Chapter 108: Ambush

"Tony... You really shouldn't have come to Afghanistan to host this weapons demonstration. "

On Tony Stark's private jet, Sharon looked at the gradually blurred building outside the window and couldn't help but persuade Tony again.

Sharon had been on a long leave from her own chief since she had been transferred from her investigative assignment in Osborne, and Tony had asked her to accompany her to the recent weapons showcase.

As one of the leaders between the military and Stark Industries, Sharon couldn't refuse, and eventually had to be "kidnapped" by Tony to travel around the world to host weapons exhibitions.

Sharon wasn't the hedonistic rejection, but she hated traveling with Tony, because within ten minutes of each trip she couldn't help but start disciplining Tony's absurd behavior, and this time the preaching was a little more serious than usual.

"You'll put yourself in danger."

Sharon's face tightened, her tone serious, and she leaned forward slightly, trying to make her childhood friend take the matter seriously.

And Tony Stark was not impressed, he was using his head pillow and hands at this time, spreading the whole person on the huge sofa chair, his eyes did not focus on Sharon's body at all, but scanned the cabin, unruly looking for a few flight attendants, until Sharon tilted his body and squeezed the two hemispheres more and more inflated.

"It's dangerous, the UV index there is very scary, do you have sunscreen?" Mine is not lent to you. "

Noticing the direction of Tony's gaze, Sharon's tense face instantly collapsed, and she pressed her finger against Tony's head and roared:

"Tony! It's a hot spot now and it's very dangerous! You can even go to a nightclub and stab Louzi, and when you get to Afghanistan, you don't know what to do! "

"That's why I called you, it's the best idea I've had in a while, and if it weren't for the fear of the pain in my beard, I would want to kiss myself right now."

Without giving Sharon a chance to refute, he snapped his fingers and called a flight attendant in front of him, and then held the side face with one hand, and only after admiring her delicate face did he say comfortably:

"I wanted a martini, but now I'm looking forward to what surprises your beautiful brown eyes will find me."

"So two double Martini?"

Tony pointed to the departing back of Miss Empty City and looked at Sharon with wide eyes.

"I have to double this beauty's salary, and her ideas are better than mine."

Sharon sighed as if giving up, she looked through the oval window at the endless clouds outside, and said in a low tone:

"I don't want to give up my life at ten in the morning and get drunk, I just want Diet Coke."

"Don't worry."

Tony waved his hand with a big grin and signaled not to change the order.

"It's really eight o'clock in the morning in Afghanistan, but it's still half past eleven in the United States, which is a beautiful gift from this beautiful planet."

Tony took a martini from the flight attendant's tray and raised it to Sharon.

"Please, don't be so upset, can you give me a smile? Blessing to me, you can finally have a long vacation now, don't you? "

Sharon rolled her eyes, trying to explain that she had a vacation because her work had been assigned to someone else, but because it was confidential, she finally gritted her teeth and swallowed her complaint back into her stomach.

She stiffly pulled the corners of her mouth to take Martini and raised a glass slightly to Tony.

"To the worst childhood sweetheart in history."

"Really? Is this your sweetest smile? "

This time it was Tony's turn to sigh.

"You really need a long vacation, we're going on vacation, hosting a weapons demonstration by the way, not to kill Batman, if you have to fake a smile, try not to show your teeth, at least it doesn't look so evil."

Hearing the title of Batman, Sharon raised an eyebrow, and she looked Tony up and down.

"Seriously, I did run into that Batman once, and I wondered for a moment whether the person in that suit could be you, after all, that suit of armor does not seem to be made by ordinary people."

"Do you think I'm going to imitate a psychopath who is inferior to me in terms of wealth and intelligence? If I really want an anime character on Halloween, then my first choice is Scrooge.

Of course, if you want to play a COS show, I can also build a similar set for you, at least my design will be much better than your last century-style theme suit, if you had listened to my advice, you would definitely be more famous than the last Captain America. "

"Hey! The reason I'm not famous is simply because I'm doing confidential work! And this suit is a continuation of my father's design, I am very satisfied! "

By the time Sharon, who had been completely brought into Tony's rhythm, suddenly woke up, the unique domes and towering minarets of Afghan architecture could be faintly seen outside the window.

And Tony, who was pouring his first few cocktails, muttered under his breath after seeing the scorching sun outside the window and the occasional low shrub and sparse vegetation in the desert:

"Again, I don't lend you my sunscreen."



Ten minutes later, Tony and Sharon's plane landed at Kabul airport, and three minutes later, Raza had received the news.

He personally led the team to Zaina's camp and came to look for Peter and the others, but when he arrived at the camp, he found that Peter was staying in a shed with Zaina and Wanda and Pietro, sitting around a rough and simple map, and Peter was pointing to the map from time to time and asking Zaina what he wanted.

When Raza approached, he heard Peter discussing Tony Stark's route to the airport.

Although he understood that Peter had somehow learned of Tony Stark's arrival in Afghanistan, he couldn't help but say excitedly:

"He's here! He's on this land right now, and I'm already arranging manpower now, but now you have to give me some specific information!" "

Peter naturally has no specific intelligence, after all, it is impossible to specifically explain where Tony was attacked in the movie, let alone where they chose to conduct a weapon demonstration.

Now Peter can only release all the crows at his disposal to carry out large-scale reconnaissance, and Tony's whereabouts are the focus of attention.

As early as before Tony's plane landed, Peter's crow had already begun tracking Tony.

But although Peter has been able to confirm the location of Tony's weapon display, he still has no idea where to ambush, and because there are so many routes to choose from, Peter can only calculate an approximate idea now.

