After being reported, this chapter cannot be posted, so I will post it here first.


Seeing this content, all the top executives of SHIELD were shocked.

"The data has been deleted. Could it be another report from that abnormal firm?!"

Nick Fury murmured in a low voice.

Then, everyone in SHIELD focused their attention on this.........


Taking a deep breath,

Stark opened the file.

Suddenly, a long string of words appeared in front of his eyes

"my name is█████, is an agent of the Abnormal Agency. In my world, the year is [DATA EXPUNGED]"

"This world seems to be similar to my original world. But according to my observation......Due to the anomaly contained object - the thing from the Red Sea, the creatures in this world were all damned as early as the [DATA EXPUNGED] year!"

"I traveled to many places using the anomalous containment object - the thing from the Red Sea."

"I have seen the scenery at the end of the world, and I have also escaped from the hands of the"dirty one""

"They will chase and destroy everything"

"I still don’t know what the root of what they did is, but......I think I understand what they are."

Seeing this bunch of information,

Stark suddenly felt horrified.........

Kama Taj

"Are all living things in this world doomed due to the abnormal containment object - the thing in the Red Sea?!"

Mage Ancient One's expression couldn't help but become solemn.

As the Supreme Mage, her role is to prevent the earth from being invaded by other dimensions.

What is the so-called 'dirty one'?

In her mind, she couldn't help but think of the memory she had just met. a few words flashing on the screen

"clean, dirty......Is it to resist the invasion or pollution of these polluters? But in the end they failed"............



"How could this thing possibly destroy the world? Damn damn damn!"

"no! How is this possible?! Isn't he just a thing that can travel through space?"

"Dirty ones! Could it be because of that filthy person?! What is this?"


All the agents suddenly felt their scalps numb.

Before, they thought that this Red Sea object could be said to be the least threatening contained object so far.

That's why I breathed a sigh of relief.

As a result, the information inside showed that this thing had actually destroyed a world! ?

Isn’t this a Euclid-class containment object? ?

Nick Fury's body also trembled slightly, and he felt his brain pumping.

After a while, he took a deep breath and said:"Perhaps our previous speculation was wrong. The levels of these abnormal containment objects may not be divided according to the degree of threat......."

But now, it is obviously not the time to care about this.

His eyes looked at the light curtain again......... mountain villa

"Something that destroyed the world?"

Colonel Rhodes' pupils suddenly shrank.

"snort! Didn't you see that, Colonel? That's just because that world was 1954. In our current era, technology is far beyond what that era could understand."

General Ross sneered.

He couldn't help but quietly looked at the armored vehicle surrounded by the military.........

In the mirror world.

Stark continued to flip through the information.

"About [DATA EXPUNGED] years ago, this world broke out into a [DATA EXPUNGED] that we did not have. all of these......It's all because of 'His' arrival"

"‘He' is a self-proclaimed god. I still don't know where 'He' comes from."

Seeing this,

Stark's pupils suddenly shrank.


After exclaiming, he continued to read.

""He" claimed that the world was full of 'filth'. The only way to clean up this 'filth' was war."

"No matter who survives this war, they are all 'pure'"

"In the next [DATA EXPUNGED], all civilizations in this world have greatly improved their weapons technology for this war."

"Finally, war broke out. But 'He' disappeared"........

"Start a war, then God disappears......."

After thinking for a while,

Stark looked at it again.

"In later information, I discovered that this world battle was called"God's Kindness". The most important weapon is the person inspired by the"Holy Tears""

"In fact, they are humans who were exposed to this compound"

"This compound can be found almost everywhere in this world. According to their description, the sacred tears can purify the sins of the impure ones."

"Then let them worship and love God."

Seeing this string of information, everyone was in an uproar.

"god? and started a world war......"

Inside S.H.I.E.L.D.

All the agents gasped.

In the interactive video of the person who could not be looked directly at before, the abnormal thing was called God.

Does the so-called god in this information also refer to that kind of existence?

It's because of Him......

Destroyed the whole world! ?........


"god?! God again?! These Midgard people are really ignorant."

Loki sneered.

Since that unspeakable event, the gods have stopped entering the earth.

The gods in this information either do not exist at all like that 343, or they are false gods........ mountain villa

"Humanity exposed to divine tears? General Ross

's eyes shone brightly:"This must also be caused by some kind of genetic radiation, right?""

His eyes looked in the direction of the armored vehicle again.

This was similar to his recent experiment!

This time......

He made the right choice and came to the right place!

"In the records I searched for, the war was barely mentioned in passing. Apart from......‘His 'chosen ones' transcend endless sins, and bring those who are 'sinful' to their 'crimes'"

"Those who resist His love are won over by His radiance."

Stark was silent for a moment.

He felt......This so-called god seems more like a careerist.

Shaking his head to get rid of the thoughts in his mind, Stark continued reading.

