“Is it possible that the dead are reborn?” Coulson was taken aback by his thoughts.

He analyzed the conversations of the NEVER squad and others to arrive at this shocking result.

However, everything is still just his speculations and inferences, and what the facts are is not clear.

But there are absolutely unknown secrets in this group of museum people.

“When they fight, they will know the truth.” Coulson looked at the never-everyone who had returned to the hotel.

They are plotting to arrest Narumi Shokichi.

And Narumi Shokichi is again Tony Stark’s friend.

New York is Tony Stark’s turf, and he will not sit idly by.

At that time, a big war is inevitable, and it will definitely be a lose-lose situation!

And in the end, it’s time for S.H.I.E.L.D. to make a move, and everything is collected!

On Coulson’s face, the smile can no longer be hidden!


Stark Industrial Building ground floor garden.

A grand cocktail party is taking place.

This was held by Stark in order to announce his return.

The reception invited a large number of celebrities.

Of course, supermodels with hot bodies of all kinds are also essential!

“Tony, I’m so happy that you’re back safe!”

Looking at the mustachioed man with two hands in front of him, Yan Tianxin smiled and stretched out his wine glass.

“Ahhh! Valiant Locust Man, thank you for your concern! Tony let go of a supermodel and touched Yan Tianxin with his wine glass.

“Your Kamen Rider armor is really cool!” Tony gave Yan Tianxin a wink.

Yan Tian’s heart was greasy, but he endured the discomfort: “How, do you want to give you a set to play?” ”

“That’s not necessary! But I’ve ordered ten sets for my bodyguards, just to give you a punch! Tony drank the wine from his glass.

“Yan, I heard that you took advantage of my disappearance to buy a large number of shares of Stark Industries?” After drinking, Tony raised an eyebrow.

“Of course! Such a good advantage, of course I will not miss it! I don’t believe you kid died in the Middle East! Yan Tianxin patted him on the shoulder and chatted casually with him.

The little secretary Izzy blocked him, angrily blocking many hot beauties who wanted to get close to him.

“It seems that I know you best!” Tony patted Yan Tianxin’s back: “However, you may have to lose money!” ”

Tony saw a large number of weapons scribbled with Stark Industries in the weapons depots of terrorists in the Middle East, in the villages and towns where they slaughtered civilians.

He understood his sin and the preciousness of life.

Even if Dr. Ethan is not dead now, he will close his weapons manufacturing department as originally planned in the plot.

He could expect that his company’s stock price would plummet!

“That’s fine, it’s just a few billion, little money!” Yan Tian said nonchalantly, looking at Yi Zhe, who was like an old hen to prevent those hot old yin from approaching, and showed a happy smile.

Tony watched his expression and his eyelids jumped.

“Dude, you don’t really want to live with your robot secretary for the rest of your life, do you? My God, you see these Bichi blocked by her, which is not better than her! Tony’s eyes glanced over Izzy and this cute type wasn’t his thing.

“You don’t understand!” Yan Tianxin raised his head in disdain.

These supermodel stars in front of him are a group of vulgar fans in his eyes!

What he likes is always beyond the world, with something unattainable by ordinary people!

Such as Izzy, such as forbidden doped bodies, such as tiger undead!

Conquering these is challenging! is fresh!

However, a layman like Tony will not understand!

Yan Tianxin felt lonely on XP.

The banquet was in full swing, the DJ played a vigorous song on the stage, and people ate and drank to their heart’s content.

At this moment, Tony, who was originally immersed in it, picked up his mobile phone, and after taking a look, his face changed instantly.

“Sorry, several, I have to go out, you guys play first!” Tony grabbed the DJ’s microphone.

After saying a word to everyone, he quickly left here.

“Jarvis! Get Mark II ready! Tony said to Jarvis as he hurried toward his office.

In the past few days since he returned, he has designed a new set of war armor.

Although it is still based on the Mark 1, it is due to differences in materials, tools, and weapons.

Plus the effects of Kamen Rider armor!

The performance of the Mark 2 is a hundred times stronger than the Mark 1!

Soon, he put on the Mark II armor, spewed flames from the soles of his feet and palms, and disappeared into the top floor of Stark Industries in the blink of an eye.

“Over here!” According to Jarvis’s positioning, Tony rushed towards his destination.

This is a remote street in Hell’s Kitchen!

At this time, screams and wails continued to come from the streets.

Crowds ran desperately through the streets.

Ordinary people, gangsters, and even an adulterant!

It’s almost all head-hugging rats!

Look closely.

Not far away, several figures are fighting fiercely!

Their destructive power is amazing, and in a single move, the surrounding buildings and trees are destroyed!

It doesn’t matter if there are ordinary people around, energy bombs and bullets fly around, turning the surroundings into really hell!

“Damn it!” Tony was a little angry for a moment.

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