved rhythmically and he popped out the hidden sword, as if he was going to kill him. look like.

Peter's heart suddenly went cold. He looked behind Li Buying and shouted in surprise: "Oh, Daredevil, you're here, it's so great!"

Hearing what he said, Li Buying turned around and pretended to be deceived, but there was no one behind him as he thought.

When Li Buying turned around, Spider-Man had disappeared, and a pleasant system prompt sounded in his ears after Peter escaped. The mission had been completed, and Spider-Man's defeat was +1.

Li Buying stretched out his hand to the gravity control as usual, and looked sideways at the Tiger Power, which had been motionless. At this time, he still didn't know what the use of this thing was.

According to the situation in the animation, this thing can separate people with schizophrenia, and it can also bring those who are divided into one.

Is it possible that he is also suffering from schizophrenia?

Anyway, Li Buying couldn't accept this, he was schizophrenic or something...

But speaking of which, does Hulk count with Dr. Banner, Jean Gray and Dark Phoenix? What can he do to them with the power of the tiger?

Blinking his eyes and thinking inside the building, Li Buying came to the side without the wall and jumped down directly. When he entered the alley and was about to change clothes, he heard Ai Yi's alarm.

[Master, surveillance shows that the Cosmic Cube has been activated. Loki has controlled Hawkeye and Dr. Eric and taken them away. 】

When hearing these words, Li Buying's system also came out to show its presence.


Big event mission - "Avengers"

Thanos ordered Loki to come and seize the Cube, naturally for the gems in the Cube, and Loki also prepared to use the Cube to open the interstellar gate to summon Thanos' advance team.

If you are confident, you can choose to use your own abilities to deal with those fleets, but this may attract Thanos' attention.

So it’s better to be more cautious and use tricks to solve this big incident.

Mission reward: +1 charging point, storage space expanded to 1,000 cubic meters


"Is it finally here... It's time to meet the Avengers."

Li Buying recalled the plot of "Avengers" without much fear in her heart. She was more worried about the two gods Loki and Thor. She didn't know whether her magic resistance could effectively resist Loki's illusions and Thor's magic. Thunder and lightning.

There's no need to resist completely, just make sure he won't be killed in one blow.

After calming down some excitement, Li Buying said to Ai Yi:

"Ai Yi, remember to record Loki's figure and the alien monsters that are about to appear. Then send a copy to Professor X and Magneto."

After giving this order, he ran directly towards the location of Stark Tower.

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