"The Foul One is a giant humanoid creature......Perhaps it should be called 'half-humanoid'. They devour everything they come across"

"these creatures......Once upon a time they were human beings just like us."

After reading this, Stark's pupils suddenly shrank.

Were all the dirty ones human?

He quickly continued reading.

However, when he saw the next content, he was stunned.

"But after being exposed to the 'Tears of God', their genes mutated and turned into the appearance of this monster."

"There have been successful attempts to contain them, but they cannot be controlled."

"They are immortal, but maybe......They don't want to live like this forever."...............

Seeing this information,

"Are the dirty ones the result of genetic mutations infected by these tears of God?"

General Ross was so excited that his whole body was shaking.

According to the description in the data, these filthy people destroyed that world, and their combat effectiveness can be imagined!

If he could control such an army,......

As long as he can obtain the Tears of God, he can create an entire army of filthy ones?!

No, he didn’t even need to obtain the Tears of God, he just needed to extract the genes of these filthy people, and he felt that he could create them too!..........

Kama Taj

"As expected, he was an intruder from another world."

Mage Gu Yi murmured in a low voice:"However, the immortal body......"

If you also get the so-called"Tears of God" and use it to transform it, can you just get the immortal body?!.............


Taking a deep breath,

Stark continued to read.

"Tears of God can attract them and set up centers in many different areas. Using this method, these dirty people can be allowed to move within a fixed range. This is how to contain them"

"but.......Then something went wrong with those things and everything fell apart. No one knows the specific reasons. All they know is that everything was in ruins. Those filthy ones without any purpose or direction have become the new rulers of the earth."

"I often hear inexplicable noises coming from below this floor. I guess......There should be someone, or some talents, hidden in this facility!"

When he saw this,

Stark suddenly felt creepy, and a chill suddenly hit the top of his head!

"Anyone else? Is there a sound down there?"

His ears stood up instantly, and he didn't dare to move.

There was silence.

After repeatedly confirming that there was no sound around except himself,

"How long has passed, and the supposed source of the sound has long since dissipated......."

Stark then breathed a sigh of relief and continued to read.

"they......It seems that it has always been there and never disappeared. The facilities in this room seem to be telling me something, they seem to be begging for my help! I......I still remember that I seemed to have touched, smelled, and tasted the tears of God......No, I just touched it"

"That's right! I didn't eat it! I don't want to eat it either! I just touched it......Just a touch!"


"Everything is created by it, there is no war at all! He is God, and He should appear at the gap between the world and space, at the junction of light and darkness, but He should not appear here at all! He is called God by them, they worship Him, they pray to Him, they want to touch and devour Him......They became His slaves!"...........

See this last paragraph.

The SHIELD room instantly fell silent.

All the agents felt their scalps go numb for a while!

At the beginning, the agent in charge of the investigation was still recording everything, but since the agent came into contact with the Tears of God, everything has changed.

The rest of the words are all crazy ravings!

"After all, the spirit has been polluted. still......"

Nick Fury stared closely at the last piece of information:"Did you discover the relevant truth? You couldn't bear the information and went crazy?"

That 'god' seemed to have fabricated lies, created the so-called 'Filthy One', and then destroyed it. That world!

At this time, the information record was also flipped to the bottom by Stark.

"I want to join them but......There are so many things that need me......Find him and kill him."

When reading this, Stark seemed to have a picture in his mind.

"By some amazing means, it showed up! From the stone! it knows them but cannot touch them......But if you hide the stone, you will be trapped here! I found you! What a bitch! Hahaha!"

"with my fist......gun. I met him! He fell. but......He will get up. he has gotten up"

"I have tried my best, I have done everything I can, and now, I want to sleep. please......let......I......sleep".............

Kama Taj.

Seeing these written records, all the magic apprentices started to tremble.

"Perhaps in the end, in order to prevent 'gods' from entering his world, he took the initiative to find 'gods'’......He took the initiative to attack God."

Master Gu Yi stared at the last piece of information and sighed. After hearing this sentence, the other magic apprentices suddenly looked at each other. Such a powerful 'god', even those who can do magic like them Apprentice, if you really encounter such a thing, you will only dare to run away. The agents of this abnormal agency are just ordinary people who have been trained. How dare you take the initiative to find God? Master Gu Yi

He said nothing and sighed slightly in his heart.

Sorcerer Supreme......Why not?

Those invaders from other dimensions are much stronger than the Supreme Mage.

However, the supreme mages of the past generations still took the initiative to attack those powerful invaders in order to protect the earth dimension.

And the agents of this abnormal agency are obviously more courageous than the Supreme Mage!

She couldn't help but think of the declarations made by the Abnormal Firm at the beginning of this inventory video.

If the agents in that abnormal agency were all such people, what kind of great organization would this be?

"Fight against the gods with a mortal body."

Master Gu Yi sighed softly..................................... ps: The second update is here! Big chapter, big chapter!!

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