Peter held his breath and hid his body completely in the shadows, while placing the rifle with its almost empty magazine aside.

He carefully crouched in the shadows of the falling ceiling, slowly moving forward, gradually approaching an enemy.

At the moment when the other party turned his back to him, Peter stepped forward, his left hand strangled his neck, and his right hand clenched his fist and slammed into his back, the strong man's sacral vertebrae were immediately dislocated, and his lower limbs that were kicking randomly lost movement instantly.


Peter's left hand gradually tightened, while the strong man's hands waved in vain, Peter's soft voice comforted:

"Shh, the sun has set, it's all over... It's all over..."

"Hmm..." The

crisp echo was particularly harsh in such a silent environment, and several pillars of light shone almost at the moment the sound came out.

Unable to pick up the loot, Peter lowered his head and swooped several meters away to avoid being locked by the light.

But the enemy had already discovered the corpse at this time, and several people instantly formed an encirclement and continuously gathered around the corpse.

The space in the penthouse is large, but it is only a matter of time before this level of search is discovered.

And Peter, who came to the staircase, did not intend to retreat from the staircase, he lurked again, waiting for the next time to strike.

The enemy's encirclement gradually closed, and one of them walked directly past Peter, and at the moment when the other party was about to find himself, Peter rushed out and directly knocked the enemy into the wall, which was originally made of lime slabs, and even knocked out of the dent of the human form.

The other party was not deterred by this sudden attack, and even when he was about to raise his rifle and aim at Peter.

But Peter followed and pressed the opponent's rifle directly to his chest, while his right hand swung his fist horizontally, intending to solve the enemy with one blow.

But the opponent's reaction was also extremely fast, he was violently pulled up by the rifle pressed to his chest, used as a stick to protect his head, and then the rifle was shattered by Peter's huge punch.

At this time, the strong man showed a surprised expression, but the movement in his hand was not affected, and at the moment the rifle was broken, he reached for the holster and wanted to take out the pistol.

Seeing this, Peter directly pulled the strong man out of the sunken wall, and then held the strong man's right hand to take the gun with his left hand and slammed it back into the wall again.

This collision not only made the strong man's right hand press behind him, but also lost his center of gravity, not to mention pushing Peter away, it was extremely difficult to pull out his right hand.

With his left hand, Peter took the pistol from the holster of the strong man and fired two shots at the enemy's lower abdomen, then raised the muzzle against the jaw of the strong man who had lost his ability to resist and let the bullet pass through the enemy's head.

Having just solved the enemy, Peter immediately wants to shift his position so that he can repeat the trick, but the enemy's reaction is clearly beyond that of ordinary gangsters. Before Peter could

push away the enemy's corpse, another person appeared from around the corner, the other party was now ready to aim, and Peter immediately raised his left hand with the gun and quickly emptied the magazine.

The enemy had already pulled the trigger the moment he saw Peter, but after only two shots, the bullet tilted towards the ground.

Although Peter fired with a non-dominant hand, his strong physical fitness allowed him to control the weapon well, and two of the more than ten bullets hit the enemy's shoulder.

But Peter did not dare to stay for long, the rifle fire was enough to shatter the human body, and a frontal confrontation at such a close distance was no different from looking for death.

He rushed into the darkness again, while the enemy behind him screamed and continued to rush forward, and the rifle in his hand kept pouring bullets, but because his right shoulder blade was half shattered, he could not aim at all, and he was not so much shooting as venting his anger.

He followed closely behind Peter, but he lost his figure around the corner.

Then the afterglow of his vision noticed a fast-moving black shadow.

And that black shadow was the Peter he had lost.

Peter, on the other hand, had already circled behind him before the strong man could react, and then sneaked up from behind again.

His right hand directly wrapped around the strong man's neck and pulled the collar behind his left side, while his left hand went through the strong man's armpit and around the back of his neck.

A few breaths of feathers had already formed, and the strong man was powerless to resist despite the injury to his arm.

