“Farewell, Nazca! Farewell, Tianjin! ”

Utopia holds up the scepter, and the thunder flashes is about to end Nazca’s life!

“Oops, Nazca estimates…” Matt and the others fell silent, and Coulson was also a little moved.

But everyone can only watch as Utopia executes Nazca in public!

The eye of the storm is about to fall!

At this time, a yellow lightning bolt shot rapidly from the air!

“Is that a bird? Is that an airplane? That’s Locust Man! ”

With the cheers of the people, Yan Tianxin, who turned into Kamen Rider 01, fell from the sky.

At great speed, he kicked at Utopia’s scepter, directly interrupted its attack, and then lifted Nazca’s body with one hand and came to the side.

“Who are you!” Utopia’s face was gloomy, looked at Yan Tianxin, and asked.

“Who am I? You ask them! Yan Tianxin clasped his hands in front of his chest.

“He’s Locust Man! He is a hero of New York! ”

“He is Kamen Rider 01, the defender of social order!”

“He is the president of Tianxin Intelligence, our famous twin star in New York!”

“He is the inventor of Shumakia, our genius scientist!”

Soon, Utopia had many answers.

“Oh! Yan Tianxin, I’ve heard this name! Utopia nodded, and then sneered: “But, no matter who you are, in front of me, there is only a dead end!” ”

“Oh? Is it! I used to get in the way of many people, and they all told me that, but now they are gone. Yan Tianxin carried his hands behind his back and stood proudly.

“The biggest difference between me and those people is… I never tell lies! A chill flashed in Utopia’s eyes, and his figure burst out!

Lightning and thunder are coming!

Yan Tianxin stood up proudly, but as soon as he pressed the button on his belt, he was hit by these lightning thunderbolts.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the ruins and did not get up for a long time.

Onlookers: “…”

S.H.I.E.L.D. agent: “…”

Street heroes: “…”

Isn’t it, you forced the grid so high, and you lost it all at once?

Suddenly, the golden body of Locust Man had signs of shattering in everyone’s mind!

“Ahem, careless! Sneak attack, huh? ”

After half a minute, Yan Tianxin finally jumped out of the ruins.

His hand went behind him, and he didn’t know where he took it!

A brand new program sublimation key appeared in his hands!

This is a combination of “Assault Grip” and “Shining Locust Program Sublimation Key”

into the “Shining Assault Locust Program Sublimation Key”.

Can transform him into a shining assault locust form!

Press the switch of the program sublimation key!



Take out the High Leaping Locust Program Sublimation Key and insert the new Shining Assault Locust Program Sublimation Key into your belt.



Warning, warning!

Thisisnotatest (this is not a test drill)!


ShiningAssault Hopper!

Nochanceofsurvivingthisshot (No hope of survival, a desperate blow!) )

A huge locust jumped out of his belt, turning into shattered armor and instantly covering his body!

Right now, Yan Tianxin’s Kamen Rider 01 armor has undergone tremendous changes.

Although it is still in the basic form, there are many hideous edges and corners on the body!

A sci-fi lens appeared in his chest!

The facial armor also looks even more killing!

“So handsome! Is this the upgraded form of the 01 armor? Sure enough, it’s more handsome! ”

“With upgraded armor, you must be able to win Utopia, definitely?”

“Mr. Yan, you will definitely win! Come on! ”

The audience immediately cheered enthusiastically.

Locust Man has a lot of popularity, and now seeing his upgraded form, people are naturally very excited!

And Nick Fury and other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were also shocked.

The technology embodied in this set of armor made them even more headaches, and they didn’t know how to chase it!

What kind of brain does Yan Tianxin have!

And what level has Tianxin Intelligence’s current technology reached?

He suddenly had a deeper jealousy of Tianxin Intelligence than utopia!

“Mr. Yan, come on!” Jessica shouted excitedly.

The last time she was injured in the grove and was on the verge of death, it was Yan Tianxin who brought her to the Tianxin Intelligent Building for treatment.

Resuscitated her from death!

The more than half a month of living in the Tianxin Intelligent Building was the most comfortable half a month for Jessica!

Moreover, not a penny was collected!

At the time of discharge.

Jessica also touched Yan Tianxin and thanked him.

At that time, Yan Tianxin’s words, she will never forget!

“As street heroes, you protect the masses regardless of gains and losses, so hard and so dangerous!

I owe it to you to keep this city from being so dark!

After that, you take this card, and in all Tianxin Smart stores, you can get a three-fold discount on consumption! ”

Jessica almost cried!

She hid the card tightly and loved it as an heirloom!

Although, Tianxin Smart’s goods, she can’t afford to buy them with three discounts!

(Listed tomorrow, I hope everyone who likes to watch will contribute a subscription, thank you!) In addition, I still ask for flowers, monthly passes and so on! )

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