Chapter 100 So auspicious digital subscription! )!!

Colonel Phillips sorted out his mood.

He coughed lightly, moistened his throat, and continued to say to everyone: “Regarding the Strategic Science Reserve, this is composed of the elites of the alliances of various countries and the free world!

And of course, all armies have – a forerunner! After this week, we’re going to choose that person.

He will be the first, our new generation of super soldiers! ”

Colonel Phillips’ words made the eyes of all the soldiers fiery.

Then he glanced at Dior Deras, who was standing last, who was focused on by himself, and with a strong look of appreciation in his eyes, he said the last words.

“And this super soldier will personally put Adolf · XTL sent to hell! ”

Hearing this, Steve’s face suddenly showed a fiery and determined expression.

He wants to be the one who stops everything!

After the words.

Colonel Phillips left in a car, handing over the scene to Dr. Erkins and Agent Carter.

“Very good, it’s not late, you guys go to the camp first to clean up the internal affairs, come here first today!” Meet here tomorrow at six o’clock in the morning!

Disband! ”

Agent Carter ordered, and Dr. Erkins walked away.

The members of the Strategic Scientific Reserve immediately dispersed.

“Hey, Yan, what you said, if you meet me again, teach me those moves!”

Of course, Steve found Yan Rundong for the first time.

“You can actually enter the barracks!!!

Yan Rundong was obviously surprised and bizarre now.

He glanced at Steve, who couldn’t say anything.

“But I’m finally in! Can you teach me your moves? ”

Steve pestered him.

“Okay, let’s go to the dormitory and make the bed first!”

Yan Rundong said helplessly, “Then thank you!” ”

Steve was a little excited.

The two cleaned up in the dormitory for a while.

Steve was trying to go out.

“What’s wrong, little man, why don’t you go over?”

Gilmour Hodge deliberately stood in front of Steve.

The hallway of the barracks dormitory was small, and Hodge stopped in front of it, so Steve couldn’t go out.

Hodge showed a smug expression.

“Don’t be like that, Hodge, it’s not fun!”

Steve raised his head, looked at Hodge, waved his hand, and did not give in in the slightest in his eyes.

“No fun? How can there be no fun! For me, bullying you is a lot of fun! ”

Hodge looked at Steve’s appearance and was suddenly a little annoyed.

A small man, why is he so brave to look at him! Does he not know his weakness?

Hodge was angry, and he felt that he had to teach Steve a lesson.

He clenched his fist and smashed it in Steve’s face!

“Really, I didn’t beat you up at first, and you kicked your nose in the face?”

Hodge’s fist hadn’t hit Steve in the face yet.

A hand suddenly reached over and pinched his wrist.

Yan Rundong used force in his hand, came to Hodge, and looked at each other.

“Damn Hua Guoyan, let go quickly!”

Hodge grinned in pain and looked at Yan Rundong angrily.

“Damn it, what kind of confidence do you have to dare to laugh at me?”

Yan Rundong’s face instantly turned gloomy.

His hand flipped and immediately twisted Hodge’s hand.


Hodge suddenly screamed in pain.

Yan Rundong did not react to his screams.

He dragged Hodge all the way outside the barracks.

No one dared to stop him.

Yan Rundong pulled Hodge outside the barracks. A heavy punch hit Hodge in the abdomen.

Then came a stormy output.

The screaming Hodge suddenly attracted countless people to stop and watch.

“Oh, look, it’s arrogant Hodge, he’s being beaten up!”

“Haha, Hodge was beaten by a Chinese man!”

“Damn, I don’t even have a camera, take this scene and show it to Hodge later!”

Everyone laughed.

“Hey, Yan, don’t hit him again! Enough already! ”

At this time, Steve rushed up and stopped Yan Rundong.

Yan Rundong glanced at him and finally stopped.

And at the moment, Hodge has already had a blue nose and swollen face, and there is blood everywhere.

However, it is all skin trauma, it looks serious, in fact, it is good to rest for a few days.

“Thank you, Yan!”