However, even if his right arm is intact, he may not be able to resist when facing Peter's already formed piece of hafeather with amazing physical fitness.

But before Peter could perform his final killing move, his heart suddenly jumped, and he immediately gave up the lock technique that had been formed and leaned back.

"Bang! Bang!

At the moment Peter dodged, a gunshot sounded, and then several bullets directly hit the position where Peter had just stood.

However, the enemy who managed to escape did not escape this calamity.

The bullet that was originally aimed at Peter directly lifted his skull, and if Peter was still standing in place, this bullet would have hit him on the chest after passing through the strong man.

Peter guessed in an instant that the shooter must be a bullseye hiding.

In the face of the sneak attack of the "final boss" in this battle, Peter instead gushed with faint excitement.

Bullseye's sneak attack allowed Peter to find his location directly.

At this time, the bullseye did not stay in the suite at all, but ran to the roof of the hotel where Gwen was before waiting for the opportunity to attack.

But Peter is not in a hurry to catch up with the roof at this time, after all... It is an international practice to prioritize clearing miscellaneous soldiers before facing the boss.

But after discovering the location of the bullseye, Peter became more and more excited.

Originally, Peter had always taken the safest and most secure assassination, but now Peter could not hold back the increasing fighting spirit, and his tactics became more radical.

Peter, who was hiding in the shadows, no longer waited for the enemy to approach at this time, but after discovering the enemy, he rushed out, and Peter, who was running with all his strength, even dragged out an afterimage, and the other party had rushed to the front before he raised his muzzle.

I saw that Peter jumped directly when he was still a few steps away from the enemy, and the whole person pounced on the enemy like Tarzan. Seeing this, the enemy,

who had lost the first opportunity, hurriedly retreated, but it was too late, Peter straddled the enemy's shoulder with one leg, while the other leg rode directly on the strong man's head through the enemy's armpit, and then Peter directly pulled the enemy to the ground with the help of the momentum.

The enemy, who was locked by the flying triangle twist, did not stop resisting, his hands threw continuous punches towards Peter's head, and after finding that his arm length was not enough, he smashed into Peter's flank.

Peter did not pay attention to the enemy's death throes, he directly reached out and touched the enemy's side waist, and sure enough, he touched the opponent's pistol.

Just as Peter was about to execute the enemy in front of him, another man rushed out.

Thanks to Peter's aggressive tactics, the remaining enemies have already mastered his position.

The strong light of the tactical flashlight made Peter subconsciously squint, and then Peter turned his body and blocked the locked enemy in front of him.

Because Peter's exposed face was so small, there was no shooting angle if he didn't wear his own people, so the enemy had to shoot around Peter.

But just by the side, he was counter-killed by Peter, who got the pistol.

Then the muzzle of the gun was reversed and it was placed on the head of the enemy, whose head was locked by himself.


Looking at the smiling Peter, he resigned himself to his last words.


Peter's legs suddenly twisted the opponent's neck with force, he didn't want to break the enemy's head at such a close distance and be drenched with brain pulp.

Because the location had been exposed, Peter did not dare to stay, he picked up the almost brand new AR-15 that was thrown aside, and then hid in a bunker and began to inspect the gun However

, Peter was slightly stunned when he took the gun to his hand and inspected it.

This gun is actually based on the AR-15 modified TTI-TR-1 ultra-light, not only that, but even the magazine is a modified PMAG magazine, with a capacity of 35 rounds.

14.5" barrel, ion key bolt, Tricikon manufactured scope, 1-6X24 rifle scope.

Even the receiver under the gun body is made of 7075 aluminum alloy, and with the lightweight front handguard, Peter can be said to be almost as light as nothing in his hand.

Even Cui Jikang's RMR red dot sight was installed on the 45-degree side rail to achieve both near and far.

After careful inspection, Peter found that even the trigger crew had been modified, and pink eye suddenly appeared.

If this gun is placed before Peter crosses over, it will definitely be regarded as a family heirloom by him, and even if it is before taxes, this gun will probably not be less than five thousand dollars.

