American Comics: The Invincible Wheel of Fortune

Chapter 397 398. This is my complete body!

"Yes, thank you for your help." Old cowboy Carter Slade sincerely thanked Gu Yi.

This was Ancient One using a mysterious method similar to his own use of dark dimension energy to help the old cowboy seal the power of Hellfire.

The old cowboy has been hanging for an unknown number of years through hellfire. He is already in a state between life and death. He is like a puppet, without any feeling or contact with anyone. He is like a lonely ghost floating in the world. , exists numbly.

The Ancient One's method, using the energy of hellfire, allowed the old cowboy to regain a healthy body. In the last moments when the hellfire was about to run out, he could relive the feeling and life of a normal person.

It's just that there are gains and losses, and the old cowboy also lost the power to transform into the Ghost Rider for the last time.

"Master, it's just my old buddy..." The old cowboy hesitated to speak. Seeing that Gu Yi and Aaron were about to leave, he gritted his teeth and said.

What the old cowboy was talking about was that every Ghost Rider would have an exclusive mount, which could be endowed with a portion of Hellfire, turning it into a minion-like summon that could be summoned at any time.

The old cowboy's horse is a horse that has always been with him.

Ancient One transformed the old cowboy's hellfire energy, and the horse had no supply and was afraid it would disappear soon.

Big Brother Gu had nothing to do, but Aaron was moved in his heart and said, "Let me take a look."

"call out!"

Following the old cowboy's loud whistle, a handsome black tall horse came running from the void.

"Old man..." the old cowboy said sadly, stroking the bridge of the horse's nose and letting the horse's tongue lick his hand.

Although it has no connection with Hellfire, this horse is already very spiritual. It has been a good partner of the old cowboy for many years when he was not the Ghost Rider, and he has already had a tacit understanding with him.

"Your master, I can no longer accompany you. If you still want to gallop and run with all your strength, are you willing to follow me?" Aaron looked at this tall and handsome black horse and felt fond of it.

The horse is psychic and has been strengthened by hellfire. It already has its initial spiritual intelligence and knows its own problems. It also feels Alon's strong strength and sincerity, and its eyes can't help but reveal a little desire.

But it has not experienced the speed and passion of galloping at full speed for an unknown amount of time.

However, the horse still looked at the old cowboy, then put its big head into the old cowboy's arms, snorted, and handed over the choice to the owner who had always relied on him.

"Do you really have a way to keep my old buddy?" The old cowboy stared at Aaron seriously.

Seeing Aaron nodding, the old cowboy's eyes were confused, but then he became firm again. He reached out and handed the reins to Aaron's hand, and sighed: "Please be kind to him. This is an old man's last request in his life."

"I will." Aaron took the reins and replied in a deep voice.


Aaron then gave a soft drink, and the old cowboy suddenly felt a strong suction coming from Aaron's body, but the surrounding environment remained unchanged.

Ancient One even felt that Aaron seemed to have transformed into a human-shaped black hole, draining away the energy of the surrounding earth in an instant!

【Demonization! 】Along Yun made Nazhen Divine Jue extract the energy of the earth, mixed it with his own demonic energy, turned it into a strange energy, and slapped the horse between the eyes with his palm!

Immediately, there was another invisible wave that sounded like a loud sound. Sparks burst out from the horse's body, and the remaining sporadic hellfires were actually shot out by Aaron's palm!

The horse did not dissipate, but as soon as the body became empty, it was immediately filled with another energy, which continued to solidify. Then there was a faint black energy rising around the horse, and the eyes of the netherworld were blue fire, and there was a A single horn protruded from the horse's top door.

Within a few dozen seconds, Aaron withdrew his palms to collect his energy, took a deep breath, slowly exhaled some white mist, looked at the horse that had grown in size again with satisfaction, and said in a deep voice: "From now on, you will be called Ye Taki. .”

Demonization is a method used by the alien demon world to conquer other worlds. Once the demonic fire from the flaming demonic city comes out, everything it passes by will return to the demonic land. The resentful souls are bound by the demonic fire and cannot be reincarnated forever. It can also be infused with demonic essence, directly A means of demonizing a single individual.

Aaron successfully demonized the horse and imprinted it with his soul mark. From now on, this horse will be his demon servant.

The old cowboy was once again dumbfounded as he watched it again. Last time, this man only showed off his force, but this time, he turned corruption into magical means!

Gu Yi was also amazed, but his eyes were wandering, as if he was thoughtful.

"You can keep these as a souvenir." Aaron took off the reins and saddle, climbed onto the horse, and held a halberd in one hand.

Just like the image of the card Aaron drew, he is like a god of war who can defeat thousands of people with one horse and look down upon him.

"The joy of hunting for a moment made the master laugh." Aron waved one hand and took the night horse back to its own space.

"It's okay, without further ado, we still need to be fully prepared." Gu Yi waved his hand, opened the teleportation gate, and walked side by side with Aron. The opposite side was——

Santa Fangansa.

The chessboard for the game between gods and demons, the rules set by angels and devils, neither party is allowed to enter.

The true forbidden land of gods and demons.

At this time, accompanied by lava-like rain of fire and sulfur falling from the sky, a chaotic and crazy evil maniac stepped into the world.

At this time, the Witch's Heart Demon had a black complexion, a grin from ear to ear, a mouth full of jagged fangs, and extremely fanatical eyes.

He is about to gain powerful power, and this guy can no longer hold it any longer.

"¥%…@#*…∣@#…% @Fanganza # ¥!" The Witch Heart Demon stood in the center of the town, holding a scroll and shouting a mysterious language.

But it was far from the melodious sacred hymn. It was strange and harsh, like a sharp howl of a resentful ghost, like the deep roar of a giant beast, like a low whisper, and like a deafening roar.

When people listen to it, it feels like countless ants biting on the bones, or like an electric drill digging directly into the temple.

Ordinary people are afraid that they will go completely crazy if they can't listen to three sentences.

Only "Fanganza" is the language of human beings. After the shaman's inner demon, who was filled with black energy, finished reciting it, he pulled the contract of St. Fangantha with both hands, and the scroll was shattered into powder, and a sinister wind spread throughout the town!

Countless ghosts suddenly appeared from the land and houses in the town, howling and neighing madly!

For an instant, the town was like a ghostly ghostland coming to the world!

"%\u0026amp;amp; @!!!" The Witch Heart Demon roared wildly, and his body seemed to have produced an extremely powerful suction force, pulling all the ghosts over quickly!


The ghost screamed viciously and unwillingly.

The Witch Heart Demon absorbed the ghost, shouting in pain and relief.

A symphony of hell.

I don’t know how long it took, but it seemed like it was just a moment. The Witch Heart Demon absorbed and devoured thousands of resentful souls, and his whole body was wrapped in black energy. After completely absorbing the black energy, his appearance changed drastically!

More than five meters tall, like an upright beast, with black scaly skin, thick long legs with reverse joints, sharp claws, a thick and long tail, and a ferocious face!

The true form of the Witch Heart Demon!

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