Steve expressed his gratitude: “You hit him for me!” ”

“It’s nothing, he scolded me too!”

Yan Rundong was about to take him in.

But an angry voice came from behind him.

“Damn it, you actually dare to wipe blood and snot on my body!”

Several people turned their heads.

I saw that Hodge’s eyes were swollen and he couldn’t see the way clearly.

He groped all the way, and actually molded Diodras! Dras’s brand new military uniform was immediately stained with his blood!

Dras’s face with an evil smile instantly darkened, and he stared angrily at Hodge in front of him.

“Wait, wait! Dras, you listen to me explain! ”

Hodge immediately panicked.

Dras is a head taller than him at one meter eight five, and he has to have one meter nine five! And the muscles look strong!

He is definitely not his opponent! He immediately began to explain.

While pointing to himself, he pointed to Yan Rundong and Steve in the distance.

Seven or seven strokes, supporting myself for a long time.

“I don’t want to hear your explanation!”

Dras wanted to spew fire in his eyes, and said viciously to Hodge: “Anything of mine, your dirty hands are not allowed to touch!” ”

He actually lifted Hodge up with one hand and threw it directly at the trash can full of leftovers and garbage!

Hodge got up from the trash can embarrassedly, carried the filth, and walked quickly towards the bathroom.

He didn’t dare to come out loudly, looking very pitiful.

But those who know him know that he deserves it! Deras, on the other hand, glanced around angrily.

It seems that the anger has not been vented, and I want to find an unlucky ghost to continue to vent.

Everyone did not dare to clash with him and immediately ran away.

Looking at the people who did not dare to oppose him, Dras’s smile returned to his face, and he seemed to have a sense of accomplishment.

“Hey, little man, come over and help me wash my clothes!”

Dras suddenly looked at Steve, who took off his clothes and threw them at the other party.

Steve didn’t answer and let his clothes fall to the floor.

“You are so bold, you actually dare not listen to me!”

Dras’s face changed instantly, and his tall and muscular body instantly came to Steve.

The figures of the two formed a sharp contrast.

He looked at him viciously and said, “You dare to disobey me? ”

Steve was undaunted and looked at him in all directions.

“Your own clothes should be washed by yourself!”

“I helped you teach Hodge a lesson, and you didn’t even do my laundry?”

Dras scolded.

“Your behavior is no different from Hodge!”

Steve looked at him without any fear in his eyes.


Without warning, Das suddenly threw a punch! The sandbag’s big fist slammed into Steve’s face!

Steve held his breath, but never dodged and his eyes didn’t blink.

“Haha, freaked out… No, little man! Why don’t you hide? ”

Dras’s fist stopped before Steve’s eyes.

He laughed, but when he saw Steve’s appearance, his face immediately changed.

“As long as you hide once, you will always hide. But as long as you face it head-on, you always have a chance to defeat the opponent! ”

Steve can say this countless times.

“Interesting, really interesting! Ha ha! ”

Dras suddenly laughed, his handsome face was full of fun, pointed at Steve, and said: “Little man, you are a little beyond my imagination, you are very good!” ”

“Please get out of the way! I’m going to fetch some water! ”

As Dellas was speaking, a figure came impatiently.

It turned out that the two were unknowingly blocked at the door.

Steve immediately got out of the way.

But Dras had a gloomy gaze.

It turned out to be Yan Rundong who had just walked in.

He carried a water bottle and came to the two with an expressionless face.

He was about the same size as the other soldiers, a head shorter than Dras.

However, his body did not look as big as the others, and he was even further away from Dras.

“Hua Guo! You actually dare to tell me to get out of the way! ”

Dellas frowned, looking at Yan Rundong, who had no fear on his face in front of him, and the corners of his mouth also hooked up a smile: “Why, do you think I won’t hit this little man, nor will I hit you?” ”

He said viciously.

“If you can hit me, come on! I will accompany you! ”

Yan Rundong’s expression still did not change.

The tone is also very relaxed, even with sarcasm and contempt.

He really didn’t take Dellas seriously!

