Having just robbed two gangsters, she has now made a small fortune.

The bartender immediately took the money away with a smile and served her four glasses of whiskey with ice.

“Gollum!” Jessica looked up and counted a glass of wine in one gulp.

“Little girl, drinking so much alone? How about a drink with me? ”

Suddenly, a big man walked up to her, put a pestle on the table in front of her, and asked with a smile.

He stretched out his other large hand to take away a full wine glass.

“Lay down, and, take your dirty hands off my desk!” Jessica looked at him expressionlessly.

“Don’t be so stingy, it’s not good to drink so much alone!” The big man ignored it and picked up the wine glass directly.

“I said, put it down!” Jessica narrowed her eyes.

The big man looked at her expression, and suddenly his heart was empty, and his hand stopped in mid-air.

“No, Lucas, you’re scared by a girl?”

“My God, you must not be with us in the future, Lucas, you son of a son of a son is actually afraid of a woman!”

“Drink that wine, Lucas!”

On the small table on one side, several big men immediately cajoled.

The big man named Lucas blushed, immediately picked up the wine glass, and poured it to his mouth.


Jessica wouldn’t get used to him, so she took a few punches and punched him in the stomach.

Lucaston fell to the ground in pain.

“Reward you!” Jessica caught the wine glass in his hand and poured it all over his head.

“Damn it, kill this girl!”

Seeing that his brother was beaten, several big men on the small table immediately surrounded him.

Five big men attacked Jessica.

Jessica doesn’t mind a warm-up either.

She took a boxing stance, and her seemingly pink fist was struck at great speed.

Petite fists hit the bodies of the big men.

Soon they lost their combat effectiveness.

“That’s it? That’s it! ”

Looking at the big man who fell to the ground, Jessica was triumphant.

Back at the bar, she drank twice the remaining whiskey into her stomach.

“Bartender, bring me four more glasses!” After Jessica awakens her superpowers, her alcohol intake increases dramatically.

At least a few pounds of strong wine must be required to make her drunk.

“Bartender, bartender!”

After smacking the table twice, the bartender did not respond.

Jessica frowned, turned her head, and looked at the bartender.

He stood frozen in place, not moving, looking frightened, and cold sweat on his head.

Jessica suddenly noticed that something was wrong.

She quickly turned her head.

I saw a huge bar, whether it was a dancing stripper or a gang member who came to drink.

Everyone suddenly stood still.

“Tsk, I couldn’t imagine that such a good toy could be found in a small bar!”

A man’s voice came.

Jessica fixed her eyes.

I saw a man all purple, with an interested smile on his face, looking himself up and down.

“Who are you?”

Jessica immediately looked at each other warily and prepared to attack.

The other party’s weird dress does not look like a good person.

“Introduce myself, beautiful Miss Toy, my name is Zebdia Kilgrave! You can call me – Purple Man! ”

The purple man introduced himself.

“Understood.” Jessica nodded.

In the next second, the body rushed out and punched the purple man in the face.

However, at the moment of rushing out, Jessica’s pupils slowly dilated.

His own body actually began to disobey the command!

No, it’s your own brain.

I lost control of my brain!

“Tsk, it’s violent!”

The purple man smiled and looked around Jessica.

“I like to hit people so much, let you fight enough!”

The purple man gave the order:

“Go, screw the bartender’s head off for me!”


Jessica shouted in her heart.

But every muscle in his body did not listen to the call, and could only watch himself come to the standing bartender.

Reaching out, she hugged his head in the bartender’s terrified eyes.

Twist hard.

A wave of blood rose into the sky.

“Well done! My little toy! The purple man laughed, his eyes blazing.

This superpower is definitely the most fun toy he has ever controlled!

Look at the strength of the other party, killing someone is as simple as pinching an ant to death!

For a while, countless ways to play flashed in his mind.


Jessica gritted her teeth, tears bursting out of the corners of her eyes.

I just killed an innocent person!

Although it is controlled.

But it was true that the man had been killed by himself!

She felt a heavy sense of guilt for a while.

More guilt than the lifesaver Luke Cage dying in front of himself.

After all, Luke Cage didn’t kill it himself.

“Come, let me admire your flesh!”

The purple man clapped his hands excitedly and looked at Jessica, his eyes burning.

“Little darling, take off your clothes, just like that, take them off and kill them all!”

Jessica was struck by lightning.

She was terrified, but she couldn’t control the two hands that were groping towards her body.

The buttons of her blouse were torn open by her one by one.

She burst into tears of pain.

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