Oh, in a sense, this can also be regarded as a necessary supply before the big war.

Peter, who had updated his weapon, was suddenly excited, and his fighting spirit climbed again.

He did not try to hide again, but jumped out of cover and walked directly to meet the remaining enemy.

The enemy who came to support was only six people at this time, seeing that Peter took the initiative to occupy the favorable terrain after the battle, hiding in a nearby bunker, each of their positions could form cover for each other, and they could directly form crossfire against Peter. If it is

an ordinary person and there is no heavy firepower, if you want to lay down this defensive position composed of six people, I am afraid that more than ten people are needed, plus there is a bullseye hidden in the shadows, I am afraid that even if hundreds of lives are piled up, it will be difficult to capture.

But in Peter's eyes, their defensive positions were too loose, and one of them, although his body was hidden behind cover, his right foot poked out.

Peter immediately seized the opportunity to directly aim for the other party's "pedicure".

"Bang bang!"

The two stable shots accurately turned the soles of the opponent's feet into a scattered blood dance, and the opponent's unsupported body directly turned out of the cover, and before he could scream, Peter accurately removed the organ that could speak.

Peter who got rid of one person first wasn't satisfied, the 2.5-pound trigger pressure, the barely recoilable shooting experience, and the perfect feel of the new weapon made him can't wait to start the next battle right away.

Seeing that one person was solved so quickly, the remaining five finally couldn't hold back, leaning out of the cover and shooting with each other.

And Peter had already aimed at the other party with the RMR red dot on the 45-degree side rail the moment one of them leaned out, and the accurate two-shot shot directly pierced the chest of the opponent.

In the face of the shooting of others, Peter no longer hides behind cover and waits for an opportunity, but runs to return fire at the other side.

On the top floor of the hotel, Bullseye silently watched the battle situation downstairs.

At this time, both the walls and furniture in the penthouse were bloodied as if they had been splashed with paint.

The debris all over the ground, the mixture of brain pulp and flesh and blood, makes people have nowhere to go.

It should obviously be a disgusting scene, but the bullseye sees beauty in it at this time.

Under his feet, blood mist and fire burst into harmony with a drumbeat-accurate explosion.

But Bullseye did not mean to assist at all, he silently stroked the lines on the gun, watching the last reinforcement being slaughtered.

Then Peter walked slowly up the stairs, his steps very slow, as if he was not afraid of the bullseye sneak attack.

And the bullseye also stood in place with a tacit understanding, silently watching Peter step by step onto the rooftop.

The first thing that catches your eye is the helmet that has almost turned into a black sphere, and if it weren't for a pointy ear, it is difficult for anyone to associate it with the Batman helmet they saw before.

Now this Batman helmet is more like the prisoner COS hood in Conan, or the prisoner's version of the Maori Lan hood.

But the bullseye did not smile at all, although the Peter in front of him was not the most powerful enemy he had ever encountered, but he was the one he respected the most.

After walking up to the rooftop, Peter carefully set aside the rifle that had been empty in his hand, it was the best weapon he had ever used, and he planned to take it away and use it when the battle was over.

Bullseye glanced at the weapon on the ground and asked dullly:

"Need to get a few more magazines?" There should still be something downstairs.

Peter shook his head, and Bullseye also took out the magazine of the pistol and removed the bullet in the chamber.

Peter raised his eyebrows and asked a little playfully,

"Do we have to give a salute and sign a life and death certificate next?"

Bullseye looked at Peter fixedly.

"No, I never cared about this formal thing, but today I don't want to tarnish this battle.

Although I don't know who you really are, you are indeed a good fighter, and you have helped me find myself, so I will use what I have learned in my life and do my best to kill you.

Then he felt a cold steel counterattack TAC1 from his belt and held it in the palm of his hand, and Peter also pulled out the only remaining Battle Tooth Dragon from his belt and held it in his hand.

The two held a "ice pick" knife and a "hammer" knife, and slowly approached each other until they both entered their respective red zones.

At this distance, the two can launch deadly attacks on each other almost instantly.