“Very good, you are the first person in all these years who dares to speak to me like this!”

Dras’s eyes closed gently, and then quickly opened, his eyes full of fierce killing intent: “Then, let me see, Hua Guoren, where does your confidence come from!” ”

Dras said to do it, and hit Yan Rundong’s chin with a quick and fierce underhook.

Yan Rundong always seemed to have this disapproving expression on his face.

He looked at the other party’s rapid fist, just turned his face slightly, and dodged.

But Das is not weak either!

He obviously trained professionally!

A set of combination punches was used perfectly, and the fast fists smashed towards Yan Rundong like raindrops!

Although Yan Rundong is smaller than Dras, he is much more flexible.

His steps are brisk and very beautiful!

Between dodging left and right, Dellas didn’t hit him with a single punch!

“If you come again, I’ll have to move the real thing!”

Yan Rundong looked at the other party’s unforgiving movements, and finally had a trace of impatience on his face.

“That’s good, because I’m going to move the real thing too!”

Dras sneered.

He seemed to no longer converge, and his fists became more and more powerful!

Yan Rundong no longer hides it.

He kicked his left leg to the ground, made a beautiful roll in the air, and kicked his right foot into Dras’s chest.

Dellas was kicked firmly by this menacing kick, and his body involuntarily took three steps back, but quickly stabilized his figure.

“Kind of interesting! Hua Guo, what kind of martial arts are you? ”

Dras’s eyes immediately had a hint of solemnity!

Thanks to his thick skin!

If it were an ordinary person, it is estimated that the ribs would be broken after this kick.

“Kung Fu.”

Yan Rundong’s voice just fell, the momentum advanced again, both hands punched, one left and one right, rigid and soft, like two dragons.

Dellas made a hug and punched his body a few times, but it didn’t hurt

He also took the opportunity to swing his fist, looking at Yan Rundong who dodged, his fist turned into a palm again, and slashed vertically at his back.

Obvious karate.

Yan Rundong’s reaction was very sensitive, and his palm kept stopping

Block Dras’s wrist, so that his fists and palms cannot enter in front of him.

But his strength is weaker than Dras!

Dellas resisted his fist hard, wanted to get closer to him, and then beat him up! Yan Rundong saw his intentions and knew his disadvantages.

Always keep your distance from Deras!

But soon, he found himself in a corner!

His eyes froze, and he immediately squatted down and put his hands on Deras’s waist.

Dras’s fist slammed into his back!

And the thumbs of his palms stretched out and smashed hard into Deras’s kidneys!


Both of them cried out bitterly, obviously both were hurt a lot! It stopped for a few seconds.

The two looked at each other, and instead of a truce, an even more ferocious battle broke out!

Yan Rundong bullied himself up, and the output of a violent storm. Dras clasped his head in his hands and dodged with his boxing steps.

Yan Rundong’s hands made an afterimage in the air!

Or into a palm, or into a fist, or into a finger, it quickly dotted all over Dras’s body, and the last blow hit him the top of the head!

Dellas is not far behind.

The powerful fist struck Yan Rundong’s body from time to time.

The two have come and gone, very lively!

Many people heard the sound and gathered around.

Looking at the two who fought fiercely, they both let out various exclamations.

Obviously, the level of fighting between these two is astounding!

“Farke, these two goods are so fierce, I am suddenly under a lot of pressure!”

“It seems that it is very difficult for martial arts to surpass these two! It can only rely on marksmanship. ”

“Who do you think will win? It should be Dras, although Yan’s skills are sufficient, his strength is much weaker than Dlas! ”

“I think it’s Yan! Dras’s physical exertion is great, while Yan’s body is small and consumes less! Now it seems that if it lasts a little longer, it should be Yan Win! ”

“It’s better for both of them to hit each other’s point and die together!”

Hodge, on the other hand, came out of the washroom pitifully.

Although the blood and stains on his body were washed away, what could not be washed away was his wounds and self-esteem!

Seeing that the battle between the two was approaching a fever pitch, an angry voice sounded from a distance.

“What do you want to do!”

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