"Yes, sir!"

The secretary responded, then hurriedly left to follow Howard Stark's request to contact the other two SHIELD executives.

Howard Stark pondered for a moment, then walked towards a secret laboratory in the base.

Before the other two people came over, he really wanted to see what was going on with that mechanical life form.


After passing the access control verification, Howard Stark took the elevator all the way down to a secret laboratory hidden underground.

There, Anim Zora was leading a group of people to study the "corpse" of the Decepticon.

"Arnim, how are you? What did you find?"

Howard Stark couldn't wait to come to the experimental table, looked at Animzola and asked.

"Incredible, incredible, Stark!"

Arnim Zola adjusted his glasses with his hand, his face full of "scientist" enthusiasm, "This big guy doesn't have any power modules on his body! At least I didn't find any power device."

Without a power unit, how could this huge robot move?

This is obviously not in line with scientific common sense!

Could it be...

What Rorschach said is true. This thing is really not a robot, but a... living body?

"Come here again."

Arnim Zola once again brought Howard Stark to an instrument, pointing to some curves and data on it, "Did you see it? There is actually a weak energy fluctuation in the metal of this pile of scrap iron." !”

"As incredible as it sounds, I have to come to this conclusion."

"This robot is alive!"

"It's... really alive!" Howard Stark also looked like a beeping dog.

Rorschach didn't lie, his car was really a mechanical life form!

Originally, I just went to have dinner with Howard Stark, but who would have thought that so many things would happen during this period.

Going back and forth wasted a lot of time.

By the time Rorschach returned to Xavier Manor, it was completely dark.

However, most of the people in the base were young people who were quite playful. Everyone gathered in the living room chatting and spanking, and did not return to their rooms.

As soon as Rorschach appeared, he immediately became the focus of the scene.

"Hey Rorschach, I'm flying today!"

Siren immediately showed off to Rorschach with great interest, and could not hide the excitement on his face, "I tell you man, it feels so great, soaring in the sky like a bird, do you dare to imagine? "

"Siren, you've been showing off all day, are you here again?" The ravager couldn't help but joke.

"Strictly speaking, that can only be regarded as gliding, not real flying at all." Darwin said leisurely to the side, pouring cold water on the Kraken.

"Darwin, you are so boring."

The Siren accused Darwin mercilessly, and then continued to look at Rorschach with a showy face, "Rorschach, do you want to know how I did it?"

For Rorschach, who had watched the movie, he naturally knew about this matter, but he naturally would not dampen the Siren's interest at this moment.

"Of course, I'm very interested, tell me about it." Rorschach sat down on the empty seat and joined everyone.

"It's Charles and Hank!"

Siren began to dance and tell Rorschach, "You know Charles has been teaching me how to control my sound waves these days. I have made great progress. Hank made me another set of 'bats' today. Clothes', and then I used the sound wave recoil, used the bat suit to adjust my body balance, and just flew up!"

"Thank you, Hank, man, you're amazing!"

Siren said, giving a thumbs up to Hank on the side.

"Basic fluid mechanics, that's all, Siren, it's no big deal."

Hank's words sounded like pretentiousness, but in fact, they really weren't.

For Hank, basic physics like fluid mechanics is really "nothing more."


Hank suddenly looked over and said to Rorschach, "Do you have time tonight? I have something I want to discuss with you."

Although she didn't understand what Hank wanted to do with her, Rorschach didn't hesitate much and agreed directly: "Of course."

"Hey, Hank, why are you being so secretive? Is there something you can't talk about here?" The Devastator couldn't help shouting from the side.

Others also booed.

Mystique Raven couldn't help but glance at Hank meaningfully, as if she knew why Hank was looking for Rorschach.

"Hank, please come to my room."

After chatting with everyone present for a while, Rorschach said hello to everyone and took Hank to his room.

Don't tell me, it feels really weird!

If she hadn't known who Hank was, Rorschach would have really suspected that Hank had some bad intentions towards her.

"Sit down, Hank." Rorschach asked Hank to sit down and asked directly without any nonsense, "What on earth is going on that is so mysterious?"

"Rorschach, you know sometimes I envy you." Hank sat down in front of Rorschach and said with emotion.

Rorschach laughed: "Why do you envy me? Are you handsome? Man, you are not bad either!"

Hank also smiled: "Rorschach, you know that's not what I'm talking about."

Such a gag actually made the somewhat serious atmosphere of the scene a lot more relaxed.

"You, Charles, Eric and the rest are different from me and Raven. Although you are also different from ordinary people, you don't need to hide yourself."

"You know what I mean? My big feet, that's not normal, that makes me look like a monster, and I don't want to be a monster."

Hank then organized his words and began to talk to Rorschach.

Why doesn't Rorschach understand Hank's intentions now?

It was precisely because Hank wanted to "cure" himself that he developed a medicine and injected it into himself.

As a result, not only did he fail to cure himself, but he actually turned into the beast Hank.

Rorschach remembered that in order to study this potion, Hank the Beast once drew the blood of Mystique Raven. Could it be that this time, Hank wanted to draw his own blood?

In fact, Rorschach really guessed it right.

For Hank, just studying his and Raven's blood is not enough, because if he wants to make his appearance normal, he naturally needs to find a normal-looking mutant as a reference sample.

As for this kind of thinking, Hank did not dare to tell Charles and Eric, because he knew that they would not understand.

Hank didn't want to talk about other young people like Darwin, Siren, etc.

Those people were too immature. After much deliberation, only Rorschach was the most suitable candidate.

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