The blade of the Battle Toothed Dragon quickly popped out, emitting a pleasant trill.

And the sound is like blowing the whistle to start the game.

Peter attacked first, he stabbed almost directly into the bullseye's abdomen, without the slightest fancy, quickly and deadly.

But Bullseye was prepared, grabbed Peter's wrist and pushed it towards the sky the moment Peter struck, and then pulled down sharply to make Peter lose his balance.

At this time, the wind suddenly surged on the roof, and Peter, who had been pulled and lost his center of gravity, suddenly stumbled forward.

At the same time, Bullseye seized the opportunity, and his blade rushed to Peter's neck like a thunderbolt.

Seeing this, Peter directly leaned down, and the bullseye's blade slashed directly above his back, and the two quickly exchanged positions.

Peter, who turned around, did not stop, pressed forward again, and stabbed the other party without any fancy.

Although the bullseye had not completely turned around at this time, it had already changed its position as expected.

The "ice pick" knife was originally more suitable for defensive counterattacks because of its small attack range, and at this time, Peter's attack was dodged and revealed a huge flaw, and the bullseye immediately swung the knife towards Peter's arm. In this kind of white-bladed battle,

not only important parts are fatal, on the contrary, the arms, thighs, femurs, neck, each part is the key protection in the white-bladed battle.

Because these parts have the presence of this arterial blood vessel, once it is cut and cannot be effectively treated within three minutes, then it can basically be determined to be dead.

However, in the battle of top masters, few people pursue one-hit fatality, but prefer to constantly create wounds on the opponent's body, causing the opponent to fall into a state of constant blood loss.

And the bullseye was like this at this time, his goal was to aim at Peter's stabbed upper arm, but he did not expect that Peter's move was originally a trap. While the spurt

was dodged, Peter did not retract his arm to dodge the attack, but fiercely swung his knife-wielding right hand and smashed into the bullseye dodging the spurt.

The bullseye that the blade had swung was also unable to dodge at this time, and simply turned the target of the blade directly from the upper arm to Peter's neck.

However, Peter's attack was one step faster, and he saw that the handle of the Battle Toothed Dragon slammed into the chest of the bullseye. There was

already a window breaker at the hilt of the Battle Wounded Tooth Dragon, both hard and sharp as ordinary cones, coupled with Peter's huge strength blessing, Bullseye's heart was stopped by this blow for a second.

When Peter saw that the attack was successful, he immediately retracted the knife and stabbed again, but the target from the bottom up was the heart of the bullseye, and the bullseye immediately reached out to block, and the sharp blade directly penetrated the palm of the bullseye.

The pain of drilling the heart did not make the bullseye flinch, but instead he clenched his fists and clenched the blade, so that Peter's sharp knife could not go any further.

But Peter immediately raised his knee and slammed it towards the hilt, and immediately there was a sharp pain in the knee, but the blade was also a little closer, and it was dead against the chest of the bullseye.

The scales of victory had tilted, and Peter pushed forward again with the force he had just had, while the powerless bullseye immediately retreated, while Peter merely followed. However, in a few seconds, the bullseye

had already pushed to the edge of the rooftop, and the retreating bullseye swung the dagger in his right hand again, wanting to force Peter back, but was grabbed by Peter's left hand.

The winner is decided...

"It's over..."

Peter said softly, and then his right hand jerked forward, and the blade smoothly pierced the bullseye's heart like butter.

The bullseye looked into Peter's eyes, and Peter stared at the bullseye.

Bullseye opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but only blood gushed out of his mouth, his body completely lost its strength, and then his gradually lifeless body fell from the edge of the roof and fell into the city.


Hah..." At this time, the hotel finally returned to tranquility again, and the silent environment contrasted strongly with the roar of the gunfire just now, and a feeling of emptying the heart penetrated the chest.

Peter looked at the bullseye that had disappeared into the night, and was silent for a long time, until the sound of footsteps broke the tranquility of the hotel, and then he sighed leisurely:

"I actually... I still like that dagger..."

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