The next night.

Li Buying was resting at home, preparing for battle, when Ai Yi's voice made him open his eyes:

"Master, Loki has appeared at the venue."

At the same time, at a party, with green smoke and light flashing, a handsome man in a suit appeared in the venue.

He ignored the ant's gaze and scanned the environment inside the venue, then raised his eyebrows and showed a treacherous smile, staring at the person he was looking for.

Damn it.

The old man who was being watched realized that something was wrong and hurriedly fled backwards, but a huge force came from his shoulder and pressed him directly on the back of the marble statue in the shape of a cow.

The handsome man raised a high-tech scanning device and pressed it directly on the old man's face, and his eyeball data was immediately transmitted through the network.

On the other side, the controlled Hawkeye immediately opened the safe after receiving the data, successfully obtained the special elements needed to stabilize the portal, and left immediately with the things.

After learning about the situation over there, Loki at the scene let go of the old man who was lying on the ground and didn't know whether he was dead or alive, and looked at the crowd running out with a sense of superiority.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, such ants should be dominated and enslaved by himself.

He slightly raised the Mind Scepter and tapped the ground lightly. As a wave of energy spread, the energy quickly turned into a very real illusion.

The illusion enveloped the members of the banquet who had fled outside. These high-ranking officials who were originally high above were just ordinary people in front of Loki.

He looked at the arrogant faces of the mortals in front of him and shouted loudly:

"I am Loki, the god of Asgard! Mortals, kneel down to me!"

The strong pressure instantly made everyone feel panic, and they knelt down unconsciously. Looking at the ants worshiping him, Loki was very satisfied, and his heart was filled with the pleasure brought by being high above.

However, he was not happy for long. Suddenly, a round shield with stars painted on it flew from the side. Loki raised his hand and slapped the shield away, then frowned and looked to the side.

A sturdy masked mortal appeared in front of Loki in the shadows, wearing a tights that made him feel very funny. The God of Mischief couldn't help but smile: "Oh, look, a clown among the mortals, are you here to please me?" "No, I'm here to stop you." As soon as the voice fell, many middle-aged or elderly people seemed to have discovered the identity of this man, and for a moment they broke free from the pressure that Loki slightly exuded, and shouted with great surprise: "Captain America!" Li Buying, who had been hiding in the dark early, watched this scene in the dark night, and did not act rashly to run out to join the battlefield, ready to see what level Loki was. Captain America nodded slightly, and his attention was always on the God of Mischief in front of him. The oppression from Loki made him feel very dangerous. Loki's face became a little ugly at this time, because those mortals did not respect him, but worshiped the ant in front of them who was the same as them, which made Loki very unhappy. No longer caring about those useless mortals, Loki also focused his sight on Captain America in front of him, and tightened his right hand holding the scepter slightly.

When the people found that the pressure had dissipated, they immediately fled and scattered. Loki smiled grimly:

"Well, let me see why you, an ant, have the courage to stand in front of a god!"

He immediately raised his right scepter and aimed at Captain America in front of him. A beam of light shot out from the top of the scepter after a brief condensation moment. Captain America immediately raised his shield to block it.

The fierce energy impact was blocked by the shield. The shield made of the hardest metal in the universe, the original adamantium alloy, blocked and absorbed the energy and impact force, so that the captain never took a step back.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Loki frowned slightly-I didn't let him go, why could the opponent block my attack?

The god of mischief tilted the scepter, and the energy wave tilted and slashed towards the building next to it. The building was instantly split in two and collapsed.

This is the power that his energy wave should have, unless...

Loki looked at the shield in Captain America's hand and asked with great interest: "Mortal, what material is your shield made of?"

"I have no obligation to answer you!"

Captain America was furious when he saw the collapsed building. If the people around him had not left long ago, they would have suffered heavy casualties.

He jumped up and smashed Loki in front of him with his shield. Loki sneered and raised his scepter to aim at the place where Captain America was not protected by the shield. A beam of light was instantly fired and went straight to his legs.

To the surprise of Loki and Li Buying who was watching the battle, Captain America in the air seemed to feel the danger and changed his posture to grab the edge of the shield and lower it.

The energy beam still hit the shield and was completely absorbed. Captain America picked up the shield again and smashed Loki. The God of Mischief in front of him turned into smoke after being hit, and his real body appeared behind Captain America.

The shield hit the ground. Captain America picked up the shield and stood up again, watching Loki not far behind him. Loki became impatient and walked around Captain America with his scepter. He suddenly raised the scepter and knocked the ground. He turned into a green smoke and disappeared without a trace. Captain America immediately felt the danger coming from behind him and threw the shield in his hand without hesitation.

The shield and the scepter clashed with each other. Loki used the scepter to bounce back the spinning shield, but his body teleported again and appeared behind Captain America, clenching his fist and smashing it directly!

Steve Rogers, who hastily accepted the attack, could only raise his arms as much as possible to resist, and a huge force knocked him away. However, it did not cause much damage to him. He caught the shield in the air and fell down.

"...Your physical quality is no longer considered human, a mortal."

Loki confirmed this with a punch. Although he was not good at melee attacks, as a god or even a child of a frost giant, his power exceeded that of most creatures.

A normal creature would definitely be penetrated by his punch, instead of being almost unscathed like the clown in front of him.

Captain America spoke, slightly rubbing his numb palms behind his shield. Loki's ease and ease made his heart sink.

After Loki understood that the guy in front of him only had a physical body that surpassed that of a mortal, and also had a good shield, he immediately lost interest in him. He raised his scepter and pointed it at the guy in front of him, and the space fluctuation enveloped him.

Casting magic to turn the surrounding area into his own domain, Loki suddenly appeared behind Captain America again and raised the dagger with his left hand to stab forward.

Captain America, sensing the danger, turned back and hit Loki. However, the moment the shield hit, Loki disappeared again and circled behind him. He swung the dagger with all his strength and was about to hit Captain America's heart.

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