Chapter 79 Museum Envoy!!

“Hello, is it S.H.I.E.L.D.? I am an envoy of the museum, yes, to exchange for ours! ”

Early in the morning, a sudden phone call woke up S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

But hearing the voice on the other end of the phone, the anger of the agents suddenly turned into surprise!

The mysterious museum organization from across the ocean has arrived!

After some discussion within S.H.I.E.L.D.

The trading location was set in a hotel.

Nick Fury, Coulson leads, Hawkeye Clinton and Agent Hill lead people in charge of security.

Several people arrived at the reserved hotel early and waited for each other’s arrival.

“What kind of person will your envoy be?”

In the hall, only Nick Fury sat alone at the table.

Coulson and other agents took Tianjin and the others and waited in a room not far away.

Coulson is responsible for psychological construction of the members of the Never squad these days.

But the rest of the people’s tempers were so smelly that almost no one paid attention to him except Tianjin.

Fortunately, Tianjin should have a better temper and a good person.

Coulson and Tianjin should chat and chat, and they are familiar with each other a lot.

“To be honest, this is the first time I’ve heard the museum have the title of envoy! It is estimated that so many never-inhabited 253 members are being held, and the museum is also a little anxious. ”

Tianjin Yu shrugged his shoulders.

“Then can’t we make a sky-high price?”

Coulson’s eyes lit up.

“It’s better not to, and museums are not complaining. Although the Never team members are precious, if the museum spends a lot of money to cultivate, it can also cultivate a lot.

You guys want Gaia memory, I guess it’s a little difficult. ”

Tianjin should say casually.

“I see.”

Coulson nodded and drank in greeting.

Time passes minute by minute.

Finally, at ten o’clock in the morning, no more, no less, a young and beautiful figure entered everyone’s sight.

She was in her early twenties, very cute, with dimples on her face and dressed in a girly suit.

As soon as she entered, she attracted the attention of many men in the restaurant.

After all.

Caucasian women, the most girly age is around the age of fourteen, and then matures quickly.

This kind of girl who can maintain a girlish feeling in her twenties can only be found in the East!

Watching Yuan Lian Ruona sit in front of Nick Fury, who was blind and still a black man.

Many men feel pity.

“You are the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.? Hello, my name is Yuan Ruona, and I am the special envoy of the museum to this negotiation! ”

Yuan Ruona stretched out a hand and smiled, her two dimples filled with sunlight.


Even though Nick Fury was hard-hearted, he was infected by this sunny smile and shook her hand.

“So, let’s get down to business! What do you want for me to bring them back? ”

The garden is straight to the point.

“It depends on your sincerity!”

Nick Fury said: “If your sincerity is not high, it is still not a problem for S.H.I.E.L.D. to raise a few idlers!” Team Eve, all of good quality, meets our S.H.I.E.L.D. signature standards. ”

“I heard, you guys really want Gaia memory?”

Yuan Lian Ruona looked at Nick Fury.

“Yes, we need the power of Gaia’s memory.”

Nick Fury doesn’t deny it.

“Look at these, is it enough!”

Yuan Ruona took out a small wooden box out of nowhere.

Open it lightly, it’s six Gaia memories!

“One man, one Gaia memory! What do you think? ”

Sonosaki Ruina’s face was full of confidence, and she seemed to feel stable.

Nick Fury began to look surprised, and after taking the memory to look at it, he sneered and put down the box.

“Miss Envoy, who are you getting in the lake! These Gaia memories are not available to people! It’s about special equipment to drive! ”

Nick Fury sneered.

Secretly luck in my heart.

A few days ago, in Yan Tianxin’s biological father’s bunker, they harvested several such Gaia memories.

And did relevant research.

These Gaia memories do have magical powers, but they cannot be used by people, but must be used with specific weapons.

For example, what autumn worm mobile phone, manta camera, snail telescope and so on.

Although the use value is not low, it is far worse than the normal Gaia memory!

Unexpectedly, today Sonosaki Ruona actually used this thing to get him in the lake!

Not even related equipment!

“What did you do, they told you?”

The smile on Yuan Lian Ruona’s face disappeared, and her eyebrows lifted.

It seems impossible to imagine how Nick Fury learned the news.

Her eyes looked into the room not far away, as if she suspected that there was a traitor in the never’s squad.

“We at S.H.I.E.L.D. have our own methods! Why, Miss Envoy, if you can’t come up with something more valuable, then please go home, get ready another day, and negotiate again!

Rest assured, your people, S.H.I.E.L.D. will take good care of it! ”

Nick Fury chuckled.


Yuan Lian Ruona’s face was not very good-looking.

The hand groped behind his back, and out of nowhere he touched a box.

“There are two special dopants here, and they also come with drive belts, so if you think you can, exchange them.”

Yuan Lian Ruina handed the box to Nick Fury.

Nick Fury was not afraid that the other party would harm him, and opened it directly and boldly.

Two Gaia memories, one blue and one purple, appeared in front of him.

“Accel/Speed Memory and Trial/Trial Memory! This is a newly developed memory that is extremely destructive and extremely fast!

However, they are very demanding for the user!

Suitability is only one aspect, and the user’s physical fitness must also pass! ”

Yuan Lian Wakana introduced.

“Well, I want to inspect the goods a priori!”

Nick Fury picked up two Gaia memories, waved his hand, and not far away came an agent disguised as a waiter.

He took two memories and ran to the side.

“Feel free.”

Sonosaki didn’t care.

A few minutes later, Nick Fury received a verification message in his headset.

A smile suddenly appeared on his black face.

“How, can you?”

Ruona said: “If the museum can’t find a suitable candidate, it won’t let me take out these two Gaia memories.” ”

“Of course! However, this box of Gaia memories must also be left! ”

Nick Fury looked at the box to imitate the memory.


Yuan Ruocai bit his teeth, the words reached his mouth, and he swallowed them back.

“No problem!”

She took a deep breath, seemed to calm her anger, and nodded.

“Release someone!”

Nick Fury also did not drag the mud and water, and gave the order.

Team Never doesn’t have Gaia memories and doesn’t do much for him.

If you are locked up in prison, you will be in a bad museum, and releasing them will be a must…

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