In the movie, the reason why the Ten Rings Gang can learn about Tony's route is only because of the betrayal of Obadiah Steinney, the real controller of the company.

But here it is clear that the plot development is completely different, in this world, as Tony's father's best friend, Obadiah seems to have no reason to betray and kill Tony.

What's more headache is that Tony's entourage is not his friend James Rhodes at all, but Captain America, who has only one face, and Peter even suspects that Roddy is not Tony's friend in this world.

It can be said that the defensive strength around Tony has increased by more than ten times in an instant, although there is nothing special about Captain America's strength, but the army that can deal with ordinary people can be one enemy and a hundred, if it is the Captain America in Peter's impression, even in the face of a large number of mechanical troops, I am afraid that he will not lose.

And this Captain America, whose equipment has been fully upgraded, although Peter has not directly fought him, can probably judge that her strength is not much different from the American team in the movie, and her equipment is more powerful than the American team in the movie.

Although her new triangular shield lacks the iconic shield ejection of Captain America in the movie, it does add a versatile war spear that can shoot lasers from far and near.

That laser spear can penetrate the skin of Dr. Connors' enhanced version of the lizardman form without hindrance when fully charged, so it should not be difficult to penetrate the front armor plate of an ordinary tank.

If Captain America really chooses to accompany him throughout the process, then all his plans will be in vain, and Iron Man will disappear into this world.

This plot can also be regarded as a complete storm...

Peter recalled the armed forces controlled by Laza, if he wanted to rob Tony, then he could only find a way to lure Sharon away, otherwise let alone rob Tony, it was unknown whether the troops sent would return.

But Raza didn't care so much, he saw that Peter was still staring at the map, and his face immediately became gloomy without the slightest response to his request, and he walked a few steps quickly to Peter and warned in a low voice:

"I've been tolerant enough with you, if you don't show some sincerity..."

Several soldiers behind Raza immediately raised their muzzles in understanding, and Peter raised his head and glanced at Laza.

"You're early, too, Laza."

After casually saying hello, Peter finished calculating the information in his brain for the last time, and after thinking for a moment, he picked up the pen with some hesitation to draw a circle on the map, but was stopped by Zaina and replaced it with a branch, after all, this map is one of Zaina's most valuable strategic resources.

Peter simply threw away the branch and drew a circle on the map with his finger, while Zaina looked at the area drawn by Peter and subconsciously said:

"Here it is... Kunar province? "

Raza also immediately saw the position that Peter had calibrated, but his face did not improve, but became more and more difficult to see.

Because the location is so sensitive, Kunar province itself is not special, it is located in northeastern Afghanistan, with a population of just over 400,000 people, but it is one of four "N2KL" provinces.

The so-called "N2KL" is the code name used by U.S. forces in Afghanistan for Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas and another area along the border of Khyber Pashtun province with rugged terrain and high levels of violence along the Duran Line.

Kunar Province is the centre of the N2KL region.

This is the so-called high-risk area, both for the U.S. military and for terrorists like them.

The inherent complexity of forces here, combined with the border with Pakistan, can be said to further exacerbate the chaos here.

While chaos makes it easier for them to fish in troubled waters, chaos also means that this is a key area for U.S. forces, and launching an attack against U.S. forces here is tantamount to jumping in a minefield.

Peter just nodded slightly, and finally came to a conclusion after comparing all the intelligence information one by one in his mind for the last time, and he lightly tapped his finger where he had circled before.

"This is the only way to transport Tony's troops, as long as we ambush him here, we will definitely be able to take him."

Although the risk of launching an attack here is great, this is already the only place where Peter has calculated that there is any hope of success.

Chaos is a necessary element of this operation, Peter must not only take the initiative to cause chaos, but also try to lead everyone in the bureau into chaos, only the chaotic situation can make Sharon fall into the quagmire and free his hand to protect Tony.

It's just that Raza and Zaina, who don't know this, are very dissatisfied with this operation.

"You're trying to send us senseless to death!"

Zaina looked at Peter coldly, and then patted Wanda to translate for herself, but she didn't make any other moves, but waited for Peter's explanation.

After a few days of getting along, she probably saw that Peter was not the kind of little guy who could judge based on age and appearance, and although she couldn't be trusted, she still chose to give a certain amount of respect.

"Because Captain America is in the ranks, we need to draw all the local forces out to loosen the protection around Tony, otherwise we will just add another medal to the captain's chest."

Peter did not hide it, after all, once the operation started, Sharon's iconic outfit and strong combat power would be recognized sooner or later, and it was better to explain the risk in advance than to let Raza find out caught off guard at that time, otherwise Peter's fragile alliance that relied on interests would break apart in an instant.

"Captain America?"

Raza is no stranger to this, although Sharon has lost much fame compared to her father, and even now many people talk about Captain America mostly Sharon's father, but Sharon's name is more famous for many terrorists in the world and hostile organizations in the United States.

In the years of working for S.H.I.E.L.D., Sharon has not stopped fighting crime, and compared with those anonymous agents, Sharon is already very high-profile, which makes it difficult for the top management of terrorist organizations like Raza to know her.

In the end, he came in high spirits, but left only a few troops and weapons supplies, and handed over the operation to Zaina, in a sense, abandoning the operation and the transaction.

It was only after only two hours that he changed his mind.

The reason was because the troops he sent to reconnoiter and Neiying sent back a photo and a video.

What is shown in the video is a demonstration clip known as the Jericho missile.

The tremors that could be felt across the screen and the earth-shattering explosion made Raza a little delusional in addition to fear.

If you have thirty such missiles yourself, no ... Even with just five, he could conquer all of Afghanistan with it.

(End of chapter)

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